Watter Wetter


Limp Gawd
Aug 14, 2004
What Coolant/Fluid/Water Wetter do you guys recomend for a water cooling system? Whats the best out there with the best protection against all the stuff that grows in there and such. I dont want any with UV lighting or anything.

A 10% mix of antifreeze with distilled water is probably the best all around mixture you can get. If you are running a loop with multiple aluminum parts in contact with the water, it would be a good idea to run a 20% mix. Water wetter coats everything in the loop with a thin film to protect from corrosion (not good, gross). Straight tap water will make your blocks do nasty stuff (a pic on procooling has a an older swifty with a rather large hole in it where it corroded because he ran tap water for 3 years), fluidxp is overpriced and a total waste of money.

Distilled water (can be found in any grocery store for cheap) and regular old antifreeze (pick a fun color!) work wonders. I dont have any nasties in my system and I havent changed the water in a year.
im getting slightly better temps with water wetter/distilled water than I was with distilled/antifreeze. The water wetter can be picked up at most car parts places for 8 bucks for 12 ounces(autozone, advance, ect). If you get better temps with the antifreeze just dump the extra water wetter in your car and try that out. :)
I don't believe water wetter stops stuff from growing, though, does it? It's just an corrosion inhibitor, yes?
I've been a fan of the Zerex super protector crap since I jumped off the WW bandwagon a couple years ago.