WCG Christmas Race 2013: Dec 1-24


[H]ard|DCer of the Month - May 2010
Mar 30, 2005
Happy Thanksgiving to the [H]orde! Since December is right around the corner its time to start polishing up your OCs and borging some last minute machines for the World Community Grid Christmas Challenge!!

Every year in December the World Community Grid team from Rechenkraft.net hosts a Christmas Race for a fun holiday challenge between WCG teams. The challenge is run through the WCG grid website and through their own stat updates so its a fair and friendly race for the good of the grid around the holidays. This year's race is a Points Challenge meaning that a team's score will be the total points from the teams completed work units, just as you would expect.

The [H]orde has participated in the race since 2008 and has always had great support form the DC subforum. Here are links to the results of past years: 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, and 2012

Here is the challenge link for the 2013 Challenge. Keep in mind that personal points are updated twice a day but team points and challenge points are only updated once a day (in the evenings for the US).

Here are some links for further information:
WCG Homepage
Current Projects and Research
BOINC software download
FreeDC HardOCP Stats Page

Currently there are only three fully active projects running on the grid: FightAIDS@home, The Clean Energy Project - Phase 2, and a new project called Mapping Cancer Markers.

To get started you will need to download and install the BOINC client.
BOINC software download

BOINC Client software Install Instructions
1. Go to this webpage to Register for an account and Select your projects: http://www.worldcommunitygrid.org/reg/viewRegister.do
Dont forget to join the HardOCP team #1411 (be careful as there are some old inactive [H] teams with similar names)
2. You can download the software from the WCG page but I would recommend getting it from the BOINC Download page listed above.
3. Once you have downloaded the software, go ahead and install the software. I would select all the defaults in the installer except I would select Advanced options and unselect the "BOINC Screensaver" option. You guys know the drill here regarding screensavers and performance. This is the [H]ardforum after all.
4. Then it will probably ask you to reboot and then the software will launch upon the reboot. Go to the Advanced View of the software, click on Tools and Add a Project. Select the WCG project and then enter your username and password when asked.
5. Thats it. The client should then go ahead and runs checks and performance benchmarks, download the client apps and WUs and start crunching.

I hope that [H]orde members will consider participating, even if its only a couple cores. BOINC can run well on even old hardware or even ARM devices. There will be some tips, and configuration information in the post below soon. Thanks to every who participates! Post below if you are planning on helping out, or if you have any questions.

The race runs from Dec1st to Dec 24th, but I would start crunching some work units at least two days in advance in order to build up your daily point totals by Dec 1st.

Stay calm and crunch on!
Have fun!
Christmas Race Results:

Dec 01 | 2,413,944 points | 5,882 results | 1:183:13:06:13 run time
Dec 02 | 2,945,935 points | 6,545 results | 1:313:12:49:58 run time
Dec 03 | 3,363,864 points | 7,145 results | 2:068:19:55:50 run time
Dec 04 | 3,493,203 points | 9,459 results | 2:091:21:14:39 run time
Dec 05 | 3,686,768 points | 9,762 results | 2:121:22:54:56 run time
Dec 06 | 3,518,593 points | 9,329 results | 2:121:17:51:02 run time
Dec 07 | 3,423,572 points | 8,648 results | 2:103:12:18:51 run time
Dec 08 | 3,581,924 points | 9,848 results | 2:141:08:57:43 run time
Dec 09 | 3,738,584 points | 11,001 results | 2:165:23:19:44 run time
Dec 10 | 2,867,262 points | 6,778 results | 2:006:17:23:47 run time
Dec 11 | 3,955,004 points | 11,039 results | 2:201:19:24:35 run time
Dec 12 | 3,652,989 points | 11,628 results | 2:107:14:59:17 run time
Dec 13 | 3,584,371 points | 11,017 results | 2:104:08:01:15 run time
Dec 14 | 3,724,627 points | 10,668 results | 2:139:12:01:28 run time
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We also have a BOINC installation walk through using the official Berkeley distro. for those wanting one. http://hardforum.com/showthread.php?t=1768558 I highly recommend not using WCG's distro because it is way outdated and has been known to have random issues that Berkeley's did not. If you use metallicafan's link and go to Berkeley's page, they now have an installer that comes with Virtualbox. It is a much bigger download and unless you want VB or you are running one of three non-WCG projects that need it, I would go with the standard installer.

1. From users reporting at WCG, FAAH scores higher than CEP2. (My experience doesn't reflect this)
2. CEP2 has a lot more system requirements than all of the other sub-projects and has probably the longest average run time. It also has a ton of IO's and so not all hard drives can handle multiple CEP2 work units at the same time. FAAH currently has the smallest work units. Since the challenge is for points, it would probably be better to run FAAH towards the end so that your work units are finished on time. I haven't done a ton of comparison, but MCM seems to score about the same as FAAH. (at least on Windows)
3. Linux 64 bit scores much better than Windows as far as points go. (In some cases 60-70% more)
4. This year there is NO GPU projects at WCG
5. It isn't necessary, but you should setup a cc_config.xml file to report your results immediately so that at the end of the race you don't have completed work just sitting in your system waiting for the client to check in. See this thread for additional help on cc_config.xml http://hardforum.com/showthread.php?t=1729016 Take note of Razor_FX_II's post. The part highlighted in red isn't needed for this scenario, but the rest of the lines would work. Anyone needing more help should drop a post here or in the BOINC thread and we would be happy to give additional assistance.
6. For those with Android devices, BOINC runs on them now and WCG currently only has work supported for FAAH. So, if any of our Horde members wish to help out but don't want to pull their rigs from FAH, please attach the android devices for the month...or longer :D

The cc_config.xml file I use on most of my systems looks like:

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For those looking to join in on the race, it would be good to start getting switched over and running today. It is easy to get too busy over the holiday and it would be best to have work completed and waiting to validate when Dec. 1st comes. That way you hit the ground running. As always, if you have any questions just leave a post in one of the BOINC related forums, create your own, or feel free to shoot me a PM. Always glad to help however I can. :)
Can I run BOINC on my UDOO? ;)

You should be able to. It should run Android and then just download BOINC from the Play Store or go to Berkeley's page and download it. Some people run Raspian for the Raspberry Pi's, but it probably requires more overhead. I honestly have zero experience with Raspian. Also, Raspian probably (don't hold me to it) wont work with WCG specifically. However, I have 4 current Android phones running BOINC just fine. (I would have 5 but my 4 month old daughter stole it to play her bedtime music. :eek:)

Edit: If you do run it, I recommend starting early to verify that you don't have any work erroring or coming up invalid. Some ARM devices don't like running on all cores. Some quads have to be told to only use 2 or 3 cores due to various issues. One is a limitation of disk speed or lack of RAM. I see the one you linked to only has 1GB. That should run 4 FAAH work units at once, but will possibly be swapping if they use the full amount since the OS would need some for itself as well.

If you run the version of Linux on there, WCG may not support the ARM device under Linux. That is why I suggest running Android. (only a small number of projects support Linux + ARM processors currently)
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Nice catch Grandpa. It is a shame that we can't just get that other one merged with our official one. It would solve a lot of problems if we could get all the BOINC projects unified under the exact same team name. Looks like you are off to a pretty solid start. I think we will be much more competitive this year.
The race starts tomorrow. Get those rigs up and going, switched over, and cranking out work so they can get to validating. :)
The rest of my machines just got switched over. Based on Gil's recommendation I might fire up some 64bit Linux VMs on one of my machines with adequate RAM. :)

If any other [H]orde members want to join in we could sure use the help! There are some very strong teams competing!

Hope everyone had a great thanksgiving!
I started switching over about 1:00 PM and I will get the last rig switched over at 11:59 PM tonight that is when it finishes it's WU. I will leave passing up Default to the rest of the fah crew.

And let those other guys BRING IT ON this is the [H] and they are going to need some mussle, because I have my lawn mower out and ready to do some mowing :D

Glad to have you along. Its nice to see the support. :)
I replaced my router and am back for the time being...
72 Intel cores up and crunching - maybe I can get the hell off of page 4 of the stats...
Good to hear from you again KMac. Good to have you along!

Looks like Grandpa_01 is off to a good start! Welcome Mr. Pernod!

Damn musky - 72 cores! That will help! :D

<runs scared to find more cores>
Good to hear from you again KMac. Good to have you along!

Looks like Grandpa_01 is off to a good start! Welcome Mr. Pernod!

Damn musky - 72 cores! That will help! :D

<runs scared to find more cores>

May the Cores Be With You!
Well the first day tally is in. We are in third place with first place receiving slightly over double our points. Hopefully when the verifications start rolling in we can close that gap a bit.
Number 1 will be a tough one since they (Decrypthon) have 20,631 members...

Number 2 is doable even with their (France) membership of 1,996 members.

We only have 285 total members listed and the majority are inactive. However, we are [H] and tend to have the commitment to back it. :D
Number 1 will be a tough one since they (Decrypthon) have 20,631 members...

Number 2 is doable even with their (France) membership of 1,996 members.

We only have 285 total members listed and the majority are inactive. However, we are [H] and tend to have the commitment to back it. :D
yeah (Decrypthon) appears to be a grid itself and also is affilitated with IBM and WCG so not really the same thing as us seems 1 group of people controll what the rest of the people fold / crunch.


Two projects were selected in 2003/2004. The aim was to demonstrate the feasibility of a program with its own grid before making it available to all teams, to set up the grid, and to test its operation. Both projects were successfully carried out on the grid and beneficially for their calculations.

In 2007, the project of Alessandra Carbone’s team launched its preparatory phase on the worldwide and public grid, the World Community Grid, by calculating the interactions of 336 proteins. It is now publicly known as “Help Cure Muscular Dystrophy” (HCMD).

In 2009, after using the experience gained in the first phase, the second stage of the project has been launched on the World Community Grid. To accomplish this immense project, 150000 Internet users will be called upon and devoted for an entire year.

(France) on the other hand apears to be just anothere team of folders like us. ;)
And, they are France.....we can't let them win....
Today 8 threads. Tomorrow 32 more when the F@H WU finishes. When the chips come in, 64 more after that...
Wow...our teams numbers (points, run time, and results returned) have tripled since the X-mas Challenge. And Grandpa has certainly dropped the hammer.

0ldways, that is fantastic to hear. You guys make my farm look like child's play and I love it. Keep up the great work!
And there are a coupple of more coming on board. Somebody said we can match that #1 team in production, they said something about us being [H]ard. By the way we out produced the #2 guys today keep it up.
Won't install. Using Folding Appliance on a 2P 2680. FAH works, but won't install BOINC
did sudo apt-get install boinc

unable to fetch archives??? give me a minute. might be allowances
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Wow, just wow. This is easily the biggest production out of the [H]ard WCG team I have ever seen. Thanks for participating everyone. And welcome to tear!

Im keeping logging the stats here daily for easy reference.
Looks like we were only about 400k points behind France's production today. We are gaining, its a long race! :)

For my part, I added another older dual core on a 64 bit Linux install. Might get a few points out of that. :D I also moved my 4.2Ghz quad over to a 64 bit Linux VM. Not sure if that will yield any point increase or not but worth a try.

Crunch on!
I'm thinking of dropping a few DIMES VM's to get a few Ubuntu VM's going. Now to find my disks.
I do have another 2p board to put the chips in, but I'm already saving for another 4p board
Well I just received my replacement FX processor so I have 8 more cores back up and running. Have to thank AMD for the higher frequency too, they replaced my broken 8320 with and 8350. I will put my 965 back into my htpc tomorrow night and have that one back up and running.
That is great news dcds1. We are making good progress on catching team France. However, we are going to need a huge boost to catch team Decrypthon. They are producing about a million WCG points more than us right now. So every day they have that kind of production is setting us further back. Right now we are still doing the best that I have seen, so even when we take #2 spot, I'm thrilled.
If only for a few days, I'll have the 64 E5 threads going. Need to get the RAM in though...UPS dragging their butt. I guess I could run one 2P in dual channel.... Musky and Tear, I got the dual 2680 machine going by using a HD and installing Ubuntu per your guide. Sorry for not updating this guys. Your help is awesome as usual. And m33p, I have your machine doing this too... Got the bug and you guys know how that is