Webcam for streaming online? $100 max


Mar 27, 2007
Ok, I recently got myself hooked to the whole, and deal, and would like to try it for myself as well. I also needed a webcam since I don't have one, and there is also those occasions where family from another country wants to see me and they just can't.
I was recently checking the Logitech QuickCam Orbit MP. It used to be popular a while ago, but I'm not sure if this would be my best choice for now. As I said, I'm not planning on wasting more than $100. Basically all I want is the best possible picture for that money. I don't mind recording audio from a different source, but yeah, using the camera's built-in feature would me nice. Also, I plan on using this mainly for streaming online, but will also be cool If I could just record videos of my own at a nice 30fps, in a decent resolution.

So, what would you guys recommend me? Is this my best choice, or should I be looking at something different?
Im not gonna get a response, Am I?
I've been using the search, and most of the webcam questions are either extinct, or just ignored. Anyways, I'll give this one more chance. If not, I'll just have to look somewhere else for help.
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Well, my connection is 6mb Download / 512kb Upload. I hope that is enough.

Also, aren't different cameras suppose to take the same amount of bandwidth as long as the video feed is of the same resolution, quality, and FPS? Meaning:

Cam1: 320x240@30fps [70% quality] = X kb/s
Cam2: 320x240@30fps [70% quality] = X kb/s
Cam3: 320x240@30fps [100% quality] > X kb/s

Is this right? Or is there something else that I don't know? I'm confused now.

Either way, Thanks alot crazjayz for your response. I'll look some more into that webcam.
Anybody else got more suggestions, or is this the best deal?
The Orbit and Ultra were the two most popular webcams so far this year. I think we'll see better though for the Holidays. Just in a transitional lull right now. I hear Logitech and Creative have some in the works thats suppose to improve performance over current offerings. I dont think they are due out till around the holidays though.
Ok, I've been doing some more research, and they have an ever newer model of webcams from Logitech, that is has been said by some people online and review sites, to have better image quality than the Orbit MP, and even the Ultra Vision. The webcam is the QuickCam Pro 9000. It has all the new features from the Ultra Vision, like RightLight 2 Techlonogy, but with improved lens from Carl Zeiss. This one got released in 6/28/07 according to the Logitech website.

So yeah, I'm definitely digging this one out. The image quality compared to the other webcams is just amazing. I might check one of this babys out. And the good thing about it, is that is even cheaper than the older models, the Orbit MP and the Ultra Vision. Even tho' I read that those were been upgraded with the new technologies like RightLight 2, and RightSound 2.

So yeah, If there are any coming real soon, I'll wait. But if it is from like, here to December, then I'll pass. Either way, I'll like to get more info on that. Also, get some feedback from [H] users that already owns any of the webcams mentioned here.

Once again, thanks guys for your responses.
If you haven't got the webcam yet, there is a webcam review site this one guy has that's pretty good if you want to compare them. The guy is called cowboy frank, but just look up webcam reviews and you should see his site near the top.
And yes, he rates the quickcam 9000 as the overall best which is why i got one
Yes, I know that site. I happen to see it while doing my research. I liked it since he has pictures to back up what he's saying, aside from picture comparison to other webcams. Pretty good site. So yeah, I haven't got mine yet, but I'll order one today. They have them on Newegg for $89.99 with Free Shipping. Nothing can beat that.

Well, Thanks Kamxam for you comment, that definitely gives me more confidence since you sound happy with your purchase.:)
I was looking around last night myself. On the Logitech forums this question was asked and the answer was the Pro9000 over the two more expensive Ultra versions. I looked up some reviews from various sites and the 9000Pro seems to be very good. Then I went to NewEgg. Yeah, I know you have to be aware we're talking about about NE users and how some of them tend to be clueless about stuff but I wanted to see what the users there were saying about the Pro9000. Generally speaking the reviews were okay to good but there were some naysayers. Always are.

Near as I could tell the problems that I felt people had a legitimate problem is in the software and compatibility with things like Skype and so forth. Now I didnt go back to Logitech's forum to look up all these so called issues that supposedly exist but you may want to check into it yourself and see if there are issues and if there are what fixes there are for it if there are fixes.
Yeah, supposedly there are problems with this camera, since I've been reading their forums too among other review sites, but according to them the problem seems to be the same, or at least similar, with all of their new webcams. Is an issue with the RightLight Technology. Sometimes it works, but sometimes ruins the whole thing, making video dark. But there happen depending on what type of clothing you wear, and the amount of light in your surrounding. Some people have them, just in the perfect conditions, and everything seems perfectly fine for them, while other tend to return them the very next day. So, I'll try it out by myself, and see if I like it. I might be a lucky one, who knows.
Also, there was an issue with the magnets inside of it, which are the ones that allow auto-focus to be so silent. Some cameras came out with that not even out (tilt), and the pictures were coming out "Perfect" in one half, and the other half was coming "Good". You know what I mean? Instead of been "Perfect" for both. And this was a manufacture problem, but seems like some people got it all fine after replacing them for another ones.

So yeah, it has it's little problems, but this is the best I can get for the money. and don't get me wrong, it's pretty awesome for it's price. I'll just have to try it out, and give some examples here just for the records.
All webcams have some kind of quirkiness or a problem it seems. Some more than others. Let me know how it works out for you. I been considering getting a webcam. Daughter has been bugging me for one for a while now and it'd be cool to play with one I guess. Some of the professional reviewers say how there are better webcams but never mention which ones. If there is better, even at more money, I'd like to know. Kinda irks me when a reviewer makes a comment like that but doesnt elaborate.
Yeah, I get what you mean. But you get to the point that you build so much recognition that you can't express yourself free, and tend to avoid naming brands or models as better than others.
Either way, I'll get mine the 24th according to Newegg, so it'll be here soon . I'll record some video, do a little review of it, and then post it here. I'll use my website to upload everything so it stays at it's original size(not compressed). So yeah, lets wait.
Ok guys, here it is. The volume might be just a bit low, but that is do to me being kind of shy when it comes to cameras. This is actually the first time I have spoken in front of one, so it took me a lot of courage. Besides, English is not my native language, so that made things a bit more complicated. Either way, here are the links to the videos and pictures:

Video Review (640x480) - 77MB [Right Click to Save]
Video Demonstration (320x240) - 732kb [Right Click to Save]
Video Demonstration (960x720) - 2.4MB [Right Click to Save]

PC Pictures:

320x240 - 640x480 - 960x720 - 1280x960 - 1600x1200

Face Pictures:

320x240 - 640x480 - 960x720 - 1280x960 - 1600x1200

Note: All the pictures were taken without moving the camera, and keeping the same settings. All "Face" pictures were taken with 100% Focus, while all the "PC" pictures were taken with 80% Focus. Also, 75% Exposure and 100% Gain was used for ALL pictures. RightLight Technology was disabled for all the pictures.

Opinion:Well, my opinion is that this webcam is awesome. Check my video, and then you might agree with me as well. I mean, it's a webcam, plus, it's only $89 dollars. But then again, I'm really impressed of how it perform under low lighting, It's just perfect. Also, the "Cancel Echo" and "Suppress Background Noise" features work so well that I'm shocked. I mean, I have a 5.1 system, but it still knows which sound to record and which to ignore. My only disappointment was the RightLight Technology, It works good for pictures, but is horrible for video since it's so damn slow. Anyways, you saw on the video that the feature is not even needed, just get enough light and you're good to go. I would really recommend this to anybody. It's worth it.

So yeah guys, let me know what you guys think. Want me to do something else? Maybe ask me a question? I'm open for any request.
Strange,....Not having much of a problem with my Q9000 in streaming. I had the fusion before, and while that one was very good, this one is a lot nicer imho.
Thanks for that review Odin75. I think you did a nice job explaining things. I especially liked how you showed the control panel. I saw that in your main video review you used 640x480 resolution. Would you say thats the best resolution to use? The 960x720 didn't look all that impressive to me. Actually it didn't look as good as the 640x480 but maybe thats just me.

Its a shame the RightLight doesn't work so well. I have a somewhat dark room here where my PCs are and I am concerned about lighting. I got a lamp but its just the one and doesn't do a lot for the room. I keep the blinds closed to avoid glare. I will certainly keep the 9000Pro in mind if I decide to buy a webcam.

Also if you ever use yours with Skype or something similar I'd love to hear how well it works for you.
NP dude. I'm here to contribute to the community as much as they do to me.

Anyways, 640x480 seems best for me since that's the maximum resolution that allows visual effects (avatars, filters, etc). Also, no application uses that much resolution, most are just 320x240. I've only used MSN, but it doesn't even allows you to change the resolution, it just shows video. Sorry, I don't use Skype.
I also wanted to remind you that my room door was closed. You saw on the video that my only window was covered with a dark blue blanket the whole time(like you, I also do it to avoid glare), so there is no way for light to come in. I also had the all lights turned off, leaving me only with the light coming from my monitor. Also, I added in my post that I shot that at 7pm, so it wasn't that bright. So the camera is very good in low lighting, but then again, I have a freaking 37" in front of my face(Brightness in monitor is set to minimum to avoid turning blind).
So yeah, you saw how slow it gets when I turn the Exposure up. And that is exactly what RightLight Technology does, it just sets it to maximum automatically.

So yeah, if you, or any other, needs me to test something for you guys, I'll be more than welcomed to do so.
I was talking to my daughter last night after I made my post and I'm thinking of buying two webcams. One for her and one for me and the wife. The 9000Pro looks like it'll serve our needs best. I need to get a new printer first though so I'll put the webcam off for a little while. Thanks for all your info and input. :)