Watch-Bot Reminds Humans Of Forgotten Actions

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Did you leave the milk out again? Do you always forget to put the toilet seat down? Researchers from Cornell University have developed a robot for you! Attach a taser to that thing and I guarantee you won't forget to put the milk away again. ;)

We present a robotic system that watches a human using a Kinect v2 RGB-D sensor, detects what he forgot to do while performing an activity, and if necessary reminds the person using a laser pointer to point out the related object. Our simple setup can be easily deployed on any assistive robot. Our approach is based on a learning algorithm trained in a purely unsupervised setting, which does not require any human annotations. This makes our approach scalable and applicable to variant scenarios. Our model learns the action/object co-occurrence and action temporal relations in the activity, and uses the learned rich relationships to infer the forgotten action and the related object.
I have a better use.

My kid had a stroke, some sounds just absolutely incapacitate her until the are stopped, they will lock her up immediately, she can't even get a word out to ask someone to stop the sound.

I could use this bot to watch over her when others aren't around and get her help if something has her hammered to the floor and incapable of helping herself.

I know this will sound callous but I can't help myself.

"Help, my bitch has fallen and she can't get up!"

Forgive me baby.
Disconnect brain, plug watch-bot directly to motor functions.

Plug brain directly into Valhalla MMO.

The Watch-Bot grows confused when you use your PC without your hand down your pants.

Actually, I find this comment brilliant.

Credit where credit is due.

"Honey .... I think the Watch-Bot is broken. Whenever I use your computer the Watch-Bot points the laser-thingy at my bottom."
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