Weak 12V causing 6800GT & 2001FP Problems?


Limp Gawd
Mar 29, 2005
OK, so a couple of months my 2001FP monitor starts loosing the DVI connection and displaying some typical problems of the "stuck in power save mode" problem. I convince Dell to send me a new monitor (or refurbished one at least) and I thought my problems were solved. But they came back within a couple of days. That's when I noticed that my PSU (Antec TrueControl 2.0) seems to be bringing it weak--the 12V is at 11.9V and the 5V is at 4.81V according to SpeedFan.

I'm running two 6800GT cards in SLI on a A8N-SLI Premium with a Opty 170, one HDD and two DVD burners. Even though the PSU is SLI rated, do you think it's still not enough for the vid cards? Maybe time for a new PSU?
11.9V is still within acceptable limits. Even 4.81V is still within acceptable limits (albeit not as close as the 11.9V).
Dunno if I would say it is the power supply. When you get that loss of signal message on the screen, do a quick test.

Turn the monitor off for 5 seconds, and then turn it back on.

I have a 2001FP and very rarely I will get a message that says "Cannot display in DVI" when my computer is booting. I just cycle the power on the monitor and all is well. See what happens when you try it.
Watch out for the DVI cable that ships with the 2001fp, mine puked within a couple of years. I was loading the OS on a new system for the GF's present, and no signal, hooked it back up to mine and same thing. A new cable fixed it, no probs for 4 months, and no complaints from the guy who bought it when I upgraded.

As for your voltage readings, never ever trust the onboard monitoring devices, always check actual output with a quality Multimeter
I've tried cycling the power and that doesn't help. The only way I get DVI back is to completely reboot.

I thought it might be the DVI cable too, so I tried another DVI cable I had here with the old 2001fp monitor and I'd still lose it. Even with the "new" refurb monitor that Dell sent, I'm using the cable that came with it (looks newer) and still having the problem.

Here's another question. What the right DVI port to use on which vid card in an SLI configuration? My vid card has two DVI ports each, so that's four ports to choose from. I'm using the top video card now with the port thats closest to the motherboard. Although I've also used the one that's farthest away from the motherboard, but still run into the same problem.

Any thoughts?

Thanks for the comments and help thus far...
I use the one that's closest to the mobo on the top card. that is the dual DVI port required for the 3007, only the one closest to the mobo is capable of dual DVI. Since you have SLI, have you tried swapping the cards ? Maybe it's the port on your top card ?
FragMagnet said:
I use the one that's closest to the mobo on the top card. that is the dual DVI port required for the 3007, only the one closest to the mobo is capable of dual DVI. Since you have SLI, have you tried swapping the cards ? Maybe it's the port on your top card ?

I haven't since it would be a serious PITA--I watercool both cards with NV-68's and with that configuration (or any WCing for that matter), you'd have to competely redo the waterblocks. Which mean draining the system, removing the cards, removing the waterblocks, reinstalling the waterblack, bitch, moan, gripe, complain, etc... :mad:

But maybe that's the problem and it's something I should consider. I've been meaning to add an in-line temp and flow meter anyway...