Wasteland 2 Delayed After Getting Too Big

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
It sure seems like everything I back on Kickstarter gets screwed up somehow. At least this time it is just a delay. :(

The game is six weeks behind schedule, says developers inXile entertainment, and the reason is the "increased scope" that came from getting $2 million more than the $900,000 it originally sought. That means the game's planned October release will now essentially begin its beta.
Now, inXile still has enough money to finish the game; the $2 million extra piled on top of their fundraising led them to put so much extra stuff in the game that they got behind schedule. They can still pay for it with what was donated.
They got extra money, and gave the game more content. When it comes to stuff like Wasteland and Tides of Numenera we can wait a little longer. After all, we waited this long we can wait some more. It's not like they ran out of money and may deliver a sub-par game, or never deliver at all.
6 weeks isn't a huge deal, and from everything I've seen they are progressing nicely. "We are feature complete at this point and are starting to do quality passes".
Since when is game development being behind schedule news?

I'm not knocking you Steve but people seem to be forgetting that Kickstarter is used to invest in games, it's not an e-store.
I donated last year and prepared for a long wait. Being 6 weeks off on a project this size is no big deal at all, especially when you consider how early they announced the release date. They added a ton to the scope of the project, at some point you can only parallel so much and your dev team can only be so large/

/project manager for a software company
Hell, when they show the screenshots of the game, all I can think of is "Take all the fucking time you need."
As others said, delays in video game development is very common. At the least, from what we've seen in the gamplay video they've shown, things are moving and in the right direction.
Since when is game development being behind schedule news?

I'm not knocking you Steve but people seem to be forgetting that Kickstarter is used to invest in games, it's not an e-store.

Maybe you should blame me, every time I invest in a project, they run into problems. ;)

And...it's news for just that reason. More and more Kickstarters are doing totally bizarre stuff like shipping to stores before the backers, getting millions of $$ and running out of money, etc. etc. So people are just a bit worried about this delay (6 weeks to beta, no date for game).

6 weeks is no big deal.

Well, it is 6 weeks until the beta stage, not the final game. But, the game looks great so far and (fingers crossed) it is just a small delay.
I wouldn't worry much. They aren't running out of money and they don't have some shady behind the scenes publisher deal. They are only a little behind due to actually keeping their promises.

Besides, Shadowrun Returns comes out this week.
Seriously? Why is this a big deal in the press? Would Kickstarter somehow be immune to what has faced all of gaming development since gaming development begin?

I would rather they delay the release 6 months then get a buggy , sub par game. I think developers need the power to veto release dates when they know the game they are shipping doesn't live up to a standard. Publishers often prevent them from this and there is an argument to be made in their favor but too many games often release in an incomplete state simply to satisfy the whims of someone up on the chain who wants to get extra stock bonuses for meeting a "goal" while screwing over customers in the process.
I'd rather deal with a 6 week delay in exchange for added content than pay EA $50 for an unfinished game they'll want to finish with DLC I have to pay for later on.
I think this is a good sign ... the good KS developers are favoring quality over a fixed date and they are communicating the status to us in a timely fashion ... I will be getting W2 as an extra from my support for Project Eternity so good to know they will release a complete product without having to back out on their promises :)
Because I think many more would like it if it was a squad based RTS type game..

Not me. There was something uniquely visceral about Wasteland combat e.g. encountering a bunch of tough droids and going into a character's inventory for that trusty RPG or meson cannon.

"Excuse me while I whip this out, sucka!"

RTS is just "my guys are betta than your guys" slogfest stuff and not at all with the flavor of the original game.
I've seen some games being wiped and scratched from the very start and still turn out successful (starcraft).

Is it a valid option for kickstarted project?
I've seen some games being wiped and scratched from the very start and still turn out successful (starcraft).

Is it a valid option for kickstarted project?

Starting over from scratch isn't viable with Kickstarter. People would be outraged.