Warm? Sapphire 7870 $195 AR + FS

The one with the FleX feature, here's the website with info about it:


Sapphire FleX Technology

3 DVI Eyefinity Out of the Box

Targeting maximum flexibility with minimum outlay, Sapphire FleX Technology simplifies AMD’s multi-monitor Eyefinity solution by allowing 3 X DVI monitors to be connected to the board ‘out of the box’ WITHOUT the requirement for expensive DisplayPort monitors or Active Adapters.

$210 - 15 = 195 after rebate. Comes with FC3 and Hitman Absolution which sweetens the pot. Was waiting to jump on a 7870 until after it had crossed the $200 mark, might need to jump on this.

Thanks for the link. I am picking one of these up. I was on the fence between this and the Asus 660, but the HardOCP article regarding overclocking the Asus swayed me:

"There was no reason to test the overclock against a 7870 with the highest possible overclock as our results show the 7870 better performing anyway. In the two games it wasn't, the Radeon HD 7870 can be overclocked further taking it over the performance of the overclocked GTX 660. The point is, you can get more gaming performance when overclocking a Radeon HD 7870 than you can out of an overclocked GTX 660." - HardOCP

It doesn't hurt that the card has finally climbed under $200 when it was already considered good stuff at $360 six months ago.

"The end result of Sapphire’s efforts is that of all the 7870 cards we’ve looked at the HD 7870 OE is easily the quietest and it doesn’t make any temperature compromises to get there." - AnandTech
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I saw this yesterday. Thinking of upgrading my htpc by selling my 7770 and getting this. Was thinking of a 660ti, but with current drivers this is a better card for a lot less money.