WARM: Dual-Core Opteron 165 @NewEgg for $154 CCBBE @ 2.7GHz +

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Well, I think I'm going to go for the Opteron 175. My G.SKILL DDR 400 RAM maxes out at DDR 428. The PC won't boot after that. So, maybe the higher multiplier with the 175 will make overclocking easier. It's only a $25 difference anyway.
What's the stock voltage?
How much can do you at 1.475v?

Stock is 1.35V, but my bios & utilities read it as 1.41V. At + 0.125V setting they're reporting 1.50V already under load, and 1.54V at idle. Don't want to push it much higher.
Well, I think I'm going to go for the Opteron 175. My G.SKILL DDR 400 RAM maxes out at DDR 428. The PC won't boot after that. So, maybe the higher multiplier with the 175 will make overclocking easier. It's only a $25 difference anyway.

Yeah, I would have done that in hindsight, although I'm not sure it would help me - I tried a DDR 333 divider, and it didn't help. Would 1:1 help (DDR400)? Maybe, maybe not.
Well, I think I'm going to go for the Opteron 175. My G.SKILL DDR 400 RAM maxes out at DDR 428. The PC won't boot after that. So, maybe the higher multiplier with the 175 will make overclocking easier. It's only a $25 difference anyway.
Just set a divider, the performance difference will be little to none.
^--- No because Tom's Hardware is a n00b site, he's a known biased writer.

Who is a known biased writer? Please be specific. And let us know if he wrote the article that was referred to.

I meant as a whole the website is biased.

Then point out the bias in the links that were given above. If THG is so biased, what does that say about the rest of the HW review sites that basically have the same benchmarks and make the same general conclusions? When [H] was hot in AMD, so was THG. When THG said Core2 was the way to go, so did [H] and Anandtech, and Extremesys and everyone else. Over the years, they've gone back and forth on what brand of video card was the best (which is where, as I recall, the original cries of bias came from).

They're not perfect, but none of these sites are. Some of the sites that are linked to on [H] give reviews that are beyond useless and far worse than almost anything I've seen on THG (though I've seen some audio reviews on THG that are complete and utter crap). I've seen [H] links to reviews of PSUs that basically said "it looks good" and "it worked."

The bottom line is there ain't no bias in the link that was given, and I doubt you can find a better resource for comparing a wider variety of cards with various games (or CPUs in first THG link). I will say that they knocked off a bunch of games and older cards in the last 6 months (added some as well), and I think that was a mistake, as the 2006 roundup should only add cards and benchnmarks, not drop older cards and benchmarks. If they can't rebenchmark the older cards (or it was already obvious that they were hopelessly outdated), then don't display those cards for a given test.

The bottom ine is that other sites are great if you've got to have the latest hardware all the time. The 8800 will get compared to the previous top Nvidia card and the top ATI card in almost every review. If you've got a 2-3 year old card, you're probably SOL. That even held true in most reviews of the 7600 and 7900 cards. I often didn't see a X800XL (or GTO, which I guess is close enough) in those reviews.

So are those pages biased, or is the bias yours?
Tom's Hardware was heavily criticized for accepting some bribes and had a few biased reviews... 4 YEARS AGO

Now, back on TOPIC.

Opteron 170 is like $35 more, although it is also reported CCBBE

My suggestion is to get the 165 for the same performance and do some basic algebra.
Dividers should not be a problem speed if there is no fraction leftover.

For example, I'm currently running at 10x 294 fsb with my memory divider at 5/6, yielding to perfectly stable 245MHz on my ram.
My suggestion is to get the 165 for the same performance and do some basic algebra.
Dividers should not be a problem speed if there is no fraction leftover.

For example, I'm currently running at 10x 294 fsb with my memory divider at 5/6, yielding to perfectly stable 245MHz on my ram.

Could you explain that better? You mean if it was 245.36 or something there are stability problems?
Tom's Hardware was heavily criticized for accepting some bribes and had a few biased reviews... 4 YEARS AGO

Now, back on TOPIC.

Opteron 170 is like $35 more, although it is also reported CCBBE

My suggestion is to get the 165 for the same performance and do some basic algebra.
Dividers should not be a problem speed if there is no fraction leftover.

For example, I'm currently running at 10x 294 fsb with my memory divider at 5/6, yielding to perfectly stable 245MHz on my ram.

It's only $25 more :). I bit, I think I may be able to overclock a little more successfully with the 175, given the higher multiplier, because my RAM sucks. I wasn't able to achieve a great overclock on my 146 because my Opteron 146 wouldn't stay stable past 2.6 GHz and I'd have to set a higher divider on the RAM to get 2.6, which would make the RAM run at like 166 MHz :rolleyes:, so I had to bring it back down to 2.5.

My RAM overclocks like crap, so maybe the higher multiplier will give me more options to work with to getting the best overclock. Besides, it was only $25 more, an awesome deal for a 175. Once I get the CPU, I'll leave a review and possibly post here on the stepping. I will have my PSU RMA'd next week, so I may not get around to installing it for a bit.
FWIW, I ordered on the 28th and received a CCBBE 0616 xpmw. It does 2.8 at 1.4 volts, 32 hours dual prime and stable. I may be able to lower the volts but I can't raise them. I'm on a cheap asrock dual-sata2 board. Temps are good at 41C under load. I'll stick with this setup until ddr2 gets more affordable.
FWIW, I ordered on the 28th and received a CCBBE 0616 xpmw. It does 2.8 at 1.4 volts, 32 hours dual prime and stable. I may be able to lower the volts but I can't raise them. I'm on a cheap asrock dual-sata2 board. Temps are good at 41C under load. I'll stick with this setup until ddr2 gets more affordable.
Where did they ship yours out from, Mines coming from Cali so I am hoping for a ccbbe.
Well, the Opteron 175 deal has expired. Apparently they ran out of stock on the OEM 175's, so they removed them from Newegg. I luckily put in my order a couple of days ago; I knew that availability was going to get bad.

For the record, it was $179 :).
ok i bit an just bought the 165 before they were gone like the 175's. I'll post stepping when it comes in.......
FWIW, I ordered on the 28th and received a CCBBE 0616 xpmw. It does 2.8 at 1.4 volts, 32 hours dual prime and stable. I may be able to lower the volts but I can't raise them. I'm on a cheap asrock dual-sata2 board. Temps are good at 41C under load. I'll stick with this setup until ddr2 gets more affordable.
If you want to raise the volts with the asrock, it takes a little work link
This is certainly a better deal than the $319 I paid for mine a year ago.

yep, same here:( was running the same neo2 as well until recently(was a turd until I installed sideffects bios)
Yay, I got my Opteron 175 in today. Extremely fast shipping on Newegg, they rock. I'm also excited about the stepping...


The only bad part is that I won't even be installing this CPU until next week. I'm RMA'ing my crappy Antec SmartPower 500W PSU and shipping it out tonight :(.

Whenever I get it installed and overclock, I'll make a thread with my results.

CPU: Opteron 175 (upgraded from Opteron 146)
RAM: G.SKILL 2GB (2 x 1GB) DDR 400 (read heat spreader)
Motherboard: MSI K8N Neo4-F (PCB 1.0)
HSF: Zalman 7000 Copper LED
In for a 165. I think these processors will start to get hard to find soon. I wanted to have one on hand to check out dual core performance without upgrading my mb and ram. (socket939 mb and ddr400 ram currently) I am hoping for a good stepping.....

got mine in today. didnt get the magic stepping, its a [SIZE=-1]LCB9E 0646RPMW. running orthos at 300x9 now, with 1.4 actual volts. temps are much higher than my 146, so we shall see.
Gotta pick mine up in an hour then I will post the stepping info up. Mine shipped from cali so I am hoping for the best.
I ordered on Wednesday Night, I'm still waiting WTH gives Newegg. TN to AZ?? Usually they use CA.
I ordered on Wednesday Night, I'm still waiting WTH gives Newegg. TN to AZ?? Usually they use CA.

my last two were shipped from TN.
one does 2.7ghz on stock voltage, the other does 2.97ghz at 1.475 volts. :D
Gah, me thinks me needs new Mobo / PC4000 ram.

I can't get mine past 260 FSB w/ 9x mult to post on my Asus A8V Deluxe (on 2x 1GB Corsair XMS) despite setting HT to 600, increasing volts, and mem to 266.

Makes me wonder if I should've kept my FX-55 single core...
Well looks like I hit the lotto again, ccbbe 0617fpmw shipped out from California. :D Time to shoot for 3g's dual style.
has anyone hit 3ghz via 939 on air? if so what're the temps+steppings? thx.

i think the majority of 3ghz+ o/ced opteron users are on water. there might be a very few on air.
im running a 165(ccbbe609fpmw) @2.9 ghz with a zalman cnps9500 on a a8n32-sli.
load temps sometimes hit 54-56c depending on the ambient temp. most of the time its around 49-50c though.

this is in a HTPC case. i havent tried pushing it any further because its just my htpc/lan comp...
I ordered on Wednesday Night, I'm still waiting WTH gives Newegg. TN to AZ?? Usually they use CA.

i wish i got mine from TN to here (AZ) all the TN ones are the good ones, the ones from CA suck i guess, i got some wierd ass stepping not worth writing down cause its so horrible :eek:..

dont worry, be happy, it will most likely be worth the extra wait ;)
What did you get form your RMA replacement?

I should have my replacement tomorrow. 2 weeks down from dual core, back to the Opteron 148...it's killing me.
I bit, and got it the next day (shipped from NJ to NY...WOOT newegg)

and to my surprise I got a ccbbe 0617xpmw ..... YAY:D :D
i think the majority of 3ghz+ o/ced opteron users are on water. there might be a very few on air.
im running a 165(ccbbe609fpmw) @2.9 ghz with a zalman cnps9500 on a a8n32-sli.
load temps sometimes hit 54-56c depending on the ambient temp. most of the time its around 49-50c though.

Yeah I am at 2.91ghz with mine as well. I have the Scythe Ninja, Ninja Scythe still an awesome heatsink (though big)

I DID get mine to post @ 3.1ghz, but my ram was the problem there. I replaced my ram with some OCZ stuff to go to 2gbs and i could only get it to post at 3.0ghz with it (i could run the actual higher fsb without the divider at 1/3.)

If i water cooled, i think i could get 3.0-3.1ghz on my chip easy.

Honestly, the 165 has been the best chip ive owned. Its as good as my 300a back in the day :p
I have a stock 3200+ Venice 2.0 GHz CPU (single core, of course). I kind of feel it's like going backward buying a stock 1.8 GHz CPU (granted, this one is dual-core). If I didn't OC and if my apps didn't take advantage of both cores, wouldn't my Venice be faster? I should probably ask this in the AMD sub-forum.
well shit.:mad:

stepping: LCB9E 0646RPMW :(


"You gotta know when to hold'em, know when to fold'em................."
hmm.. this is really tempting. been wanting to upgrade my system for awhile. i'm running a 3200 venice overclocked to 2.5ghz. do you guys think this is worth the upgrade?
hmm.. this is really tempting. been wanting to upgrade my system for awhile. i'm running a 3200 venice overclocked to 2.5ghz. do you guys think this is worth the upgrade?

hellz yeah its worth it.
most of the opty 165s can do at LEAST 2.7 ghz now...
you would be beating your old processor speed plus have dual core.
jump on this deal before the supply runs out!
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