WC Fluids

Talonz: No problem, it's all good :)

Consumer: The moral of the story: Don't buy a bayres :p

If you make sure your components are good and run a good leak test, you should be fine.
consumer9000 said:
I recommend using a nonconductive coolant like PC Ice, MCT5/40 or Fluorinert. I've personally always used PC Ice and have had no problems. Further testament to it's value was when my DangerDen Bayres sprung a leak and hosed my system with coolant without damaging any components!
Had it been regular coolant $3000 would've gotten zapped. :eek:

I highly recommend MCT 5.

No leaks so far, but I did have a few drops spill while filling a reservoir. I thought I'd wiped up the top and side of the reservoir completely, but a drop channeled through an empty screw hole and onto a fan cable connector (cable bridge for added cable length for 120mm fan). It was a drop in just the wrong place. I didn't notice until later, when I disconnected the bridge and discovered a gel-like green on the middle of the three pins. However, nothing shorted, the system never hiccupped, the fan never stuttered.

If you ever have to break down a loop, non-conductive fluid makes the task far less daunting.
Haste266 said:
i couldnt help but laugh when i read this...
just go into the dealership and take her to the restroom and pork her again...awkwardness gone...

she sure needs it. she stuck with this guy for 4 years because he's a security blanket (she's 27 and acts like she's eons older than me... i'm 23. she looks and acts about 21.). anyways, the guy's a dick to her. she ended up breaking up with him and now i think she's thinking about getting back together with him because she's fickle.

i was thinking about just going up to the dealership and asking one of the service people to give her a pair of her socks that she left in my room. she's bigtime afraid of people knowing she cheated on her boyfriend and whatnot... it'd be hilarious if i walked saying, "hey, heather, you forgot your socks over at my house that one night. i hope your boyfriend didn't find out." haha... still debating it :)
Now I am glad that I drained my loop after reading about water wetter. :eek:

Just ordered Zerex Super Coolant and now I need to flush my loop, I guess distilled water will work?
SiGfever said:
Now I am glad that I drained my loop after reading about water wetter. :eek:

Just ordered Zerex Super Coolant and now I need to flush my loop, I guess distilled water will work?

I wouldn't recommend just flushing the loop with distilled water ... Check if zerex and water wetter combined causes trouble and if not then flush with some zerex in your water ... you can also try water and vinegar, but i wouldn't recommend running pure distilled water through your loop, you're asking for trouble.
i got some zerex myself and i was hopin to put some dye in the 90/10 mix to get away from that god awful pink color.... but i need the dye to show up without 1. fuckin up the loop and 2. requiring UV lights....

what would yall do? food coloring? i dunno what to do!
Does Home Depot sell any non conductive coolants that perform similar to pc-ice? I was going for distilled/anti freeze but im starting to second guess if I should go with a pre-mixed non conductive.
Budwise said:
i wouldnt put dye in my loop... But thats just me...

well, i'll see if i can live with it, when i hopefully build the loop tonight. got all the parts i needed so far anyways. even got my 114mm hole saw bit and some worm clamps and even some plumbers sealant for the barbs on the pa!

anyhoo, it seems the non toxic, food and kid safe dye they use with custom wood work for instance would be the best bet... hmmz
I wouldn't recommend just flushing the loop with distilled water ... Check if zerex and water wetter combined causes trouble and if not then flush with some zerex in your water ... you can also try water and vinegar, but i wouldn't recommend running pure distilled water through your loop, you're asking for trouble.

Why would it hurt just to flush with distilled water? I don't plan on leaving it in for more than a day.
SiGfever said:
Why would it hurt just to flush with distilled water? I don't plan on leaving it in for more than a day.
Answer: It more than likely won't. I'm not sure why that guy said it would :rolleyes:
I found that NAPA carries the Valvoline #VV858 (Zerex) Super Coolant in 32oz bottles for a lot less then computer stores. I am on my way now to get a jug. :D
el rolio said:
i got some zerex myself and i was hopin to put some dye in the 90/10 mix to get away from that god awful pink color.... but i need the dye to show up without 1. fuckin up the loop and 2. requiring UV lights....

what would yall do? food coloring? i dunno what to do!

Food coloring will work fine and won't hurt anything.

BTW Zerex is pinkish, purple because of dye added to it. All coolant (glycol) is dyed a specific color unless you buy it bulk from a industrial chemical company.

Water wetter with zerex. = No big deal as water wetter is an additive to be mixed with coolant in a car. So no major reactions.

Also 100% distilled water in the cooling loop is fine for short term use. (In fact it will cool slightly better.) You would want to replace it with a coolant mix to prevent living things from growing. (Only time running 100% is bad is if you are running a Bi-Metal cooling system which even with an anti-corrosion additive should be avoided.)
Honest to God, here's what I use without any problems whatsoever:

Take a bottled water bottle, drink the water. Clean out the bottle with soap and water, fill almost full with distilled water, add a splash of Zerex (pink in color, but doesn't matter in a bit), add 1 (one! and only one!) drop of FrozenCPU's dye of any color. I use green. Cap, shake, wait for a few minutes for the bubbles to clear. Fill system.

I've been running this for about 2 months now, not a problem. Haven't draned and refilled yet, but it did leak one when I was too stupid to use hose clamps, didn't hurt anything, left a nasty film on the back of my X800. Just took a few minutes to take it out, and clean with Alcohol, popped it back in, and no problems. Nothing growing yet. If you have mixed metals, mix much more Zerex (Ethelyne Glycol is an anti-corrosive agent). Otherwise, if you have all copper\all aluminum (why?) stuff, don't worry about it. More Zerex = reduced heat capacity of the water, so don't use too much.

Food coloring will work fine and won't hurt anything.
I did do a little research, and apparently because food coloring is organic (its made to be eaten...) after a while the color fades. Red for example will fade into a brown-ish orange puke color, and suppossidly it also uses suspended solids to make the color which CAN (not going to take sides, lol) leave stuff floating around and mess up hardware. FrozenCPU's stuff is suppossidly the best stuff out there. From what I heard, its just relabled Dye-Lite, which can be found at auto-parts stores (used to find leaks in coolant systems)
mohammedtaha said:
I wouldn't recommend just flushing the loop with distilled water ... Check if zerex and water wetter combined causes trouble and if not then flush with some zerex in your water ... you can also try water and vinegar, but i wouldn't recommend running pure distilled water through your loop, you're asking for trouble.

WTF have you been smoking? :confused:

please explain how flushing a system with distilled water is a no no-

and are you serious about vinegar? you do realize that vinegar is an acid, and could cause corrosion in copper parts, plus the posibility of damaging things like o rings, and as an added bonus if not thouroghly flushed vinegar will raise the conductive properties of the coolant, contributing to galvanic corrosion or negating the properties of fluids like PC-Ice, MTP-5 and the like.

Sorry dude, but it really seems you are talking out your ass on this one. If not, please post links or some kind of decent proof, and I'll eat my words.....
topcat989 said:
WTF have you been smoking? :confused:

please explain how flushing a system with distilled water is a no no-

and are you serious about vinegar? you do realize that vinegar is an acid, and could cause corrosion in copper parts, plus the posibility of damaging things like o rings, and as an added bonus if not thouroghly flushed vinegar will raise the conductive properties of the coolant, contributing to galvanic corrosion or negating the properties of fluids like PC-Ice, MTP-5 and the like.

Sorry dude, but it really seems you are talking out your ass on this one. If not, please post links or some kind of decent proof, and I'll eat my words.....
...a few things to note.

Vinegar is a weak acid. It doesn't form many ions in solutions, so the conductivity won't be raised appreciably.

And it actually removes corrosion from copper.
Probably a stupid question, but if I get the PC ICE coolant, will I also need to add the anti-algal liquid that comes with my pump to it as well, or will nothing grow in it?
if you get pc ice, use just that. adding anything else would negate its non-conductive properties. Looking over the description on frozencpu however, i do not see anything in regards to algea growth. It does have a nice big sticker on it informing you not to swallow, and is listed as fully mixed and ready to just add to the system as is. I myself have been using it for around 4 months now and have not found any buildup or growth. Hope this helps.
I used to use Zerex, but not anymore. Whenever I drained my loop, the water coming out was clear, and all the pink stuff was coating the inside of the tubing, blocks, res, etc. I could clean my blocks, scrape my tubing, but my reservoir is perma-pink. Could never get rid of the super-tiny bubbles that were in the loop when I was using Zerex. No bubbles at all now that I'm running straight distilled.



I'm a VW guy, so Pentosin is easy for me. I'm running straight distilled water right now. I like blue, so might get a bit of Pentosin and add it, hopefully it'll diffuse into the loop overnight through the T-line.
I use PC ICE simply because I'm cautious. I will NEVER run anything conductive. I have made sure of that. I have a habit of making computers go boom in interesting ways. I wasted my first watercooled build (I used 90/10 distilled and antifreeze) by leaving the hole in my bayres open cause I had to do some recalibration on the system. Naturally I kick the damn thing over and wipe me x850. Forcing me to use this OEM one. My superelegant case is currently in storage since I wanted to watercool.