

Sep 28, 2004
:eek: WARNING! Monarch Computer and AMD do not recommend any metallic Thermal Compound to install processors!

I just recently ordered the AMD64 3000 939, and the above warning was in the box the CPU came in. Is this:


the type of compound they are referring to? Has anyone had a problem with a metallic thermal compound becoming conductive “under certain circumstances” causing their CPU’s or MOBs to fry? The warning went on to say that if I used a metallic thermal compound it would void my warranty! :eek:


forgot to mention that the CPU is OEM
If applied right, you should never have an issue with shorting a CPU, no matter what the compound.
uh...you said "Monarch" and "AMD" but you posted a link to Newegg...that and your link doesn't work. :(
Arctic Silver 3, 2 and 1 are conductive but not AS5 as far as I know. I don't know about other thermal paste.

AMD does not recommend "phase changing" thermal paste which is what Arctic Silver is. If you spread AS5 all over an A64 heatspreader, it can build a bond to the heatsink and be extremely hard to pull off. If you're not careful, you can rip the processor straight out of the socket while its locked (same also goes for P4's). Thats probably why they don't recommend it.
sKiDmArK said:
it can build a bond to the heatsink and be extremely hard to pull off. If you're not careful, you can rip the processor straight out of the socket while its locked (same also goes for P4's). Thats probably why they don't recommend it.

That is why you should try to adopt twisting the heatsink/block off the cpu core/ihs to ensure it doesn't pull the cpu up and bend pins.
Is it me or does someone post this sort of post about once a week? About applying any form of conducive thermal paste such as any that have a silver composition to it. Which would usually imply that there is metal in the paste.
Wolf-R1 said:
uh...you said "Monarch" and "AMD" but you posted a link to Newegg...that and your link doesn't work. :(

Link was to Artic Silver being sold on Newegg. sorry the link didnt work
Thanks for the info all. I think I will look for a HS that comes with the compound already so I dont have to worry about it.


Or ill get the Artic Silver 5. :) its just this is my first build and i dont want to screw it up.
OR....try Arctic Silver Ceramique. Its essentially high-end 'white goo', but is almost on par with AS5 - depending on how you test it. Basicly its always been the case - a nasty way to interpret AMD's warranty is that anything besides the typical white silicone paste voids your warranty. The problem with exposed cores was the ever-so-slighty-capacitive effect, but AS5 is 'branded' as such to cover their butts in a worst-case scenerio. Capacitive and conductive are very different. The new problem with IHS's, as already said, is the fact that people can be careless and rip the CPU right out of the socket.

Anyways, unless you can't read the english on the instruction sheet, you can't apply AS5 or any other 'metalic' TIM wrong.
sKiDmArK said:
AMD does not recommend "phase changing" thermal paste which is what Arctic Silver is. If you spread AS5 all over an A64 heatspreader, it can build a bond to the heatsink and be extremely hard to pull off. If you're not careful, you can rip the processor straight out of the socket while its locked (same also goes for P4's). Thats probably why they don't recommend it.

if you just grab the HS and yank, any compund will do that.