WD HDD's over 100GB? Problems...


Limp Gawd
Apr 29, 2005
Ok, so I buy a new Socket A board for a machine that I want to turn into a server for my home. I put it all together, it detects my old 120 IDE HDD, but says that it is all unpartitioned space. It says the same thing on my other (functioning) machine when the drive is in slave (it is the master on the socket A machine). The previous board was a DFI NF400 (I think, I'll look it up later) and the new board is a DFI Lanparty Nforce2 Rev. B. The reason I said WD HDD's, is a friend of mine had a WD 300GB HDD do the same thing to him, but recovered data using some program (I don't remember what). Any thoughts on this being a WD problem, or could I be missing something here?
It's not a problem solely for WD drives.. It's an addressing problem within Windows, and perhaps the motherboard/BIOS itself..Although the NF2 based boards should be new enough to not be the source. If you don't have sp2 installed, do it now...You need it for >137GB drives to be recognized fully. Of course one of the easier workarounds you already know about - using a partitioning program ("Norton" Partition Magic/Partition Star/etc) to "find" the extra space - but why deal with it if you don't have to right? :)

Well, I was able to get all of my data back using GetDataBack, but it was still a pain. I know about the 127GB thing, but the drive I was having problems with was a 120, it just lost the file allocation from what I can deduce, I was just curious what the cause of this are and if I can trust this drive in the future. I have reformatted/reinstalled XP on that 120 and I am posting from it now. I have my data back on the drive, and no problems yet. The reason I am curious if it is a WD problem is because it has happened on two seperate WD harddrives in my circle of friends. More or less wondering if anyone has run into that before.