WD320GB SATA Has both Regular Molex and Sata Power Connector


Mar 31, 2001
soo.... Which Do I use.
Any reason for going with the standard molex?

reason im asking is i been using nothing but seagates and they dont have a standard molex on them. Seems most other drives do though.
D. Light told me it does not matter that much.

If you are wanting to hotswap,you HAVE to use SATA Power.. Correct?
There is also another reason.. gonna edit it in,.
HDBox2d1 said:
D. Light told me it does not matter that much.

If you are wanting to hotswap,you HAVE to use SATA Power.. Correct?
There is also another reason.. gonna edit it in,.

I dont want hotswap. Im using these drives on my main system. there will be no raid. Only dual 320gbs.
If you have the SATA power connectors, use em. It's not like they're going to be used anywhere else!
TeeJayHoward said:
If you have the SATA power connectors, use em. It's not like they're going to be used anywhere else!

K O then
i just gotta decide now if i should go ahead and install my copy of WinXP 64
Either or, not both.

As said earlier, the SATA connector is required for hot swap. They function identically otherwise for current drives - delivering +5 and +12. In the future, the SATA connector may be required for some drives, as SATA connectors also supply +3.3, which a regular Molex cannot do.

WD and Hitachi are the only SATA drive makers that provide for Molexes. Seagate, Maxtor, and Samsung do not.
DougLite said:
Either or, not both.

I Have a 36GB Raptor and the WD2500KS.
The raptor is connected via SATA Power and the WD2500KS is connected Molex.
Is this ok?

Thanks :)
HDBox2d1 said:
I Have a 36GB Raptor and the WD2500KS.
The raptor is connected via SATA Power and the WD2500KS is connected Molex.
Is this ok?

Thanks :)
Yup, that's okay. Just never plug both SATA power and the molex connector in to the same drive. There's bad things and a very good chance of some pretty smoke.
TeeJayHoward said:
Yup, that's okay. Just never plug both SATA power and the molex connector in to the same drive. There's bad things and a very good chance of some pretty smoke.

OOOH i can release the magic smoke?!!!!
DougLite said:
Either or, not both.

As said earlier, the SATA connector is required for hot swap. They function identically otherwise for current drives - delivering +5 and +12. In the future, the SATA connector may be required for some drives, as SATA connectors also supply +3.3, which a regular Molex cannot do.

WD and Hitachi are the only SATA drive makers that provide for Molexes. Seagate, Maxtor, and Samsung do not.
I'd like to expand on this a bit if I may. Are these latest (Western Digital in this case) SATA2 drives backwards compatable with an SATA150 mobo interface?