Was any of you guys around in 1995?

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Jul 30, 2004
When video cards first emerged?

With the coming of Quake 1?

People were asking 'OMGZERZ! Why should I pay $100 for a video card when my pc already makes video?'

Then big games like Quake 1 came out...

What about the sound card?

As physics become more powerful, they'll eventually need a PPU. Just wait a while for it to lower in price.
The same could've been said about 3d stereo glasses. We all know how that ended.
Yeah, well... as computers get more sohpisticated, they'll need seperate output for all uses. Like a human.
100 clams my ass. I recall the first Rivas and Rages at CompUSA topping the 200 mark.
Well, if we weren't around in 1995, that would make us at most 11 years old. And since you have to be 13 to sign up for the site, chances are there are no 11 year olds here.

Thus, no, none of us were not here in 1995.
I was eight in 95'....i remember playing the Quake demo though sometime down the line....good times.

Nail gun ftw!
LOL I was 35 and enjoying Quake and soon after Quake 2 with Voodo 12 meggers in sli

I never grew up :D

Arrested developement is the very foundation of the gaming industry . lol
Newsboys2004 said:
When video cards first emerged?

With the coming of Quake 1?

People were asking 'OMGZERZ! Why should I pay $100 for a video card when my pc already makes video?'

Then big games like Quake 1 came out...

What about the sound card?

As physics become more powerful, they'll eventually need a PPU. Just wait a while for it to lower in price.

'95.. I was well in to computers by then (I started in the late 80s).

I remember the first 3D Accelerators, I had an S3 (Had a Vesa LB Version if i recall correctly) There has always been external Video cards, I had a cirrus logic 2mb SVGA card in before that. I was more like OMGZERZ!! You can get an Oboard IDE Controller now!!!

Quake one Pissed me off, You had to have a math Co-processor and I was running a Nexgen 5x86 RISC processor at the time.

Sound Card.. 95.. I have had every ieteration of Sound Blaster card made, so I THINK I had a SB Pro at the time (Might have been AWE32?)

I remember waiting at Walmart at 11pm for Windows 95 to release to get a copy. I installed it, watched those Eidie Brekel and Weezer Videos a couple of dozen times, got pissed because Trumpet wouldnt work and then un-installed it and went back to dos 6.22 for about a year.
TheBluePill said:
I remember waiting at Walmart at 11pm for Windows 95 to release to get a copy. I installed it...got pissed...un-installed it and went back to dos 6.22 for about a year.

Sigworthy if I had the room :D
I don't even want to know how much I paid for my Voodoo I. I do remember being floored at the improvement. I was such a nerd!
Newsboys2004 said:
When video cards first emerged?

With the coming of Quake 1?

People were asking 'OMGZERZ! Why should I pay $100 for a video card when my pc already makes video?'

Then big games like Quake 1 came out...

What about the sound card?

As physics become more powerful, they'll eventually need a PPU. Just wait a while for it to lower in price.

PPU != 3dfx Voodoo in my opinion "yet". Upgrading to a 3dfx card was the biggest leap in graphics I have ever experienced personally. Once you saw a game with 3dfx it was a let down to play without one. Not to mention it was supported by many games shortly after Quake1 which made it a great value.
Even if they reduced the price of the PPU to 100$ it would be a tough sell for me given the features it provides as well as the small library of games supporting it.
I remember seeing quake 1 in OpenGL and thinking to myself, I have to get myself one of these. I can't believe you're running in that crazy resolution. NO WAY 1024x768?!?
LOL the good ol' no clip mode. So have you been walking through walls lately?

Yeah I remember the Voodoo 2 12 meg cards. Though I had an 8 Meg, I got 2 12 MB cards in SLI with my FAFSA when I was in college (I was on full scholarship so I figured free money!) Thank you uncle Sam, and like I said I would pay you back, and I did. ;)
Personally, if 3Dfx or S3 are as far back as you can remember about 3d, then you must not have experienced the awe and mystery of the Matrox Millenium, Millenium II long before DirectX or Glide existed in any forms.

Matrox was the master of the entire 2D realm at that point in time. I remember going from ISA (Paradise VGA ftw!) to Vesa-Local Bus (Diamond Viper 9000 with the Weitek accelerator ftw!0 to PCI (Matrox Millenium and then later the Millenium II, Gourad and Phong shading acceleration in Autodesk and 3dmax, ohhh and in Windows 3.11 to boot!)

I remember a huge forum of 3d ethusiasts that were cheezed out that all those early Matrox technologies had no impact on games and the lameness of the first 3d accelerators that did work in games but stank in 3D CAD in comparison. :rolleyes:

At least we are in a happy place now. It also illustrates how a company can dominate and then not get it right for a while and become less relevant to the enthusiast realm. Sure Aegia may have a smart combo, or they have the Matrox equivalent before there's even a decent standard for PPU.
ppu was doomed the day dual core and 64 bit support arrived on the market. there is no need when your second core can pick up the slack.
I still have a Matrox Millennium in one of my computers at my parent's house. I made my father buy it for me at a computer show :).
matrox pretty much was amazing i was actualy using one this year when i had a gpu die on me
I remember hunting down another 8 meg memory upgrade to my g200 so i could play that Japanese anime game with the transformers. WTF was that i forgot? It had tha cool music and sound affects and a bad as sniper scenario when you were in mech mode.

It was called Shogo or something like that
Does anyone remember the Matrox Mystique? It was an interesting product that was for those that couldn't afford a G200.
ScYcS said:
The same could've been said about 3d stereo glasses. We all know how that ended.

Have you ever tried them? Stereo glasses are cool! I own a pair (owned, actually - they broke about a year ago), and the games looked great with them. If NVIDIA would keep up stereo driver production I would buy another pair.

But stereo glasses may be returning in about ten years, not in the form of shutters to be used with a monitor, but as two LCD screens, one for each eye, that make up the actual screen itself. We wouldn't need a monitor anymore. Right now those are very uncomfortable to wear, but I heard that scientists have figured out a way to change the focal point so that what you're looking at actually seems to be far away rather than one foot in front of you. That would be very realistic.

And I agree about the PPU. Those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it...
Nicker2009 said:
ppu was doomed the day dual core and 64 bit support arrived on the market. there is no need when your second core can pick up the slack.
The only possible doom for PPU would be GpGPU. That is the competition.
If ageia doesn't make it HAvok FX have still a big chance to make it, backed up by ATI & nV. CPU's aren't the optimal logic for that specific use. The chances of ageia are still open.
I bought this card back then to accelerate Quake 1. This is the Rendition Verite V1000 and they had a special version of Quake for it.



Oh and Doom rocks!
My first PC game was F119 Microprose. Predated 3D acceleration but then again I started with ZX81 sinclaire and the first Pc was the then brand new 80386S 25Mhz no DX then, that was later
in '95 I was 25 years old.
First 3D card two Daimond edge 3D
With SGTompson chips.
Not realy a acceleration.

No Idea what was out in '95 is so long ago.
I played Quake on my dirt old Matrox Mystique card lmao XD. For Some Reason, Quake didn't really give me that urge to want to upgrade my system. I was still a console guy at that time however so that could of played a big role in that decision. However, when Unreal came out shortly aftwards, THAT forced me to upgrade my system XD. The fly through sequence at the beginning was downright awesome with the lighting, & water reffects, & floor reflections. Well, that was awesome to me at the time =P. Quake just didn't give me that same kind of experience at the time. Regardless, a fun game none the less. Then again, both games were about 2 years apart.

jacuzz1 said:
I remember hunting down another 8 meg memory upgrade to my g200 so i could play that Japanese anime game with the transformers. WTF was that i forgot? It had tha cool music and sound affects and a bad as sniper scenario when you were in mech mode.

It was called Shogo or something like that

Yah Shogo mobile armour division! Funny it was actually an american game not jap but they pulled it off pretty well eh :)

Shogo:MAD, System Shock 2, Total Annihilation....nuff said :)
I was around in 1995. I was 7 at the time. I did not care about amazing insane grafffxxxx2x. I didn't actually get my first 3d accelerator until 1999...
I put a Monster 3D in my Dell to play GL Quake in 1997, that would have made me about...13 or 14. I later had an Alienware Area 51 with dual Monster 3D II cards, they were the 8MB versions. Scan Line Interleave and 1024x768 Quake 2 CTF. Yes, I conned my parents into buying it. The reasoning was that my brother got a quad, so I should have a gaming PC. I could use it for school. Hell, I ended up riding the quad more anyway. I did, however, shell out the $400 I earned mowing yards for the 19" Optiquest(Viewsonic) monitor. This was a long time ago, long before Alienware went corporate. I annoyed the living shit out the the now president of the company, Alex Aguila, talking about the specs and shit every other day. Experience tells me that he sounded really hung over most of the time. I think they were building PCs out of a garage. I should have become better friends with those guys, I don't think the "I used to play Quake II with you" line is good for any handouts...
I was building thousands of slc486 pc's back then for a telemarketing company.
glad my own PC with both a DTC VLB ide controller and Trident VLB 3d card were smokin at the time. :)
Remember buying a my first computer back in early 1996, going for the ATI Rage upgrade w/ 2mb of ram, that took 4mb of ram. They never sold the ram that I could find. Had some really cool sound card upgrade too! 2.5GB hard drive was suppose to last forever, heck that was a upgrade from a 1.6 or 1.8 GB drive. Got the good speaker, w/ a sub. Who knows what all those upgrades cost, but it wasn't as cheap as today. Was 4-5k for the whole system.
icemochalatte said:
Can you tell me what IDSPISPOPD means? Why do I still remember that?
SPISPOPD = Smashing Pumpkins Into Small Piles Of Putrid Debris.

And you remember it because there's just something inherently amusing about "Piss Pop" :D.
HighTest said:
Does anyone remember the Matrox Mystique? It was an interesting product that was for those that couldn't afford a G200.

I had one of those :)
I had that card, an AWE32, and a "killer" Pentium 133.
Those were the days. I still remember getting a Voodoo card a little later. Everyone was starting to think that Quake was a dog performance-wise...and then GLQuake hit. That was AMAZING the first time you saw it...and to think that it was only pulling around 30fps in 640X480.
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