Website Template


Nov 25, 2005
This is my second website template i've made :) Still incomplete and would like to get more suggestions! :D

Whoa...those looks really nice. My aunt wants a similar looking site like that for her business. Do you think you can give me some pointers on how to achieve that? PM me!
I just made that when I had spear time last night and this mourning :D

Umm, I did this with my knowledge and you can have it if you want! :) Just say what adjustments you want :) You'll have to code it yourself but I can slice it for you.

EDIT: If you havn't already guessed I used Photoshop.
I really like that template. Look pretty good. Im probably going to be making something similar soon.
Layout's interesting, but you might want to experiment with some bolder text/more contrasting text effects.

Also, no point in using anti-aliased text in website template previews, as it'll be aliased when it goes online. Turn AF off on the text to give a more accurate preview.
I can do the coding myself, or try to. I would appriciate it if I can use it. How big is the whole file, sliced up?
Here is another one I made.


This is meant to be more personalised site and to be simple and easy on the eyes. I did the main text like that because that's how websites really are like.

EDIT:This is what it looks like when you highlight over one of the buttons (this is with all highlighted not jsut one)
