Warning points system?

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Feb 19, 2004
So I just recieved 3 warnings from some thread (i'm not sure why I got warned 3 times), in my user CP it say's "points" in the latest infractions section

what exactly are those points? All of them say zero for me..just curious since this is the first time I can recall getting warned.

They're called infractions. Warnings aren't worth any points but (at least on the other forum with infractions I'm on) after you get a warning or two, then you start earning point infractions. I think it can be changed, but if you get too many points in a period of time (10 in a month at the other forum) then you get banned for a month.
alright.. since i have zero points this gives me the green light to go around and start flaming people right?? :D

I KID, I KID....

thanks for the answers
I'll add this before I close this thread....this is a warning system for any member who is accumulating 'points' toward a permanent Admin note in their file or a possible outright ban. The points expire automatically in the specified set time frame. The thought here is a member gets a warning or two, without having the Mods/Admins use a PM to convey the same thing, and upon notification discontinues the behavior. Just an automated early warning system to make our jobs easier and keep our members.
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