Web Traffic Jam as People Search for Financial News

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
The internet feel a little slower lately? Well, according to this article, it is because so many people are going online to search things related to the current economic crisis that it is slowing things down all over the place.

"Investment pages are just red hot right now with people wanting to know what is going on with stocks," Yahoo Finance general manager Mark Interrante told AFP. "We have been impressed by the traffic. People are not just diving down into stocks but asking what is going on, how it affects them and where it is all going."
Either that or so many people are using internet transaction processing by moving their money out of the country, lol

I didn't think financial news would make such a big impact on surfing, but I guess everyone is watching their investments today and in the upcoming week due to the entire global financial issue.
I think that the elections also have a substantial impact from increased surfing.

Invest in real estate while prices are low!
Google finance has been acting wierd lately, but I hadn't noticed otherwise.
Mine stopped working because some drunk bastard crashed into our cable box.
I heard the internet's all dried up around here, heard it went out west to californi.