We need 4870x2 right now !!! GTX-280 = major dud


[H]F Junkie
Dec 17, 2006
Well all these early leaked GTX-280 reviews seem to prove nVidia really bit the big one this time around. In high rez the brand new next generation all new card can barely beat the old generation 9800GX2, they seem to get almost the same benchmarks in the higher rez reviews :rolleyes:

Where is this 1 Teraflop card we were promised last year that would easily destroy a 2-8800GTX SLI system ? For this GTX-280 to be about the same speed as the old 2006 technology found in the 9800GX2 is very big let down. And then to charge $650 for this :eek:

I have a feeling ATI 4870x2 won't have a hard time kicking this little GTX-280 butt. For the first time in years I truly believe that ATI will finally have some strong competition for nVidia. But w need this 4870x2 out now
You will be proven wrong shortly, have patience! Benchmarks and playability are two different things.
Well all these early leaked GTX-280 reviews seem to prove nVidia really bit the big one this time around. In high rez the brand new next generation all new card can barely beat the old generation 9800GX2, they seem to get almost the same benchmarks in the higher rez reviews :rolleyes:

Where is this 1 Teraflop card we were promised last year that would easily destroy a 2-8800GTX SLI system ? For this GTX-280 to be about the same speed as the old 2006 technology found in the 9800GX2 is very big let down. And then to charge $650 for this :eek:

I have a feeling ATI 4870x2 won't have a hard time kicking this little GTX-280 butt. For the first time in years I truly believe that ATI will finally have some strong competition for nVidia. But w need this 4870x2 out now

As much as i'd like to have ati on top of nvidia if it takes a dual gpu ati card to take out a single gpu nvidia card then it isn't all that great of a win.
but anyway you'll be waiting at least a month or 2 for that.
As much as i'd like to have ati on top of nvidia if it takes a dual gpu ati card to take out a single gpu nvidia card then it isn't all that great of a win.
but anyway you'll be waiting at least a month or 2 for that.

That's not Nvidia's biggest problem - you can make the argument about dual vs single GPU. Their biggest problem is pricing...it looks like the X2 will be very attractive at ~$450. $200 more might not justify the benefits of a single GPU solution especially if it's slower as well.
You will be proven wrong shortly, have patience! Benchmarks and playability are two different things.

+1 to that:cool:

I will wait until both come out retail with their official drivers and go head to head in more than 3D Marks and a few games. I like to read reviews from multiple sites ( [H] firsts of course) because some mention things others don't.
As much as i'd like to have ati on top of nvidia if it takes a dual gpu ati card to take out a single gpu nvidia card then it isn't all that great of a win.
but anyway you'll be waiting at least a month or 2 for that.

Learn about the R770 before making statements like this. It was designed from the ground up to be very scalable, i.e. be readily able to work in a multi-gpu environment. ATI decided that making a huge, hot, expensive monolithic core wasn't the way to go (since it causes prices to be insanely high and yields ridiculously low) so they opted for a multi-gpu card.

There is no "welp the ATI card is a dual GPU card and even though it's faster it doesn't count". Faster is faster, there's no getting around it.
if it takes a dual gpu ati card to take out a single gpu nvidia card then it isn't all that great of a win.
People still don't get it? R700 isn't a dual GPU card because ATi is desperate to be on top. It's dual GPU card because it was designed to be such. A card is a card is a card. Get over it.

Supposedly 4850 CF beats GTX 280. If 4870 X2 >= 4870 CF, it should win handily. But we need to wait. 1 more day until [H] review of GTX 280. For sure it's not the monster that it was speculated to be early on but it still might be a worthy card.
I hope so...

Thoes early numbers NOT consistantly beating a GX2 rocked my world...

It was in games too.
I will only be happy with this single GTX-280 if it is even close to what we have all been expecting from nVidia and that is a single card that beats 2-8800GTX SLI, if a GTX-280 is just close to that then I will be very happy, but if is only like 50% faster than the two years old 8800GTX that is a major let down
SLI is not an option for me.

It needs to be done on 1 card, any way they want.

A GX2 is the current speed marker, they needed to beat that for my approval.

I didn't think I would be Stepping Up into a slower card.
I will only be happy with this single GTX-280 if it is even close to what we have all been expecting from nVidia and that is a single card that beats 2-8800GTX SLI, if a GTX-280 is just close to that then I will be very happy, but if is only like 50% faster than the two years old 8800GTX that is a major let down

You've already decided that the 280 is a dud, per subject line. Now you have to wait to see more reviews? Sheesh.
it seems to me there are a few people just dying for the gtx280 to be a revolutionary card... first it was "wait till the benchies come out, you never know" now its "the benchies dont mean as much as gameplay- just wait" and later it will end up as "its still a good card, but i cant wait to see the gtx390 or whatever"
Well all these early leaked GTX-280 reviews seem to prove nVidia really bit the big one this time around. In high rez the brand new next generation all new card can barely beat the old generation 9800GX2, they seem to get almost the same benchmarks in the higher rez reviews :rolleyes:

Where is this 1 Teraflop card we were promised last year that would easily destroy a 2-8800GTX SLI system ? For this GTX-280 to be about the same speed as the old 2006 technology found in the 9800GX2 is very big let down. And then to charge $650 for this :eek:

I have a feeling ATI 4870x2 won't have a hard time kicking this little GTX-280 butt. For the first time in years I truly believe that ATI will finally have some strong competition for nVidia. But w need this 4870x2 out now

Talk about getting your panties in a bunch before even having the full story. All these pre-release benches dont mean shit because none of them provide any information about average fps.

All they show is that the GTX 280 only marginally beats the GX2 in terms of maximum fps. For all we know the GTX 280 may double the average FPS compared to the GX2.

Kyle has already alluded to this in another thread, stop believing useless canned benchmarks. :rolleyes:
I hope ati does have the upper hand.This way they can make some money so we aren't stuck only buying nvidia cards and paying ungodly prices for them since they have no competition.
I use amd to try to keep em going since I don't want a cpu monopoly but I did buy 8800gt.
I hope it does perform better then the nvidia card especially being $200 cheaper only nvidia fanboys would spend the money on them.
Go ati go amd.
There are some people with these fluffy ideas in their head that are based on absolutely nothing. What they expect isn't founded in reality.

Having said that this is how GT200 breaks down vs G80 GTX according to Nvidia's own data and data from reliable sources:

Flops: +80%
Texturing: +30%
Fillrate: +39%
Bandwidth: +63%
Register file size: +100%
Frame buffer size: +33%
Transistor count: +100%

Based on the numbers I would expect on average a 50-70% gain over 8800GTX. Anything more than that is down to efficiency improvements.
I hope ati does have the upper hand.This way they can make some money so we aren't stuck only buying nvidia cards and paying ungodly prices for them since they have no competition.
I use amd to try to keep em going since I don't want a cpu monopoly but I did buy 8800gt.
I hope it does perform better then the nvidia card especially being $200 cheaper only nvidia fanboys would spend the money on them.
Go ati go amd.

We have already seen the results of competition at the low end. The gtx 260 price has been reduced. Competition is good, at least on the lower end.

Whom is calling others a fanboy? Look in the mirror.

Look look, GTX280 is 2500% faster than a 9800GTX in UT3 (Heatray), omg omg omg these benches must mean the GTX 280 rockzorz ure boxorz

/sarcasm off :rolleyes:
I'm hoping that Nvidia snuck some updated drivers to the people under NDA and their test results will be a lot better when we see them.

But like my grandfather used to say, wish in one shoe and crap in the other one and see which one fills up faster.:rolleyes:
i dont see why everyone is saying the new nvidia card is crap?
is like almost 2 times the performance of the previous generation. how is that bad?
i dont see why everyone is saying the new nvidia card is crap?
is like almost 2 times the performance of the previous generation. how is that bad?

Because we can't run SLI, and already have GX2's.

We wanted a single faster card. I am not sure that is what we have here...
wait..... what do u mean by no sli? as in your power supplies (big power load)cant or the card doesnt have connectors for sli?

EDIT i figured it out you mean costs right? yea that might get a little pricey.
it seems to me there are a few people just dying for the gtx280 to be a revolutionary card... first it was "wait till the benchies come out, you never know" now its "the benchies dont mean as much as gameplay- just wait" and later it will end up as "its still a good card, but i cant wait to see the gtx390 or whatever"

Just wait for mature drivers........:D
wait..... what do u mean by no sli? as in your power supplies (big power load)cant or the card doesnt have connectors for sli?

EDIT i figured it out you mean costs right? yea that might get a little pricey.

My Maximus Formula SE is an INTEL based mobo. INTEL based mobo's can't do SLI, only Crossfire.

ATI cards have sucked for shere animal speed in the recent past. I baught a GX2 and have until the 1st to step up into another EVGA card. EVGA only sells nVidia GPU's.

I have to keep my GX2 SSC, or can upgrade to a 280 at little cost. I hope to find out soon what the general masses consider to be the faster card. :)
it seems to me there are a few people just dying for the gtx280 to be a revolutionary card... first it was "wait till the benchies come out, you never know" now its "the benchies dont mean as much as gameplay- just wait" and later it will end up as "its still a good card, but i cant wait to see the gtx390 or whatever"

True. A lot of people let themselves get locked into a pro-NV mentality by their mobo choices or via the step-up program. Both are clever (but somewhat shady) efforts by NV to keep market share between cycles, and they work wonders! It all tends to be contingent on their being the best cards, though, without over-pricing the market too much, and that's where things get sketchy.

I like ATI because a) competition is good, b) they honestly seem to have engineered a better product this cycle, and c) they seem to focus on value. They're not as good at sucking people in and keeping them there, though.

IMO, if the performance aspects between generations can be kept comparable, (unlike the beating ATI took last time), then more consumers will start to think twice before they "lock themselves in" to a NV mobo/card combo. Personally, I think NV mobos are junk, so I was willing to wait for this generation of graphics to see if I'd find myself forced into one, or if there were options. Based on NVs craptacular mobo efforts and poor engineering philosophy on the new cards, I couldn't be happier that ATI is there to provide me extra options. :D

True. A lot of people let themselves get locked into a pro-NV mentality by their mobo choices or via the step-up program. Both are clever (but somewhat shady) efforts by NV to keep market share between cycles, and they work wonders! It all tends to be contingent on their being the best cards, though, without over-pricing the market too much, and that's where things get sketchy.

I like ATI because a) competition is good, b) they honestly seem to have engineered a better product this cycle, and c) they seem to focus on value.


Nvidia has nothing to do with the step up program. This is strictly an EVGA endeavor. Stop spreading FUD.
Hah hah - I just read that - "focus on value". You mean no currently competing products, right?
I cant believe you have the gaul to call the 280 a major dud when ATI has been putting out duds for years now... get a clue.
The GTX280 sounds like a really great card. I think people who already have 8800GTX or 9800GTX in SLI are just a bit disappointed they can't sell them and get a much faster single card soloution for similar money to what they paid for their current SLI setup (that they can add another gtx280 to later). I can't spring for two GTX 280 cards now and a new PS. That is almost $1600. I could have sold both 9800GTX cards for $400 or $450 and chipped in to get a single GTX280 though.

Granted this is all silly since we haven't seen any real benchmarks yet, but people don't have anything else to do!
we have yet to see the GTX 280 against two 8800 GTX cards in SLI. we will tomorrow. as long as it beats two 8800 GTX cards across the boards it not a dud in my mind.
I cant believe you have the gaul to call the 280 a major dud when ATI has been putting out duds for years now... get a clue.

uhhh the r600 is about it in my eyes. The x1800 ran a bit warm, and took a bit more power than the 7800 but the x1900 refresh really fixed that, and the x1950xt was the top of the line card till nvidia released the 7950GX2 which to some was a great card, until the lack of driver support. The 6800/x800 were both good cards, and viable options in their hayday. You could bring up the shader model 2.0/3.0 debacle with 6800/x800 but to me by the time sm3.0 made a huge difference the x1000/7800's were out.

I love how Nvidia lovers always neglect the fx series. I owned one, and yes it was a mistake but nvidia/ati have both had their share of flops. The GTX 200 series may or may not be another nvidia flop, we shall see with Brents article come monday.
uhhh the r600 is about it in my eyes. The x1800 ran a bit warm, and took a bit more power than the 7800 but the x1900 refresh really fixed that, and the x1950xt was the top of the line card till nvidia released the 7950GX2 which to some was a great card, until the lack of driver support. The 6800/x800 were both good cards, and viable options in their hayday. You could bring up the shader model 2.0/3.0 debacle with 6800/x800 but to me by the time sm3.0 made a huge difference the x1000/7800's were out.

I love how Nvidia lovers always neglect the fx series. I owned one, and yes it was a mistake but nvidia/ati have both had their share of flops. The GTX 200 series may or may not be another nvidia flop, we shall see with Brents article come monday.

Yeah, that Radeon 9700 was the SH*T back in the day!
we have yet to see the GTX 280 against two 8800 GTX cards in SLI. we will tomorrow. as long as it beats two 8800 GTX cards across the boards it not a dud in my mind.

I agree, I will compare this card against a single 8800 Ultra and if it soundly beats it, it is a success.
I personally don't care how fast it is. It's way out of my price range. I would never buy a video card that costs more then a PS3. Give me something that plays all the games under $300.
I personally don't care how fast it is. It's way out of my price range. I would never buy a video card that costs more then a PS3. Give me something that plays all the games under $300.

Heh, that definitely puts things in perspective.
Well all these early leaked GTX-280 reviews seem to prove nVidia really bit the big one this time around. In high rez the brand new next generation all new card can barely beat the old generation 9800GX2, they seem to get almost the same benchmarks in the higher rez reviews :rolleyes:

Where is this 1 Teraflop card we were promised last year that would easily destroy a 2-8800GTX SLI system ? For this GTX-280 to be about the same speed as the old 2006 technology found in the 9800GX2 is very big let down. And then to charge $650 for this :eek:

I have a feeling ATI 4870x2 won't have a hard time kicking this little GTX-280 butt. For the first time in years I truly believe that ATI will finally have some strong competition for nVidia. But w need this 4870x2 out now

Congrats on starting a completely pointless thread for all the fan-bois to flame each other.
Heh, that definitely puts things in perspective.

Im with you on that. Although I have been a Nvidia Loyalist for years and years, this new 4870 priced under 200 bucks is looking awful tempting, especially comparing it to ym 8800gts 640 in crysis. Id like to see more benches from it.
Well all these early leaked GTX-280 reviews seem to prove nVidia really bit the big one this time around. In high rez the brand new next generation all new card can barely beat the old generation 9800GX2, they seem to get almost the same benchmarks in the higher rez reviews :rolleyes:

Where is this 1 Teraflop card we were promised last year that would easily destroy a 2-8800GTX SLI system ? For this GTX-280 to be about the same speed as the old 2006 technology found in the 9800GX2 is very big let down. And then to charge $650 for this :eek:

I have a feeling ATI 4870x2 won't have a hard time kicking this little GTX-280 butt. For the first time in years I truly believe that ATI will finally have some strong competition for nVidia. But w need this 4870x2 out now

So 27fps in Crysis DX10 Very High at 1920x1200 with 4xMSAA and 16xAF from a SINGLE CARD isn't good enough for you!?