Ways we get borgs...


[H]ard|DCer of the Month - October 2006
Sep 27, 2004
The last few days, chileman and Tormond have both offered great suggestions on how to get borgs, and it made me think, that we've never really discussed good ways of getting borgs.

And with the influx of new people here lately, I've started this thread so that we can have a place to throw any ideas that we may have for getting the borgs. :D

So if you have an idea, or some way you get them, let us know!

-I make it part of the price for my computer help. I clean up the mess, and make them run F@H as partial payment. (2 borgs so far)

-Ask family, friends, enemies, etc to run F@H (one person with 2 machines so far, folding under his own name)

-Local libraries (I'm going to try it this week). They usually have a bunch of machines that are turned on for most of the day and used for nothing more than web surfing and word processing. Pitch it as a PR boost for them and a more-or-less free way to make a charitable contribution to society.
I tell the users that their systems are underutilized and god hates them for it, so to save themselves from damnation they must let me put F@H on their pc.

it works.
ZROUT said:
I tell the users that their systems are underutilized and god hates them for it, so to save themselves from damnation they must let me put F@H on their pc.

it works.
ROFL. You certainly get points for creativity!
I literaly ask anyone that I come into contact with (that I touch their PC) if I can install F@H. I have about a 90% success rate at doing this. The only bad thing is that some of them get turned off from time to time, so the WU they produce can be sort of sporadic. I watch my CPUs at stanford go up and down all the time as people turn them off, go on vacation etc.

Remind your family how many hours of **FREE** tech support you've given them and that you'll call it even if they let you run F@H. If my brother's didn't "think" they knew about computers it'd be running on theirs (2.2g P4, XP 2500+). They think it'll slow them down. I'm trying to get them to try it for a week and see if they can tell ANY difference. But they won't even go for that.

Maybe I'll have Mary come over and work her magic.

chileman said:
Remind your family how many hours of **FREE** tech support you've given them and that you'll call it even if they let you run F@H. If my brother's didn't "think" they knew about computers it'd be running on theirs (2.2g P4, XP 2500+). They think it'll slow them down. I'm trying to get them to try it for a week and see if they can tell ANY difference. But they won't even go for that.

Maybe I'll have Mary come over and work her magic.

Of course they'll be able to tell a difference...you'd have to stealth install it, and ask them after a week at best. If they know its there, they'll def. say it slowed things down.
put it on, then say "we'll use this week for a baseline for performance. next week i'll come by and install it"

see what happens :p if they say "it slowed me down" then say, "ok ok i'll uninstall it" then leave it there to return them to the baseline performance (not actually advocating this)

gunpoint would probably work on them.
If I were moose, I'd have a ton of borgs... Just threaten them with the reach-through. :D

Maybe I should say "Let me borg you or Atomicmoose will give you a reach-through!"

Take one for the team! Sometimes good, sometimes bad, but hopefully its gonna cure everything you can get from taking one for the team. :p
I asked my boss, and he was all for it. I got about a 10 ghz boost from work. Sadly some of that is 1ghz celerons. Darn they are slow, but it's all good.

-MN Scout
If you are a college dorm guy. Talk to your dorm manager as well as some of the RAs. I know a lot of the RAs and the dorm manager and she has agreed to let my post flyers around the hall.

Guarenteed a small number will only bother to do it but even if its 10%, my dorm has 700+ ppl so that is not a bad boost.

Save an Old Man here !!! Wifey looked over my shoulder.... wants to know why the hell I'm looking for bongs ! :rolleyes:

Maybe some new glasses for her.....

RPhArrow said:
Save an Old Man here !!! Wifey looked over my shoulder.... wants to know why the hell I'm looking for bongs ! :rolleyes:

Well if that's the case, cataracts, maybe your glaucoma??? :p

i ask anyone with whom i remotely become a friend.
last year i gave a speech about it in english class. (i'm in high school)

i stealth borg it on uncooperative friends. :eek: :D
Carnival Forces said:
i ask anyone with whom i remotely become a friend.
last year i gave a speech about it in english class. (i'm in high school)

i stealth borg it on uncooperative friends. :eek: :D

I'd stealth borg a couple of buddies but they have been such a help to me ever since I met them freshman year in college that if they found out I would not wanna stop hanging with them. Unfortunately, they are not convinced enough to let me put it on theirs. :(
I don't stealth borg, I just put a large caliber handgun to their heads and tell them that it won't affect anything and I'm installing it. Then I tell them that I'll be back in a week or so to see if there are really any problems with they system then. And that the client better still be there or Mr Smith and Mr Wesson are not going to be happy. :D ;)

Actually, I just tell my friend's that I'm installing it and they have no choice since I've helped them with their computers so much. And if they want their computers to stay running, they will help me. :D
