Web-Controlled Shotguns Are Illegal

Talk about inviting hackers! And if the Internet-controlled gun shot someone, who'd be charge, the owner of the networked gun or the hacker? I'd guess both. :cool:
Talk about inviting hackers! And if the Internet-controlled gun shot someone, who'd be charge, the owner of the networked gun or the hacker? I'd guess both. :cool:

If someone breaks into your house and steals your gun and then takes it and shoots someone with it, how is it your fault? Even if you leave your front door open, they'd never charge the gun owner.
I think this is idiotic. If you are going to blow something or someone's brains out, you need to be there up close and in person to witness the carnage. The is fucked up and all wrong IMO.
Try telling that to the US Air Force. Unmanned drones? UAVs with armaments? How about Tomahawk missiles? Or any missile for that matter?

They all go against your statement.

If the Pentagon had their way and unlimited funding, most of the armed forces would be remote controlled vehicles on the battlefield. All being controlled by 12 year olds whom were drafted from Xbox Live.
If someone breaks into your house and steals your gun and then takes it and shoots someone with it, how is it your fault? Even if you leave your front door open, they'd never charge the gun owner.

But in the USA they may charge the gun maker AND the router maker ;)

Seriously though, everything has a time and a use. I dont hunt and honestly I dont like the idea of murdering an animal just for fun (now if they'd let criminals runa round and you shoot at them.....) but even I know that thanks to other acts of stupidity (killing off predators) that it's needed. I also know there is a time and place for devices like this. Banning something just because some (usually conservative) people dont like it is stupid and bigbrother-ish...

Also how much you guys want to bet this setup shows up on CSI: or one of it's spinoffs within 6 months? I'm guessing something like "right-click for murder" ;) :D
If there is really an overabundance of feral hogs there I cant say its a bad ideal. For the property owner there could be serious damage caused by the hogs.

Myself though shooting over the net wouldn't have the same adrenalin rush as it is starting down the sights & pulling the trigger 1st hand.
If there is really an overabundance of feral hogs there I cant say its a bad ideal. For the property owner there could be serious damage caused by the hogs.

Myself though shooting over the net wouldn't have the same adrenalin rush as it is starting down the sights & pulling the trigger 1st hand.

If he is looking to get rid of some hogs, let me and a few friends come out for a saturday. He won't have a problem anymore :D
cant' believe this hasn't been said you

"are you still there" "searching"
I think this is idiotic. If you are going to blow something or someone's brains out, you need to be there up close and in person to witness the carnage. The is fucked up and all wrong IMO.

funny you say this, I have a friend who was a ranger that served 3 tours in iraq, he described the CROW system as follows "I could shoot old ladies with that thing and not feel any remorse"
Are you allowed to bait when hunting? I know that you can't do that where i am.

States differ, some can't bait X amount of days before hunting season opens, some you can bait, some you can't at all. . When I lived in Idaho I believe you could bait Bears, but no Elk. Mulies, etc.
LOL, this made me think of the future of cubicle monkeys. Remote cattle prods for when you catch an emplyee on facebook *click* *ZZZZAAAP!*
If you can press on a button to fire a weapon then they should just go ahead and outlaw any use of firearm, law enforcement included!!!
If someone breaks into your house and steals your gun and then takes it and shoots someone with it, how is it your fault? Even if you leave your front door open, they'd never charge the gun owner.
Yes, but according to the law, having your house broken into is not a crime, but having a web-controlled gun is a crime, so if that gets hacked, then I imagine both the owner of the we-controlled gun and the hacker would be charged (if caught).

But in the USA they may charge the gun maker AND the router maker ;)
And the ISP. :p
^ To clarify, when I said, "Yes, but according to the law, having your house broken into is not a crime", I meant it that it's not a crime against the owner of the house. (Obviously it's a criminal act to the person who broke into the house!)
Yes, but according to the law, having your house broken into is not a crime, but having a web-controlled gun is a crime, so if that gets hacked, then I imagine both the owner of the we-controlled gun and the hacker would be charged (if caught).
No, it isn't. It's illegal to hunt with them in half the states. There's a huge difference.
Any southerners want to chime in as to what a "food plot" is?

didnt read the whole thread, but a food plot would be a plot of land where food is grown i imagine, you know, that produce you buy in those there fancy food markets.....it cant grow in the north apparently :rolleyes:
If someone breaks into your house and steals your gun and then takes it and shoots someone with it, how is it your fault? Even if you leave your front door open, they'd never charge the gun owner.

But in the USA they may charge the gun maker AND the router maker ;)

Great. Another new protocol, and subset requirements coming.. :mad: :p
*wonders what THAT'LL take to get verisigned...* :D