Warm, Logitech G15 Keyboard


Limp Gawd
Feb 10, 2007
Best Buy has it for $59.99. I had a $20 gift card there and picked one up. Its sweet other then trying to get used to typing on a new Keyboard.

Best Buy

Newegg is at $72. There price just came down from $79.
This sounded like a good deal... but then ground shipping is $5.50 and tax is $4.58 (if you have a Best Buy in your state, and you probably do, you'll have tax applied). This brings the grand total up to $70.07. Not very warm in my book, I'll gladly pay an extra $2 to get Newegg's service and shipping.
Well im from Oregon and we dont have sales Tax. I didnt even think of that since we dont have it.. Sorry Guys.
Best Buy also has a Buy 1 Get a second at 25% off deal for some Logitech stuff, including the G15. If you buy 2 you can save another $15 or so.
(Deal really good if you can find someone to split it with who also wants one.)

Deal details here.
Pretty good deal, especially with the buy one get 25% off another product, get a nice mouse while your at, it doesn't say you have to buy two of the same thing.
If you get a G15, run over to LCDStudio.com and get their freeware application to allow you to easily build screens for the LCD display. Great stuff and there are a bunch of existing config files around the web to put interesting stuff on the LCD.

I have time/date/screen resolution, local weather conditions, Processor use for both cores, cpu and MB temps, FRAPS fps, internet up/down along with a graph of download speeds.

Wouldn't want to work without it.

Best Buy also has a Buy 1 Get a second at 25% off deal for some Logitech stuff, including the G15. If you buy 2 you can save another $15 or so.
(Deal really good if you can find someone to split it with who also wants one.)

Deal details here.

Thanks mate for the info, I picked up two G15's today using that discount. 55 bucks each out the door after taxes.

Decent deal! A buddy of mine was looking to pick one up so we split the cost.
not a bad deal, i got it for around $20, but that was using giftcard and bestbuy bucks... (orginal price was $50)....

but IMO, the keyboard is way over rated... it might help for ppl that play MMO's or even RPG's.. but for ppl that just play FPS's... no using getting it...

the screen is helpful, keeping stats, time, pc usage, etc (you can download other programs from the web).....

its a decent deal at this price, but anything over is just way to much..
too bad staples doesn't carry anymore g15 in my local stores... or I coulda use the 15 off 75 coupon + pm... :mad:
its a great keyboard, I only wish they made a "natural" style one.The only negative is that they keys wear off the letters, I cant see my D or E anymore
its a great keyboard, I only wish they made a "natural" style one.The only negative is that they keys wear off the letters, I cant see my D or E anymore

The wearing off of keys is a known issue with some of the earlier ones. If you call Logitech support, it is quite possible that they may send you a new one. When this happens, you don't normally have to send in your old one, so you may end up having a spare.
not a bad deal, i got it for around $20, but that was using giftcard and bestbuy bucks... (orginal price was $50)....

but IMO, the keyboard is way over rated... it might help for ppl that play MMO's or even RPG's.. but for ppl that just play FPS's... no using getting it...

the screen is helpful, keeping stats, time, pc usage, etc (you can download other programs from the web).....

its a decent deal at this price, but anything over is just way to much..

What about programming key macros in BF2142? One button grenades for example.

The only reason I've been eyeing this keyboard is the possibility of a one button grenade toss that automatically switches back to my main weapon afterwards.
The wearing off of keys is a known issue with some of the earlier ones. If you call Logitech support, it is quite possible that they may send you a new one. When this happens, you don't normally have to send in your old one, so you may end up having a spare.

They now require the old one back before they ship out the replacement.
I had 2 of our replaced in November since one died and they both had the paint coming off of the keys.
I ended up buying another one the day I shipped them off since I like the G15 (I get them from CompUSA for $61.xx out the door) and it had the $20 compusa rebate, so $41.
I had to RMA one last month that was dead they told me to throw away the broken one.

I like the LCD, it takes some getting used to not hitting the program keys.

However, I really like the LCD.

Mostly, I like the way the keys feel when I type they feel like they bounce back against your fingers.

The Blue LCD back light is also a cool effect.

I got mine about a year ago from Dell when they were selling them for $35+tax no shipping.
There is a buy one get 50% off a second rebate from logitech.


do you guys think i could pull this off?

buy the Samsung 931C combo http://www.newegg.com/product/Product.asp?item=N82E16824001085

get a free G15 then add a G5 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?item=N82E16826104191

End up getting the SAMSUNG 931C High Glossy Black 19" 2ms for $259.99 with a free G15 and G5?

what do you think?

yeah you can do that. i suggest you actually want the monitor tho, i didn't research it much.