WC noob - temps ok?


Mar 3, 2003
I finally finished my watercooling system, and gave it a spin.

Before with my heatsink i would get 55c idle, and 33c system.

with my watercooling i get 46c idle, 49c at load, and 33c system.

my setup is a d-tek rad with their 120mm 79.14 CFM fan. swiftech mcw5000-a block, via aqua 1300 pump, and a drive res. using 3/4 tubing.

are my temps good? or should i be getting lower temps?

(im using my mobo's sensors, and my tubes feels the same when i was leak testing the system to when the cpu was at full load)
Well you're getting a reduction of at least 11c during Idle. That's pretty good... I have to wonder, however, what CPU you're using.
I have a 2100+ pally running about that with air..... is your room warm?
my room is high 70's.

45c idle, and 48.5 in full load seems weird to me. :confused:
Thats a high temp if you ask me. You should at least be in the 30c range with that setup. Is your fan pushing or pulling air onto the rad? How is the rad mounted in your case?
Is the fan pulling air from the outside?

I used to have almost that identical setup with my xp 2400+ and got temps at least 10c lower than what you're getting.
I'd loose the right angles on the reservoir.

I'd say the performance is about right for that block :)
:cool: replace pipes - in to downside of the WB. replace WENT too - IT MUST PULL AIR FROM RAD .