We need 4870x2 right now !!! GTX-280 = major dud

looks like crossfire 4850's are going to be the sweet spot.

I am confused on one thing with ATI, why squeeze everything in the small memory config?
since N proved that more memory and more channels are the key..640Meg card and the 768M was optimal with the 8800 Ultra....why does ATI and N continue to make 512Meg cards memory can't be that high now...whats the scoop ?????
Why spend 600+ for the gtx 280.. when you can buy a gx2 for 400 bucks. I'll either buy a gx2, or wait for the 4870.. or maybe the price of the 260 will drop to something worth while.

There is no justification when they perform just about the same, as most of the reviews have shown. I noticed how some reviewers are conveniently forgetting to bench the 280/260 vs. the gx2... I wonder why?
Buy 2x 4850 for less than 200 each. You can match the gt280 for 200+ dollars less than the cost of the NV card. Can't wait for the 4870x2, it's going to be a killer.
Let's wait for the benchmarks for the 4850/4870 to come out and then decide. Even if (and that's a big if) ATI's card isn't quite as fast as nVidia, it's certainly got it beat on price. The new nVidia cards are nice, but they're far too expensive!
You will be proven wrong shortly, have patience! Benchmarks and playability are two different things.

Thats what it seems like to me from the reviews / benchmarks that I've read. The single card makes things more playable.. as less dips in to the really low frames per second region.

Most reviews only showed the average fps. If people paid attention to a thorough review like here on [H], you'd see the minimums and how much of a difference those minimums can make.
uhhh the r600 is about it in my eyes. The x1800 ran a bit warm, and took a bit more power than the 7800 but the x1900 refresh really fixed that, and the x1950xt was the top of the line card till nvidia released the 7950GX2 which to some was a great card, until the lack of driver support. The 6800/x800 were both good cards, and viable options in their hayday. You could bring up the shader model 2.0/3.0 debacle with 6800/x800 but to me by the time sm3.0 made a huge difference the x1000/7800's were out.

I love how Nvidia lovers always neglect the fx series. I owned one, and yes it was a mistake but nvidia/ati have both had their share of flops. The GTX 200 series may or may not be another nvidia flop, we shall see with Brents article come monday.

I think it's funny that ATI Lovers still desperately cling to the 'good days' when ATI released quality products. Buddy, the days of the 9700 and the 9800 were a looong time ago. ATI has taken a beating ever since the 6 series cards were released by Nvidia.
pffft x1900 series were better than 7000 s until nvidia came with dual gpu :D besides iq was still poor and so saying ati doesn't have a winner except 9000 series is a bit fanatic
Yea, X800 series was roughly equal in performance to the 6800, and then the X850 beat them. The X1800 was a little faster than the 7800, and then the X1900 beat the 7900. I think nVidia will really have to screw up for ATi to beat them like with the R300, but you never know, it could happen eventually.
competition has been pretty balanced after 9700/9800. nothing like the beating ati gave nvidia's epic fail FX 5x00 series
That's not Nvidia's biggest problem - you can make the argument about dual vs single GPU. Their biggest problem is pricing...it looks like the X2 will be very attractive at ~$450. $200 more might not justify the benefits of a single GPU solution especially if it's slower as well.

Um... The 4870X2 is slated to come when? August? Given that price points of $500 have already been floating around for the GTX 280, I certainly expect it to drop to $500 by then if not lower. I very much doubt the 4870X2 will have any price advantage at that time.
I very much doubt the 4870X2 will have any price advantage at that time.
AMD seems to be getting ready for quite a battle with their latest chips.
They will certainly try to undercut Nvidia in $/performance all across the board, including their top performer.
Less pins to deal with makes things much cheaper and easier. GDDR5 is almost twice the speed of GDDR3. If the reviews about 4850 crossfired beating the 280 are true the 4870x2 is likely faster and cheaper.

The cost of production for the 280 is somewhat staggering in comparison to everything else out there. That being said it may be somewhat difficult for Nvidia to match prices until they get a refresh or improve yields. The reasoning behind high prices on the 280 might be that they just can't produce that many of them in relation to the 260. This along with the relatively low clockspeeds and inability to break that 1 TFLOP barrier support that argument.
Has this ever happened before, 2 all new video card generations being released so close together? Usually it's a new card vs. the other guy's cards that are halfway through their lifecycle already. Looks like ATI is going to own the midrange by default this round, and most of the nonfanboi enthusiast sales could be determined from the 260/4870 price performance battle.

Interesting times for hardware geeks :)
Will the GTX260 be a worthwhile upgrade/replacement for my EVGA GTS 8800 (640mb)?

I'm not sure what the heck to do. One thing is for sure, is that I will never spend more than $350 on a video card ever again. OK, I might go to $450 :)
Will the GTX260 be a worthwhile upgrade/replacement for my EVGA GTS 8800 (640mb)?

I'm not sure what the heck to do. One thing is for sure, is that I will never spend more than $350 on a video card ever again. OK, I might go to $450 :)

You sound like a perfect candidate for the RED team ;)

(Wait a week for reviews -obviously- )
Um... The 4870X2 is slated to come when? August? Given that price points of $500 have already been floating around for the GTX 280, I certainly expect it to drop to $500 by then if not lower. I very much doubt the 4870X2 will have any price advantage at that time.

That's all speculation at this point, with no real evidence to back it up other than your gut feeling. GT280 being twice as fast as a GX2 was also floating around at one point.
GT280 being twice as fast as a GX2 was also floating around at one point.

That was being said here 2 weeks ago... then I waited and didn't buy my GX2. I am kicking myself for it now. :(

I definitely want to see the ATI reviews though. They seem promising... but it seems like the 4870 isn't coming until July now.
Less pins to deal with makes things much cheaper and easier. GDDR5 is almost twice the speed of GDDR3.

If the reviews about 4850 crossfired beating the 280 are true the 4870x2 is likely faster and cheaper.
There are two major things people forget about a 280.
1) It's baby brother, the 260, is the price/preformance warrior your looking for. 400$ for what 80% of the preformance of the 280?

2) Even if 2-4850s beat 1 280, It is going to be hard to trump 3-280s in SLI. Now I'm not saying it's economical, but a 30" monitor isn't either. Remember the 280 is a flagship card. It exsits for the people who want to pay too much money for thier graphics setup. Similarly the E8500 vs the E8400. Or the old AMD 1000$ CPUs. It's like trying to go HP/$ on a porche. It just doesn't mean much.

The cost of production for the 280 is somewhat staggering in comparison to everything else out there. That being said it may be somewhat difficult for Nvidia to match prices until they get a refresh or improve yields. The reasoning behind high prices on the 280 might be that they just can't produce that many of them in relation to the 260. This along with the relatively low clockspeeds and inability to break that 1 TFLOP barrier support that argument.

I'm curious to see how much the clock speeds are hurting due to cooling solutions. It is a big die, and they are running it hotter than things in the past. While it's performance/watt metric is good, that is still a lot of wattage to be removed by air cooling.
You sound like a perfect candidate for the RED team ;)

(Wait a week for reviews -obviously- )

If by RED team you mean ATI then I'm willing. I was on the RED team before (9600pro,x1800,x800). I usually go back and forth between brands but it seems like its the ATI cards that seem to spend more time in my systems.
I had an X850 Pro (unlocked pipelines to make it an XT). When I upgraded in Feb, there just wasn't anything worthwhile coming from ATI. Maybe this release will change all that, but honestly, I'm not expecting much.
That's all speculation at this point, with no real evidence to back it up other than your gut feeling. GT280 being twice as fast as a GX2 was also floating around at one point.

But the $450 price others have been floating around has more backing?
But the $450 price others have been floating around has more backing?

Did I say that? ANY talk of price drops at this point is speculation. Feel better now? Please learn to read between the lines or atleast, not read something that isn't there as the case may be. :rolleyes:
Been on red team since nVidia screwed up 3dfx and I am not planning to switch any time soon. There are couple of 4870s with my name on them being made right now :)
Been on red team since nVidia screwed up 3dfx and I am not planning to switch any time soon. There are couple of 4870s with my name on them being made right now :)

Either you don't buy cards that often, or you're a hard-core fanATIc (not a bad thing). At several points in time in the last few years Nvidia has had an undeniable lead in both performance and performance/$. My own breakdown of ATI vs. Nvidia purchases is probably closer to 50/50 lifetime, with more ATI early on and more Nvidia recently. This generation though, its going to come down to 4870 vs 260 - whichever one is faster (I hate dual cards for a variety of reasons, first had experience being the primary factor).
This generation though, its going to come down to 4870 vs 260 - whichever one is faster (I hate dual cards for a variety of reasons, first had experience being the primary factor).

Except that this generation, if the rumors are true, the HD 4870x2 won't use CrossFire, it will have true shared memory. If you can wait until August, we'll find out then.
Except that this generation, if the rumors are true, the HD 4870x2 won't use CrossFire, it will have true shared memory. If you can wait until August, we'll find out then.

They said that about the 3870X2... and it still uses Crossfire (omg, it's on one PCB! It MUST NOT use Crossfire! Oh, nm). Also, imo, if they really did that they'd turn to a label other than X2 likely to differentiate it from the 3870X2.
They said that about the 3870X2... and it still uses Crossfire (omg, it's on one PCB! It MUST NOT use Crossfire! Oh, nm). Also, imo, if they really did that they'd turn to a label other than X2 likely to differentiate it from the 3870X2.

Totally different reasons this time for thinking it won't be CrossFired (for example, one reason is a "Global Data Share" listed on the 4870x2 schematic, that the 3870x2 doesn't have). However, since I really don't know if it is or isn't, I'm not going to argue about it. We'll find out in August :)
Totally different reasons this time for thinking it won't be CrossFired (for example, one reason is a "Global Data Share" listed on the 4870x2 schematic, that the 3870x2 doesn't have). However, since I really don't know if it is or isn't, I'm not going to argue about it. We'll find out in August :)
Even though I just bought a GTX 280 (with knowledge that ATI is supposed to release new cards, too), I really do hope that ATI manages to pull off a solution like that which doesn't suffer from microstuttering. It would be a major step forward in terms of multi-GPU scaling. At the same time, I really didn't want to wait till August to find out. :eek: