We need MORE POWUH! Unreal Tournament 3 is almost here!


Apr 23, 2006
So where's the 8950gx2 cards, the uber ATI cards, etc?


and to think some people say that a 8800gtx is not outdated and can run this and crysis flawlessly needs a reality check.

when this and crysis comes out, people with 8800gtx are gunna have a nasty surprise
I sold my 8800gtx 'cause I needed to buy some stuff for business related endeavours, so I'm not going to go back and buy another 8800gtx, I'll just hold on to my amazingly cheap yet fast 7900gs until then. :)
No worries, enough to run those will be coming by mid-Nov. from both camps... ;).
No worries, enough to run those will be coming by mid-Nov. from both camps... ;).

While it seems certain that both camps will release new performance segment cards, I'm not so sure about new high-end stuff. Kyle has repeatedly said not to expect new high-end parts this year. Time will tell, I guess, but I'm not holding my breath.
While it seems certain that both camps will release new performance segment cards, I'm not so sure about new high-end stuff. Kyle has repeatedly said not to expect new high-end parts this year. Time will tell, I guess, but I'm not holding my breath.

No, not in a single-card format.
Well, there aren't any good SLI boards around, though my P5B Deluxe can do Crossfire with some cards.
and to think some people say that a 8800gtx is not outdated and can run this and crysis flawlessly needs a reality check.

when this and crysis comes out, people with 8800gtx are gunna have a nasty surprise

People who think they know how a game is going to run by looking at screenshots instead of developer estimations need reality checks.
Seriously if developers release games that even $500-600 cards cant run, do they really expect to make any money?
Why do you guys think UT3 will require such high specs? Most of the Unreal Engine 3 games (like Bioshock) run great and scale great on various pc hardware. Plus this game is being ported to the Xbox 360 and PS3 which both use last generation GPUs. Maybe I'm a fool, but I suspect this game will run well for most people as long as you have 79XX or 19XX generation video cards. You can't build an online MP community coming out with a game that won't run well on midrange systems. I guess we will see soon enough...

I guess a few people havent seen the specs released?

According to an announcement made today, the multiplayer first-person shooter will run best on a machine with a 2.4+ GHz dual-core processor, 1 GB of system RAM, an NVIDIA 7800GTX+ or ATI x1300+ video card and 8 GB of hard drive space, running Windows XP SP2 or Windows Vista.

Minimum system requirements for the game are a 2.0+ GHz single-core processor, 512 MB of system RAM, NVIDIA 6200+ or ATI Radeon 9600+ video card and 8 GB of hard drive space.

The ATI x1300 as running "best" kinda threw me for a loop.

and to think some people say that a 8800gtx is not outdated and can run this and crysis flawlessly needs a reality check.

when this and crysis comes out, people with 8800gtx are gunna have a nasty surprise

I was pleasantly suprised how well my 8800GTX runs Crysis at 1920x1080, maxed, 4x AA

And thats on an unoptimized beta, granted 20-25 fps isnt spectacular, but its still pretty solid for a year old card. The 8800GTX imo is as venerable as the 9800pro was in its day, a long lasting, high performance card.
I just can't see any games coming out anytime soon that will be too advanced for the $500+ hardware (and even the $250+) to play well. Will you be able to have the max resolution with max everything? MAYBE not, but these developers are out to make money. There's no money in pandering to the 5-10% of gamers that have that type of hardware especially in this day and age of needing millions of copies sold to make a profit.
Why do you guys think UT3 will require such high specs? Most of the Unreal Engine 3 games (like Bioshock) run great and scale great on various pc hardware. Plus this game is being ported to the Xbox 360 and PS3 which both use last generation GPUs. Maybe I'm a fool, but I suspect this game will run well for most people as long as you have 79XX or 19XX generation video cards. You can't build an online MP community coming out with a game that won't run well on midrange systems. I guess we will see soon enough...

Indeed - all previous Unreal titles have run very well (or scaled well, anyway) on 'older' systems. I played UT2k3 on a GF3Ti 64MB or GF2MX 32MB (can't recall), and it ran great. It just looked much better when I got a 6600GT 128MB.

i played 2003 on a mx400 u3 will run just fine on my box and max rez is pretty at first but when youplay comp normaly you cut that crap down anyway to get more fragging. if i make any upgrade it will be to a quadcore i think my 7900gtx is gonna be just fine for a few more monthsAfter this fall i dontthinkt here will be much to look forward to release wise anyway. This christmas will determine at least a year of gaming with all the releases.
No worries, enough to run those will be coming by mid-Nov. from both camps... ;).

Your just all over the video card section with your confident "inside info" aren't you...

List your sources or STFU. Even if you did somehow know for a fact something new was on the way there is absolutely no way you can even speculate what kind of power were looking at or even whether or not they will be enough to run unreleased games.

Your full of shit ;)
I was pleasantly suprised how well my 8800GTX runs Crysis at 1920x1080, maxed, 4x AA

And thats on an unoptimized beta, granted 20-25 fps isnt spectacular, but its still pretty solid for a year old card. The 8800GTX imo is as venerable as the 9800pro was in its day, a long lasting, high performance card.

its not that i dont want crysis and unreal to run flawlessly on a 8800gtx, its just that given the history of 1 year old cards, they dont seem to run new games release a year after the card was launched.

20-25fps is not running crysis flawlesly as u quit mentioned but i dont want to buy a 1 year old card knowing that it could struggle on these new games, bioshock is the first game to realy stress the 8800gtx but unreal is a whole new ball game , the levels are more open.

And dont get me started with crysis, that game just looks amazing and i doubt a 8800gtx can run the game on 1680x on 50-60fps. time will tell because if it can run the game flawlessly i would buy a 8800gtx
Your just all over the video card section with your confident "inside info" aren't you...

List your sources or STFU. Even if you did somehow know for a fact something new was on the way there is absolutely no way you can even speculate what kind of power were looking at or even whether or not they will be enough to run unreleased games.

Your full of shit ;)

Ive been calling him out for it one every thread he does this that i see. He just loves to troll.
its not that i dont want crysis and unreal to run flawlessly on a 8800gtx, its just that given the history of 1 year old cards, they dont seem to run new games release a year after the card was launched.

20-25fps is not running crysis flawlesly as u quit mentioned but i dont want to buy a 1 year old card knowing that it could struggle on these new games, bioshock is the first game to realy stress the 8800gtx but unreal is a whole new ball game , the levels are more open.

And dont get me started with crysis, that game just looks amazing and i doubt a 8800gtx can run the game on 1680x on 50-60fps. time will tell because if it can run the game flawlessly i would buy a 8800gtx

I don't know why everyone has so many problems with crysis. I did some nice config mods and got it looking nice and running at 40-50fps with 1920X1200 and 4xAA, even outside. The game is still a BETA - it's not going to run great right now.. it's not fully optimized. But I don't see what the issue is. If you learn how to toy with the config it'll run pretty nice and still look great.

I expect to see better results when I run my eVGA 680i and SLI 8800gtx when I throw them in this weekend. Of course, I paid $350 a pop for my 8800GTX's (one's and OC) - sure as hell I wasn't going to fork over $600 for a single card but $700 for two I can do.

From what I hear the 8800GT comes out in November - single slot, G92 card, performance under the GTX but better than GTS (just like the previous generation). I'll tell ya one thing.. then they (the 9800, etc) come out with their heafty price tag... I won't be rushing to get one. Not until I play starcraft 2 at 10fps with SLI setup in late 2008 =P
I remember the unreal 3 engine was being demo'd all the way back when the 6800ultra was around so i don't think its going to require too much of a power house to run. If you can run medal of honor airborne then your good to go :)
I remember the unreal 3 engine was being demo'd all the way back when the 6800ultra was around so i don't think its going to require too much of a power house to run. If you can run medal of honor airborne then your good to go :)

yep, if i remember correctly they said UT2007 runs great on 6800U with max or Medium (cant remember) on 1280x1024.
bioshock ran good because it did not have a million things happening at the same time. Medal of Honor ran like crap but is no where near as fast past and hectic as an Unreal Tournament game
I guess a few people havent seen the specs released?

According to an announcement made today, the multiplayer first-person shooter will run best on a machine with a 2.4+ GHz dual-core processor, 1 GB of system RAM, an NVIDIA 7800GTX+ or ATI x1300+ video card and 8 GB of hard drive space, running Windows XP SP2 or Windows Vista.
Oh gee, you mean I don't have to upgrade my entire system to the latest & greatest components available? What the hell? :confused: ;) :D

^^^^^ - more little faces for ya - lol
apparently this game is well optimised, i remember seeing somewhere that this game runs maxed @ x1280 with just a 320mb gts and dual core c2d so im not worrying about not having enough power to play it with highest settings
I guess a few people havent seen the specs released?
This is really the only response that was needed in this thread. The required/recommended specs were released before this thread was posted, and it's clear that this game will run well, and look good, even on last-gen hardware.

Epic isn't stupid. They've been releasing UT3 screenshots for ages. They aren't going to release a game that only looks good if you've spent $500 on a card the same month the game is released.
Epic would not be that stupid. They have been releasing games for years that have been able to scale hardware with the best of them. Hell, I use to play on my old powerbook g4 (ATI Mobile Radeon 9700 w/ 128MB of VRam) and the settings cranked, it wold look very nice. Now granted, if you have the top end hardware, it should run fine, but even on a 6800 Ultra, it should still look halfway decent. UT and Half Life scaled awesome with all hardware.
Your just all over the video card section with your confident "inside info" aren't you...

List your sources or STFU. Even if you did somehow know for a fact something new was on the way there is absolutely no way you can even speculate what kind of power were looking at or even whether or not they will be enough to run unreleased games.

Your full of shit ;)

As I said, you do realize teh intarwebz don't contain all the info in the world, especially publicly, right ;)?

I know some things, but I'm sure as heck not going outside... ;). Go on believing what you want, the rest who know who's saying what will be smart enough to know anyway. :rolleyes:
so you think a 6800 ultra can run this ut3? LOL i wish it could but to be honest, i bet a 7900 could BARELY run this on medium
so you think a 6800 ultra can run this ut3?
As has been mentioned already, Epic released the minimum and recommended specs. According to those specs: Yes, the 6800 ultra can, indeed, run UT3.
LOL i wish it could but to be honest, i bet a 7900 could BARELY run this on medium
What are you basing this on? Because your speculation certainly isn't consistent with Epic's past performance, the UT3 specs that have been released (and mentioned in this very thread), nor what we've seen from other UT3-engine games.
As I said, you do realize teh intarwebz don't contain all the info in the world, especially publicly, right ;)?

I know some things, but I'm sure as heck not going outside... ;). Go on believing what you want, the rest who know who's saying what will be smart enough to know anyway. :rolleyes:

Teh interwebz contains nearly all the information in the world. And if there was a true to god leak of info of this sort it would end up on the internet in a heartbeat.:rolleyes:

You dont know anything more than the rest of us but you can keep on thinking you have the inside track with Nvidia and ATI. Like such info would remain quietly in your head alone and nobody else would ever get wind of it... like either of these companies have ever been good at keeping secrets... get the fuck over yourself man.:rolleyes:

Again like i said even if you somehow had the inside track on the next generation of video cards your still talking out your ass claiming how they will perform in multiple unreleased games as you have been doing here.:rolleyes:

Like anyone is truly stupid enough to believe you have sources within ATI, Nvidia, Crytek and epic games?;)

Sounds to me like you heard a rumor from someone you know and have taken it as the word of god. I look forward to the day your predictions blow up in your face.;):D:p
List your sources or STFU.
You want to know who his source is? I already did some prior digging:
..some 19-year-old kid who "works" for a no-name Greek tech site with five whopping reviews that reviews iPhones with what's most likely a camera phone..
That's his source. If you want a good laugh, hit the thread I posted this in.

I await many more opportunities to discredit his so-called "sources" if only he would be willing to clue us in as to who those sources actually are.

yep, if i remember correctly they said UT2007 runs great on 6800U with max or Medium (cant remember) on 1280x1024.
A 6800 would be pushing it at "Medium", I'd think, but I wouldn't exactly put it past Sweeney to squeeze that kind of performance out of his platform. Sweeney is to Direct3D as Carmack is to OpenGL -- he, and pretty much everyone else at Epic, are fantastically good at what they do.