WD 640 from Dell Small Buz for $61 AC

Good deal, and I almost bit, until I realized that after Shipping and Handling and Tax, it was actually more expensive than Newegg :(

Aww, I bought the 320GB version last week for $50.

Oh well, I'm happy with it. It's a very fast drive.

Question ... where can I find a single platter 320? Any model suggestions? And is the drive just as fast as these 640s? (do they make it in a single platter?)
Good deal, and I almost bit, until I realized that after Shipping and Handling and Tax, it was actually more expensive than Newegg :(


Didn't you read the OP, it says only worth it if you wanted to buy 2 since you get free shipping then.
would raiding these


be any faster than a raid of 2 74gb raptors...theyre probably first gen raptors too :(

hell if i sign up with this amazon visa card ill get 30 bucks back. 2 of those drives will be 77 with shipping and tax....deal?
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