website from scratch


Supreme [H]ardness
Mar 18, 2000
So here is the thing. I got $700 to run a website for the next year (

The plus side is that its easy money for not a lot of work. I figure redesign it once now and that'll last for the year, and then maybe in another year I'll get another $700 to do it again.

The downside is that I havent designed a website from scratch in a LONG time (since 2001 or so was the last major redesign of my personal site, now its all just CSS color changes and a few minor tweaks). I'm looking for good guides on webdesign.

Oh, the other downside is that its written in ASP. I'm tempted to rewrite it in 2.0 (comes out later this year - I got a copy of VS 2005 Beta 2 the other day free from MS).
Please, for the love of god kill that Java Applet on there :)

My company has one just like it on it's intranet. I am about to make it my personal mission to kill it :)
aringail said:
Please, for the love of god kill that Java Applet on there :)

My company has one just like it on it's intranet. I am about to make it my personal mission to kill it :)

lol :D
Yeah, kill that could even do that with a simple vertical scrolling marquee.

Anyways, I'm not sure if you mean webdesign as in aesthetics, in which case there aren't really any guides, since it's a talent... like drawing... you can either draw, or you can't.

If you mean webdesigning as in generally (guidelines to follow... like staying away from frames), I'm sure a quick google will result in something.
knowing that you've programmed before, you probably know about w3schools.

incase you didn't.... w3schools huge reference to pretty much any tag.

other then that another fav of mine is htmlgoodies
Yea, I'm more interested in contemporary webdesign. Like what layout designs are in, and whats out (like the no frames thing mentioned above - which is hard for me coz EVERYONE at my office LOVES frames, I dont though). Table based layouts, nested DIVs, etc. Ways to organize content, 2-column, 3-column, etc. I'm well versed in HTML, etc.

Especially because the theme of the website is futuristic, I'm trying to stay with the theme, though I'm not sure I want futuristic like robot-futuruistic, or retro-futuristic (Jetsons).

I can draw OK, but I suck horribly at photoshop when it comes to translating what I have on paper to the screen, but a girl I work with is a very talented graphic artist so I might pay her a part of my yearly stipend to make some graphics.

And yes, my webpage will have no java applet. Thats very annoying.