WD green raid array split?


Jan 18, 2007
I'm having some problems with my RAID array on my pc.

Quick bit of background info
Computer specs in sig
I got 2 WD 500gb green drive's for Christmas, i installed them into my computer in RAID 1 config, then installed windows 7 on a 64gb partition and the other 400gb as storage.

This weekend windows did its automatic update and restarted the computer early this morning to install the updates. When i woke up and logged on to my computer i noticed files i had put on my desktop the day earlier were missing. I tried a system restore thinking it was the update that messed up my files.

The problem
When it restarted i seen the raid controller complaining that the array had degraded, i logged on again an looked in disk management but the other drive wouldn't show. So i restarted again and now i have an extra two drives showing in My Computer.

I have found that the files i had on the desktop were on the other drive so i haven't lost any data, but how do i rebuild the array to get them mirrored again?

Any help would be grateful.
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Why would you use RAID 1 for the OS? RAID 1 is for high availability and primarily for servers. Its not a replacement for a backup.
I have just upgraded from an 80gb IDE drive and the RAID is mainly for the storage. The OS is on there till I get an SSD or another drive.