Wasteland 2 Official Release.

I really hope they overhauled the combat system as that aspect really held back the original game.

Well, I don't think there was anything inherently wrong with the combat system.

Weapon types just need some MAJOR rebalancing.

When there were only two types of weapon worth a shit for the whole game (assault rifles and sniper rifles...honorable mention to shotguns), and one type that went completely OP for about the last third of the game (energy weapons...I'm actually kind of ok with that since they're practically worthless for about the first half of the game), that's a problem.

When there's a weapon type that goes through ammo like a fat kid through cake (heavy weapons) that's vastly overpowered by vendor trash assault rifles, that's a problem. Ammo is, by far, the hottest commodity in the game, so the investment needs to be worth it.

7.8gb download on Steam...not too shabby.
Apparently everyone hates the new camera, whats that all about? Anyone got any screenshots, maybe a vid? Or maybe even some before and after comparison shot would be cool too.
8gb is pretty big and really I'm not sure if I have another 100+ hours to spare for another run atm
The old camera was not great but the new one is angled so you can't see very far. I also can't get the game to work without forcing DX9.

EDIT: Gsync is what breaks DX11 on it.
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The old camera was not great but the new one is angled so you can't see very far. I also can't get the game to work without forcing DX9.
^ That's an understatement and a half. The old camera is fucking retarded, completely broken trash. You gotta fight with the fucking thing just to spin it around. There's no reason why you can't hold mmb or mb2 and spin it around effortlessly, that aspect of W2 made me seriously hate playing it.

in before the edit lol
Yeah, just waiting until they fix combat before I actually play this through. I uninstalled it after fighting with the combat for three hours. I figured eventually they might fix things.

Guess I'll have to give it a go...after I finish playing Fallout 4 next year :D
8gb is pretty big

It's not an update. It's an entirely new game. Considering the original download was 8.4GB and the install is 3/4 the size of the original (15GB vs 20GB), that's pretty decent.
Here's a list of major changes, it's a pretty significant changelist:

What is new in the Director's Cut?

Wasteland 2 Director's Cut changes a huge number of aspects of the game. Our main new features and changes include:

Graphical overhaul and update to the Unity 5 game engine.
Expanded voice-over with thousands of newly-voiced lines for key characters and scenes.
Precision Strikes system allows you to target individual body parts on enemies in combat, which lets you inflict negative status effects on them.
Perks system lets you pick bonuses for your characters as they level up.
Quirks system lets you pick a personality trait for each custom created Ranger during character creation, with a gameplay-modifying positive and negative quality.
Rebalanced gameplay, including virtually all combat encounters, weapons, loot drops and containers.
Controller support on PC and console. On PC, you can select from keyboard and mouse input, as well as Xbox 360, Xbox One and PlayStation 4 DUALSHOCK 4 controller modes.
There's plenty of smaller additions to be found, of course, but we'll leave those for you to find.
Yeah, just waiting until they fix combat before I actually play this through. I uninstalled it after fighting with the combat for three hours. I figured eventually they might fix things.

Guess I'll have to give it a go...after I finish playing Fallout 4 next year :D

So they didn't actually overhaul the combat system from the original game? That's disappointing if true.
The old camera was not great but the new one is angled so you can't see very far. I also can't get the game to work without forcing DX9.

EDIT: Gsync is what breaks DX11 on it.

I'll test on Freesync tonight and get back to you ;)
So they didn't actually overhaul the combat system from the original game? That's disappointing if true.

No, I said I was just waiting for them to fix combat before I played through. It sounds like this patch fixes things, and that's why I responded!

I have not played since last year.
Jeez, the amount of changes in DC makes it seem like a Wasteland 2 expansion!

Is this available for GoG yet?
FOV is already hotfixed.
Well the camera has been changed apparently, but I wouldn't call it fixed. A dev on the Steam forums said it has been changed back to the orig. W2 camera, but it's definitely not. Should've had a freecam from the get go like everyone wanted a long time ago. Perhaps the engine just can't handle it?

It seems to me that this whole Director's cut release is just a huge flop. People whith top shelf rigs getting terrible framerates, stuttering, and a whole shit load of bugs in general. Probably should've been postponed a bit for some fine tuning.
As a fan of Fallout and Fallout 2, I was enjoying this game quite a bit but simply got distracted and stopped playing. Hearing that this overhaul is coming out will get me to install it again I think.
Well the camera has been changed apparently, but I wouldn't call it fixed. A dev on the Steam forums said it has been changed back to the orig. W2 camera, but it's definitely not.

Not sure what you're talking about. Camera behaves pretty much identical to vanilla W2 now.

It seems to me that this whole Director's cut release is just a huge flop. People whith top shelf rigs getting terrible framerates, stuttering, and a whole shit load of bugs in general. Probably should've been postponed a bit for some fine tuning.

Shadows will fuck your shit up in Ag Center right now. Turn them off and it's back to totally smooth. Definitely looks to be an engine issue as it's not hitting the GPU or video memory hard at all.

There's a lot of weird bugs that make it seem like there was no QA testing done at all. Stuff like dismissed followers disappearing forever, Alarm Disarming also unlocking doors/chests on occasion, the game just straight crashing on AMD cards in DX11 mode (works fine in DX9 apparently), new VO audio only playing in one audio channel, etc..

Kind of disappointing, but I don't doubt that inXile will get them fixed in short order. They've got some dev presence in their forums and seem pretty determined to get the bugs worked out.
Wasteland 2: Director's Cut Modding Support Update

January 11 - sear

Today, we have a new update for Wasteland 2: Director's Cut on PC. This brings the first release of our long-awaited modding support to the game. This mod support allows for users, among other things, to change and override template and prefab files used in the game.

We invite any interested community members to read up on our mod support guide[wasteland.inxile-entertainment.com] by our Technical Director John Alvarado, and check out our Community Content forums[forums.inxile-entertainment.com] for Wasteland 2 for further discussion.