Warm: Bioshock & Bioshock 2 for $4.99

Both are great games.
Bioshock 1 is my favorite game ever. If you haven't played them it is totally worth it.
I picked up the bundle just to finish Bioshock 2. Sold Bioshock 1 here on harforum as I alreadi have it/ finished it.
hmm no sure it was ever broken... i played through all of bioshock 1 and 2 on windows 7 64bit no problem.
Bioshock 1 works one of my computer with Win7 32bit onboard sound), but I couldn't get it to work on my normal Win7 64bit machine (has an X-fi). I tried very trick but had no luck. Didn't feel like messing with sound cards or installing cameras.
I never had a problem with Bioshock 1 on a Win 7 64 machine.
I got through both Bioshock I and II without a hitch on Windows 7 32. They're great games!
Bioshock i played on windows 8, but bioshock 2 wouldn't play on windows 7 or windows 8.
I got through both Bioshock I and II without a hitch on Windows 7 32. They're great games!

Actually, now that I think about it, Bioshock 2 was a pain in the ass to get going. I tried using offline mode, and that crashed constantly. So I had to break down and get a Windows Live account and use that. And even that was a PITA. I had to finally call XBOX technical support (yes, for Windows) and they got me going. Once I did get going, the game ran flawlessly :)