WC: using an external res and ice water questions


Limp Gawd
Sep 14, 2002
I'm new to watercooling and I have a few questions. I already thought up a design and layout of the WC setup I wan't and ordered the parts. Should be in by next week.

I'm going with an internal res. But I was wondering, is there any +/- to using an external res? It seem's it would be a lot easier to just drop the pump into a bucket. Would the extended hose legnth kill flow? And would using an additive be icky? I read that the additives smell a bit funky. So would using an external res mean that I'd have to deal with that smell all the time?

Also, is it easier for algea to build up in the system seeing how the water would be exposed to air all the time? And the final question. If I had an external res. It would be easy to just drop some cold water and a few ice cubes in a bucket. It would be cool to do so to see the limits of an OC. But is there any problem with that? Condesnsation build up and such?
alright lets see

Would the extended hose legnth kill flow?

Yes, thats why youd need a very powerful pump and the external res would have to be right next to the computer.

And would using an additive be icky? I read that the additives smell a bit funky. So would using an external res mean that I'd
have to deal with that smell all the time?

Probabily not, additives are 1:20 ratio so its not a whole lot.

Also, is it easier for algea to build up in the system seeing how the water would be exposed to air all the time?

Yes, but the additive should help prevent that. the biggest problem would be evaporation and contamination, but you should have a top over it, otherwise youre dumb.

And the final question. If I had an external res. It would be easy to just drop some cold water and a few ice cubes in a bucket. It would be cool to do so to see the limits of an OC. But is there any problem with that? Condesnsation build up and such?

If it got cold enough, it would be a huge problem. but i dont think that ice in the res would get it below ambient temp unless it was a LOT of ice.
Yup, crazy condensation... I guess you could just drop one or two cubes in to help with temps, but I wouldn't run the thing in pure ice water unless you really want your rig to explode.