was my data secure during the remote session?


Limp Gawd
Jun 3, 2005
I recently allowed Verizon to remotely access my computer. The networking software used was GoToAssist by Citrix.

I watched the technician move his cursor around my desktop, change some settings, and enter various websites. In between some activities, there were some long pauses because he was doing some testing from his own end. Throughout the entire session, the modem lights were constantly blinking and data was being uploaded/downloaded nonstop whether or not there was an activity by the technician.

I had a lot of confidential data on the two hard drives installed on this system. How possible is it that he could have downloaded or accessed some of my files, and not have all this visible on my screen?
Yes you can transfer files within the program.
The modem and network activity lights will always be going during a citrix session, even if nobody is doing anything...your screen image..however still and motionless it is, will still be updating across the network.
i personally would not have allowed him on your machine, i would of used a guest pc or spare laptop if you ABSOLUTELY had to.. this being said, I HIGHLY doubt he transfered any info
as YeOlde said, the screen is constantly being refreshed on his end, which causes a constant flow of data back and forth
we had something of this sort while i worked at Dell doing remote/phone support like that. Dell began recording all remote sessions, including session IDs per "remote call" etc...i would imagine verizon is or can do the same.

yes citrix sessions like that allow the tech to behave as if he's sitting at your computer, but it would be pretty hard to "fake" a screen on your end and him not see it as well. if youre just that paranoid about the data then as others have mentioned, dont use that PC for troubleshooting again. you could also look at those files and determine the date they were last accessed/modified etc(should get right down to the minute, assuming you havent modified them since the remote session)
ok, so you guys are saying this happens sometimes ( technicians downloading private files ). How common is this?

Also, if the tech was downloading files or performing an illegal activity on my system, then I would have seen it on my screen, correct? Is it ever possible, while remotely accessing, for someone to search and download files as in a p2p network and somehow not have the owner know?
yes your information is secure. We use the same program at work to access customers computer to speed up the calling time instead of having customers doing what we tell them to do. Yes I work for a ISP (bright.net) as call support tech. There is guidelines that the tech haves to go by when they use this program.
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i think the long pause is really fishy? maybe he WAS downloading the data and didnt want you to know and was using "testing on my end" as a distraction.

i'd destroy the hard drives as he may have put a trojan virus there to get more data.

I believe that Goto assist asks for your permission to transfer files. So you should know
Any tech support always has long pauses. Sometimes I wonder if they answer the phone, put you on hold, then go to lunch and come back.

I use to work tech support, we just muted you so we can still hear EVERYTHING you say lol
I use to work tech support, we just muted you so we can still hear EVERYTHING you say lol

while you bitched, complained, and called the customer stupid too, right?
been there done that! :D
while you bitched, complained, and called the customer stupid too, right?
been there done that! :D

Exactly, lol. I even forgot to put one on mute at one point lol. Had to play that one off smooth
I recently allowed Verizon to remotely access my computer.

Some of the responses to this are borderline inappropriate.

Remote access to your desktop is a VERY common troubleshooting tool used by a lot of companies. Yes, it's technically possible that the technician downloaded something. However, it's highly unlikely for a number of reasons. First, a technician likely doesn't care about your data. Second, a technician isn't likely to risk his or her job to get at your data. Third, there could be a lawsuit and horrible PR for the company if one of their technicians "hacked" into a customers computer. The company likely takes some precautions including background checks against their employees. The likelihood of a technician searching through your files (without you first saying something like, "please don't touch my top secret stuff") is minuscule. Next time, just tell them you're not comfortable with them accessing your computer.
ok, so you guys are saying this happens sometimes ( technicians downloading private files ). How common is this?

I don't think anyone said it's common. A few said "Yes it's technically possible"...as many remote support programs, including GTA, include a built in file transfer utility. It's commonly used by remote techs to upload troubleshooting or repair or maintenance programs..or whatever.

Large groups of support staff, such as first level support of an ISP, usually have all their remote sessions monitor/recorded/logged somehow. An ISP will protect itself. Support staff know this, and I'm sure most won't want to spend huge amounts of time slowly browsing through clients files..it's a slow browsing process remotely. They just want to fix this trouble ticket in shortest amount of time possible and move on.