Washing Machine Hack

hmmm.. put clothes in washer... sit down for 30mins.. come back.. not that hard..

still an ok idea i gues.. it is kinda cool.
That's awesome! Now you just need updates sent to your cell phone to give you a ready-made excuse to leave... "Hey, gotta go the washer needs me"
lol, I have no need for this.
By the time my wash is finished, the noise of vibrating surfaces, breaking cups and plates has stopped and there is an eerie silence.
So when my ears feel like the atmosphere is sucking them out of my head I know my wash has finished :D
Are you seriously gonna forget that you have clothes in the washing machine?
The kidiot in the appartment above mine regularly goes two to three hours between switching loads.
Very cool but I don't think the landlord would allow me to mod the coin operated machines. :(
Well, this video made me remember I put a load in the washing machine... 1h40 minutes ago.
in less time you could time how long your wash takes and then you know how long your was takes.

wouldn't it be better for the drier which finishes when it senses the clothes are dry enough, rather than at a fixed time?
It's nice to see someone come up with practical applications for current technology......although I wouldn't like to have one of those gaudy light bars in my house.

Let's face it - almost everyone has forgotten about a load of laundry at least once, but there's got to be a better way to alert you when it's done......maybe something audio.

Maybe this guy should contact someone about selling his idea to a manufacturer.
Can you overclock it?
Will it blend?
Will it play Crysis?
Is it an Autobot?
Please... It hurts to read this crap.

Nice idea for a mod.
Sure everyone has forgotten clothes, but do people really forget them long enough to mildew? That's pretty bad.
live in a barracks for awhile and you will see how many people have short term memory loss. While not a bad idea, it does seem alil over the top, figured it would be something more that just a reminder that your laundry is done.
my washing machine has a louder then a smoke detector alarm, very nice
F'ing nice... I sometimes have to wash the same stuff up to 3 times cuz I forget to take it out and move it to the dryer!
A brushed wire, contact, and siren rigged to the timer would have sufficed. :/
Maybe you should take the time and pay more attention to what you are doing. That usually helps most of us.:)

I could sit there and time my laundry or I could, you know, be productive and occasionally have to rewash shit I forget for a couple of hours. One of those two options pays better dividends.

Or since you are so bored how about you come over and do my laundry for me?
hell i rewash shit all the time too. but i only do it after a day or two of forgetting. in the winter, leaving wet clothes in the wash overnight doesnt do anything, its too cold for mildew to grow that fast. in the summer though, one night can mean stinky clothes.
Why would anyone actually take the time to make that? It's completely stupid and useless. All that work put into that and he just could have used the washer buzzer.
hell i rewash shit all the time too. but i only do it after a day or two of forgetting. in the winter, leaving wet clothes in the wash overnight doesnt do anything, its too cold for mildew to grow that fast. in the summer though, one night can mean stinky clothes.

I'm in the UK and am a bit more fortunate.
In the Summer I can leave washing for 2 or 3 days before it starts to smell a little and needs a rewash.
In the Winter, I can go about a week but I usually remember to empty it before that.

I remember from my student days when some students left their washing in the machine for ages.
After taking it out, the grey rubber seals had a black growth on them that could only be scrubbed off (carefully).
Leaving this on the rubber makes it deteriorate quickly.
So if you do leave clothes for a while, make sure you clean the rubber seals.
Why would anyone actually take the time to make that? It's completely stupid and useless. All that work put into that and he just could have used the washer buzzer.

I agree. I was going to ask why not just use the buzzer on the washer and dryers. Seems a lot simplier.
I have to skip the buzzer since the laundry room is right next to my daughter's room and I tend to do laundry at night after work and school.

Hey, that reminds me... I have a load sitting in the washer right now! Later...