Website critique

Its a nice upgrade in terms of features, I just think the site is still lacking some "spark". I mean, you have cool features like the webmail, etc, but it still seems kind of like the old one.

My $.02

EDIT: Also, your "Staff Login", isnt exactly a Login, more of an area. No login required :p
The login isn't required as of yet because the site isn't live yet. It will be like the current site's login.

Thanks for the thoughts, I'm not sure what can give it more spark... :confused: any ideas?
The menus do not work. Try adjusting the z-axis.
Tables are evil when misused - use CSS instead.
There is no DOCTYPE on either site
None of your images have alt attributes - they are a required element.
Scrolling text, blinking pictures, justified text, in-line frames, no privacy policy. Those are all things that bug me.

A nice logo would go a long way to giving it that "spark".
The top bar just looks...not good. I think it is the icons that bug me the most and how "blocky" it is. The other problem for me is that background color. I may be colorblind but it is unpleasant to me.
Alright, keep it coming. So far I've got: Need logo, ditch tables, add alt tags, fix browser compatibility, take away text scroll.

The owner of the school is quite adament about keeping the picture rotating and that exact size. :(

Do you think side navigation would be better or just something without icons?

The biggest complaint I get from parents at the school is that they cannot find anything on the current site, so I figured big xp-esque icons would be the easiest way to guide them.
Where should I go from here? I have no good ideas for a school :confused:
Forgive me but I couldn't tell what grade levels the school is? Does the school have some sort of mascott? If so you could put some kind of graphic of the mascott on the page or maybe as a watermark in the background or something.
Maybe try rounding the corners of the various blocks like the background block of the navbar. I realize that probably was an actual graphic but you could always make it one and maybe by making the corners rounded it might help out (I don't really know).
It is K-8 and their mascot is an eagle.

I find there to be too much content to not use an iframe. I prefer a one click navigation and don't see how this could be done without loading every page with a menu.... :eek:

Edit: Rounded a few edges and changed to an external css file.
yea that design is better suited for a school. i kinda liked the other icony one but... that type of flow is normally not easy to implement. everyone likes the "corporate" look.
I like the colors better. :) However, if you're going to cater to the 800x600 crowd, at least center it on the page so there isn't a big gap on the right for those with higher rez.

You have sized it so that, given my font settings, I cannot read the balance of your "mission statement". This is cut off for me until I re-size my fonts:

"in mathematics and language arts creating life-long learners able to succeed in our technological society."

You need to make your space accommodate the text.

Still needs a logo beyond using just a stylized font. eduprize.jpg - basically two colors, you should use gif instead of jpg for that. 8K is not that big, but you are not using the most efficient format for your output.
Thanks, any help on centering the whole page?

EDIT: Nevermind, centered the page vertically and horizontally...thoughts? Not too sure about vertical centering. Also cut the padding in half on the areas you couldn't read Lethal...can you read it now?
screwmesa said:
Also cut the padding in half on the areas you couldn't read Lethal...can you read it now?
No, the text is still cut off for me. Text size is set to medium, if I change it to smaller it's fine.
on a 1600x1200 res, it looks kinda puny. Perhaps scale it up for different resolutions?
Changed it so that width is based on percentages rather than pixels and it is now fully Firefox capable.

They have 20% Firefox and 78% IE 6 base.
I definitely like the second one better. Its maybe about 500 times nicer to look at.
My first impression of the site was the two blue gradient lines running through it. For me, they divide it up a bit too much and it looks the same thing repeated twice. I'm not exactly sure what, but it needs something to break up that similarity. It reminds me of what happens when you scroll too fast with a bad graphics card.
Thanks TVersetti. antirush, the gradient line was just something quick since I don't have photoshop on the computer here. It was the best I could do with paint :D .
Looks much better with the percentages. No more squished text. Awesome stuff man.
The original is better in that it had some flash and the color sheme in my opinion is better. But if thats how they like it , thats more important. The new one in fact looks more professional as well.
i like the "feel" of the first one, in the sense that there aren't as many "sharp corners" and it has an overall smoother look to it. problem is it's a bit cluttered and confusing, which the 2nd one does a good job of addressing. my apologies if my comments are too abstract
I hear ya. Both have been submitted, so we'll see which one the power that be choose. :p