warm~X connect 500w $81

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neisius said:
why not spend that money on a brandname PSU? $81 is alot for a no name.

Unless you've been living in a cave, X-Connect PSU's have been out for quite some time as well as having gotten lots of reviews and feedback on them. As long as you don't have a high load, they are great power supplies, but if you intend on pushing the load to more than 75% of the rails, get a different power supply. Just my .02.
neisius said:
Ultra is more like a generic brand name.
Their X-Connect line is just new to target the modder consumer market. Just because a product is new to the market doesn't mean that its generic, only that its NEW to the market.
Random Digits said:
Unless you've been living in a cave, X-Connect PSU's have been out for quite some time as well as having gotten lots of reviews and feedback on them. As long as you don't have a high load, they are great power supplies, but if you intend on pushing the load to more than 75% of the rails, get a different power supply. Just my .02.
...why not spend the same amount on an Antec True480W?
Random Digits said:
Their X-Connect line is just new to target the modder consumer market. Just because a product is new to the market doesn't mean that its generic, only that its NEW to the market.
I'm just saying that Ultra sells everything from PSUs to UPSs to Memory to usb devices. I don't think they manufacture all these on their own. They just rebadge other no name company's products.
neisius said:
...why not spend the same amount on an Antec True480W?

Do you have any idea how much time it takes to sleeve a PSU? Like i said these are great psu's as long as your going to be using less than 75% of the rated rails. That being said if you have a window in your case these look great in them. If you need full load capability then, yes, go for the antec 480. Sleeve it too if you have the time, or dont if you have no intention on looking at it. But IMO the standard red/black/yellow wires are just fuggly, and i can't stand to look at them.
neisius said:
I'm just saying that Ultra sells everything from PSUs to UPSs to Memory to usb devices. I don't think they manufacture all these on their own. They just rebadge other no name company's products.
LOL, you better do your research first before you say that about their X-Connect line.
1. They were the first ones to come out with this.
2. No one else has this design because it's patented.
3. No one else make the cables the same as theirs, because once again yet another patent.
The list goes on and on.
These aren't no name/generic PSU's. They are excellent PSU's. No more spending 2-3 hours to sleeve the damned PSU. I've got 3 of these things running atm and they all work great. Ultra also has colored cables so you can match the X-Connect cables to your rounded cables for a super clean look.
Penguincomp said:
These aren't no name/generic PSU's. They are excellent PSU's. No more spending 2-3 hours to sleeve the damned PSU. I've got 3 of these things running atm and they all work great. Ultra also has colored cables so you can match the X-Connect cables to your rounded cables for a super clean look.
Well I guess some people buy things for looks and some buy things for performance.
Read the latest Maximum PC- PSU roundup. These got 4/10. Thanks for the info though, someone' gonna pick it up.
wow, is this 81 for the regular x-connect or the one with the window?

if it is thats frickin cheap, those are over 100 bucks
4 out of ten is pretty damn bad, imo.

Look in the psu forums, these are just powmax psus with fancy cabling. Shit in a good looking package.

Also these psus are good if you use less than 75% of the rails? Why not give it it's true rating instead of bsing the consumers.
peterhoang2002 said:
these are brand name psus...

Since when was POWmax/Leadman Electronics considered name brand? These is the same company that puts out the low quality power supplies used in $10 cases.

Random Digits said:
Unless you've been living in a cave, X-Connect PSU's have been out for quite some time as well as having gotten lots of reviews and feedback on them. As long as you don't have a high load, they are great power supplies, but if you intend on pushing the load to more than 75% of the rails, get a different power supply. Just my .02.

Any generic 500w PSU thats halfway descent will handle a normal system.

neisius said:
I'm just saying that Ultra sells everything from PSUs to UPSs to Memory to usb devices. I don't think they manufacture all these on their own. They just rebadge other no name company's products.

Correct. Ultra didn't even show up on the internet until some time in 2003 and yet they have this wonderful reputation for high quality products? All Ultra does is re-badge products they contract other manufactures to build.

Random Digits said:
LOL, you better do your research first before you say that about their X-Connect line.
1. They were the first ones to come out with this.
2. No one else has this design because it's patented.
3. No one else make the cables the same as theirs, because once again yet another patent.
The list goes on and on.

Then why are they listed for sale on POWmax site? It doesn't even say Ultra X-connect on POWmax site ither. You wouldn't even know Ultra had anything to do with it unless the name Ultra was stamped on the fan grille.

Ultra very well may of came up with the idea for the X-connect but we've pretty much gotten it narrowed down to POWmax/Leadman as the manufacturer.

Penguincomp said:
These aren't no name/generic PSU's. They are excellent PSU's. No more spending 2-3 hours to sleeve the damned PSU. I've got 3 of these things running atm and they all work great. Ultra also has colored cables so you can match the X-Connect cables to your rounded cables for a super clean look.

Ever heard of FrozenCPU? They will sleeve any power supply they carry and you can pick from a wide range of colors. They even did it for free during the holidays.

I dont know why so many of you guys fall to temptations in advertisements without even to stop and look at the quality of components inside the flashy box. MaximumPC reviewed the X-connect and it failed the tests and the PSU's were even pushed very far with the non-overclocked setup that MAXPC used.

Seriously, before Ultra started sending out free X-connects to every tom, dick and harry, who knew anything about Ultra and thought they had high quality hardware?

Ultra is a company thats tied in directly with TigerDirect. TigerDirect carries all their products and endorsements.

The X-connect is a descent PSU thats flashy. Its not high quality and its not considered name brand or a brand thats trusted.

I dont know why people waste their money on an X-connect when there are high quality modular PSU's like the Antec NeoPower 480w, OCZ ModStream 520w and TTGI Super Flower.
No one else has this design because it's patented.
Umm...Antec NeoPower...OCZ Modstream...etc...

Anyhow, after reading the most current information on the Ultra PSUs, there's no way in hell I'd put it in MY computer. Like kpedge said, read MaxPC. That should give you some idea of what's going on.
Hibby said:
Umm...Antec NeoPower...OCZ Modstream...etc...

Anyhow, after reading the most current information on the Ultra PSUs, there's no way in hell I'd put it in MY computer. Like kpedge said, read MaxPC. That should give you some idea of what's going on.

The one MAXPC reviewed was obviously a defective unit while all the others are high quality ;).
I'm with those saying it is a generic PSU. They are nice looking but that MaxPC mag review isn't the first bad thing I've heard about pisspoorr unstable rails on these.
Why not spend about $9 more to get the Fortron Blue Strom ATX 2.0 500W. It is a very good PS .. and adjustable pots inside for each rails.... and oh yeah... it has sleeves too...
Hmm :confused: I have 1 and its awsome.I paid 100+ a couple months ago. My box is loaded, Racking out a needed 400+watts, This thing handles everything great. Looks great, Quite, Wires are very manageable. Im runnin a p4 OC to 3.6+ with SB Platnum,Nvidia 128meg, 2 opticles dvd's 1 Raptor and a 120wd for storage, Leadtek winfast PVR2000 etc and a box full of fans and lights, and controler. No hickups burps at ALL. I can make DVD's, Watch and record TV surf etc with no problem.
Read and buy what you like. This price is great!

Even the window ones are 81
POWMAX power supply sucks.....
Don't believe it ... just buy one and don't overclock.
The Antec 400watt PSU in my case died and I replaced it with a Powmax 400watt what waiting on my RMA from Antec and the powmax wouldnt even run my paltry 400Mhz overclock with any amount of stability. I had to run it at stock for 3 weeks and in the end Antec replaced my 400watt with a brand new 480watt unit, which has been solid ever since.
burningrave101 said:
Then why are they listed for sale on POWmax site? It doesn't even say Ultra X-connect on POWmax site ither. You wouldn't even know Ultra had anything to do with it unless the name Ultra was stamped on the fan grille.

Well, I can't speak for yesterday, but today on the Powmax site they ARE all clearly listed as Ultra X-connect supplies.

kpedge said:
Read the latest Maximum PC- PSU roundup. These got 4/10. Thanks for the info though, someone' gonna pick it up.

They also got Awards (gold, editors choice, etc.) in the reviews done by the following sites:


I have also seen a bunch of other sites that at least gave these PSU's solid scores anywhere from 75% up to 90%. I have only head of one place that didn't give good scores.... Maximum PC.

I believe if you register the PSU the will give you a 3 year warranty instead of a 1 year warranty, which is pretty decent, and an indication the company intends to stand behind their products.

Just because a company starts out making a budget product does not mean they can never make a quality high-end product, or aren't already doing so. Take AMD for instance. For the first 5 years they were in the mainstream CPU market they only offered low to mid-range CPU's. It wasn't until 1999 and the K-7 that they had a product competitive with the top of the line Intel CPU's.... Now look at them!
this is so ridiculous. you guys insist on turning a simple hot deal thread into a ultra psu bashing mad house. move on people. no need to make 400 posts about why yours is better.
ClayDogg84 said:
this is so ridiculous. you guys insist on turning a simple hot deal thread into a ultra psu bashing mad house. move on people. no need to make 400 posts about why yours is better.

Well Said, I have still to find and READ and see a TRUE failure of one of these! I seem to hear more about all the others failing than these! Must say something about the quality :p

Please let me see TRUE Failures Post em!

This is a DEAL Thread, This is a GOOD deal. You dont like it Bye bye, You like it Thank me, See ya!

Tazzman :D
ClayDogg84 said:
this is so ridiculous. you guys insist on turning a simple hot deal thread into a ultra psu bashing mad house. move on people. no need to make 400 posts about why yours is better.

I don't think the issue is that "mine is better" but more of "those are inferior", which is true. I read the maximum PC article, they thorughly trashed the x-connect. Voltages dropped and fluctuated by a WIDE margin, etc.....I couldn't find it online, so I'll see about scanning and posting it. Most of the positive reviews consist of "gee, it looks really cool, and it didn't blow up!" . Absolutely no scientific, accurate measurements with the RIGHT TOOLS, LONG TERM testing, just plug it in and "well, it seems to work fine.......and it LOOKS COOL!" :rolleyes:

I think that talk of a products quality or lack thereof absolutely has a place in a HD thread, becuase it directly affects it's value. These may seem like a hot deal to some until they become more aware of who makes it, and some of the reviews, good and bad. After that if someone still wants it then at least they've made a more informed dicision. :eek:
Tazzman said:
Well Said, I have still to find and READ and see a TRUE failure of one of these!.......

I think I can accomadate you, look in this tonight or by tommarrow night at the latest ;)
ecameow said:
does anyone know how good the areocool power supplys are? ive been thinking of getting one. Specifically http://www.newegg.com/app/ViewProductDesc.asp?description=17-101-205&depa=1
Thats a rebadge of another mediocre powersupply, overpriced and probably overstated specs... i'd stay far away because its probably only worth $50-$60. There's a small chance it might be a Tagan unit but i highly doubt it.

If you want something high quality & with true specs at a lower price i'd suggest selecting a sparkle or fortron (virtually the same btw).



And remember many of the higher end sparkle/fortrons have dual +12v rails for monster amperage. Just read the product specs (and psu sticker) closely to see which ones have two +12v rails.

I would go with the Fotron Blue Storm 500w if you wanted a Fortron. But even with dual 12V rails the 12V output is still less then the OCZ PowerStream 520w by around 36W.

And i wouldn't say that dual 12V rails are all their cracked up to be ither.

Ice Czar said:
well, some of the amps will likely be unemployed
youll tend to max out one rail before the other
the average example is when building a storage box
you havent used +12V1 in full (board CPU) and you eventually run out of room on +12V2 as you keep adding drives

the unsed capacity on +12V1 is then still unavailble
I was interested in that independently regulated rails
might effect a graphics card, sincce its drawing power from +12V1 via the AGP and +12V2 via the aux
but that doesnt seem to be an issue

Bboy_Jon said:


that case is on sale for 40 bucks after rebates at bestbuy, but i heard the anteec psus that come with cases arent too good, is that true?

Antec PSU's are some of the best. As long as its specs meet your needs then you will have a quality PSU.
topcat989 said:
I don't think the issue is that "mine is better" but more of "those are inferior", which is true. I read the maximum PC article, they thorughly trashed the x-connect. Voltages dropped and fluctuated by a WIDE margin, etc.....I couldn't find it online, so I'll see about scanning and posting it. Most of the positive reviews consist of "gee, it looks really cool, and it didn't blow up!" . Absolutely no scientific, accurate measurements with the RIGHT TOOLS, LONG TERM testing, just plug it in and "well, it seems to work fine.......and it LOOKS COOL!" :rolleyes:

I think that talk of a products quality or lack thereof absolutely has a place in a HD thread, becuase it directly affects it's value. These may seem like a hot deal to some until they become more aware of who makes it, and some of the reviews, good and bad. After that if someone still wants it then at least they've made a more informed dicision. :eek:

Think about it this way. Prior to the MaxPC review of the Ultra, the X-Connect had been advertised on the back cover of the magazine 4 months running. As I understand it, this is the most expensive ad space in a magazine. No magazine would trash a product by one of its biggest advertisers without good reason. Someone tell me I'm wrong...
MDboyz said:
Why not spend about $9 more to get the Fortron Blue Strom ATX 2.0 500W. It is a very good PS .. and adjustable pots inside for each rails.... and oh yeah... it has sleeves too...
actually you can get the 500 watt fortron blue storm at mwave for 75 bucks plus shipping... or at least I did a few days ago. 24 pin connector, sleeved and strong rails from a reliable maker.
Bboy_Jon said:
how much are the ocz powerstreams?

Depends on where you order from but i got my 520w from Directron a month ago for $125 shipped. The Modstreams are cheaper.
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