was going to get a 22" dell lcd, but i need a new choice



today was my birthday and i was planning on getting a 22" dell lcd with my bday money. well my family thought it would be a good idea to give me a $100 gift card to newegg, another $100 to amazon, and then another $100 in cash. so now i'm limited to getting it from either newegg or amazon.

so i've been lookin around and i'm really not sure. the samsung is a toss up on getting the right version. can't find a decent benq or lg, but i have been getting those confused.

the only thing is that it can't be reflective. i'm currently useing a 19" crt. if any lights are on behind me i get really bad glare... and the kitchen is behind me so they are usually on.
all the 22'' panel are TN... which is really LOW quality get a 20'' or a 24'' you'll have a better image