warm? D-Link DGL-4300 $79.99 shipped at FRY's No rebate

Good find! I've been contemplating getting one of these, but what I have has been working flawlessly for over 2 years. This low price makes it hard to resist, though!
have you use the feature that it offer? I bought it awhile back and return it because I really notice any kind of difference...
I had issues with the one I puchased. It would reboot randomly. Returned it. Same issue with #2. Returned it. Bought a linksys. Yay.
Bah I can't decide whether to jump for this or save my money and get the Buffalo WHR-G54S for $25 AR. only one of my computers has a gig port, so that doesn't really make a difference in file transfers. I need to know which works better with old 802.11b computers connected wirelessly.
Gigabit does make it a good buy. Does someone have any feedback regarding functionality and features? Is the wireless connectivity good or does it drop you often?
I know there are mixed reviews on this product all over.

The GameFuel packet shaping feature isn't nearly as useful as you would imagine. If you play WoW or an RTS game it might help you quite a bit. For FPS games where ping really does matter, it won't save you. It also works better as your upload bandwidth increases (it only manages the upstream). I have a 10/1mbit connection, and it was noticable but it doesn't make you able to play while running high amounts of downloads/uploads.

The other features are very nice, such as the automatic DynDns dynamic IP changer, the wireless setup wizards (for those people who don't know as much about setting things up as some of us nerdy folk) and the stability has been amazing.

On another note -- Update that firmware! The router was constantly rebooting for me, but when I upgraded problems went away instantly.

Over all, I reccomend it. It can handle a really high load on the wireless and gigabit pots and not flinch at all. In my house we have a total of 9computers, 5 of which are wirelessly connected.
I have had this for awhile now and I can say that it does work pretty damn good.
really like my dgl but don't look directly at the blue led's for long ... they might blind you,
as bright as my sunbeam rheostat.
Well...I just had to get one. I dont really need it...just thought it would be nice to have and maybe upgrade from my Netgear 54Mbps.
really like my dgl but don't look directly at the blue led's for long ... they might blind you,
as bright as my sunbeam rheostat.

QFT, one con of it, the LED's are not diffused and they are BRIGHT as hell
Well i bit. Im sick of only having 2 bars of connectivity on Xbox live. Old router is a Lynksys 2.4ghz one. I should see a difference with this new router right???
This is a very good deal.
I have one of these that I use as my core-router. The configurability is really nice and it's an easy router to manage.

As for porformance, you will likely not see a huge difference with gamefuel enabled unless you are in a multi-user environment with several machines using the internet at once.

If however, you are like me transcoding a lot of large video-files and doing regular back-up to a NAS, the gig ports are lifesavers.
I have one of these, and for the first 2 months it was damn impressive. Now even after numerous hardware resets and firmware flashes, gamefuel doesn't work at all. Even someone browsing the internet plays hell on my ping. It's actually worse then a $50 Lynksys.
anyone use bittorent with one of these? kind of tired of playing with m0n0..ect..ect.
This router's strength is being able to handle more simultaneous threads while maintaining throughput than almost every other consumer router on the market.

This is a quality piece of equipment. It can handle many open BT downloads simultaneously from multiple PCs without flinching.
im tempted to buy one for home so i dont have to use the ghetto cheap router/modem combo on my dsl