WD Raptors


Apr 10, 2006
Do Raptors have a high failure rate? The reason I ask is because using SpeedFan SMART, it has listed a decline in performance in my Raptor. It once was at 100%, but now performance is down to 90%. I'm wondering if this is something that I should keep my eye on, as I don't want a HD failure.
Try defragging, it could be a software issue. It may also have to do with the drive being more full than it used to be.
I defrag everyday using PerfectDisk 8, so I know that isn't the issue. It just seems like the drive keeps getting lower and lower scores in SMART.
I've had mine for a year now, no problems. A friend of mine has had his for several years now, he hasn't had any problems either.
Does anyone know what is considered a good read/seek time on a HD?