Weird crash screen :S


Nov 16, 2008
Hi guys...I couldn't find the right place for this so I'll just post it here...

This happened for the first time and it's my first time to see something like this :S

Before we go on, my setup in my sig, everything stock except for the CPU is overclocked(3.8GHz @ 1.55V), I ran an 8 HOURS stability test, and it was 100% stable...And I've been running this CPU at that clock for more than a month now and this happened for the first time now :/(CPU was running fine at that clock for over a month)...

I only OC it up to 3.8GHz when I game which I do like for 2-3 hours maximumly a day...And if the PC is running the rest of the time it's downclocked to 0.800MHz.

Temps were fine at the time of the crash(52c)...

Here's a screenie:

If any of you guys know anything about this...A fix, or what's wrong...Will always be appreciated.

Thanks in advance

EDIT: I forgot to add that it would stay like that forever, it won't restart on itself like it would on some other situations, I had to hit the restart button on the case.

EDIT #2: I'm not facing any problems now, I'm just curious what made that happen.

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Something similar happened to me, I had an Intel E6600, I overclocked it to 3.6Ghz (From 2.4) on water, I did stability testing on it for about a week, and everything seemed fine, then one day I ran intel burn test, and since that moment the CPU was fried, when ever I opened images in Photoshop they would be corrupted and it would not pass any kind of stability testing no matter if it was stock, overclocked or underclocked.

I have no idea what the stock clocks of your CPU are but I would suggest you return it to stock and use it for a while, see if the problem re-occurs...
Sucks :\

My CPU's stock clock is 3.2GHz, but there's nothing wrong with my PC, it's running as it always did, nothing wrong with it.
Looks like possibly a video card problem. Could be either a driver issue or the card itself.
Looks like possibly a video card problem. Could be either a driver issue or the card itself.

I'm leaning to the same thing. Happens when I play GTA IV for 5 hours + or do a Furmark Stability test, the screen goes into the exact thing as that.
yup thats a video problem.. not cpu.. looks like the video drivers had an ubber crash moment.. ive only ever seen that screen when my gfx card drivers locked up in windows xp.. i dont think its a cpu problem.. if thats the only time its ever happened then i really wouldnt worry about it..
I had a MSI socket A board that would do that if the ram timings were too tight.
It reminds me of an issue I ran into with an EVGA card that was factory overclocked. On some games, it would get pushed to hard and I would end up with something similar. The fix was to install the Nvidia driver and declock it to standard speeds instead of the EVGA overclocked speed. It was flakey and would only happen in certain games that pushed the GPU hard.
The same thing just happened to me again and PC was getting stuck\locking up til I lowered the ram to 678MHz or w.e it is and it's working now :\
It reminds me of an issue I ran into with an EVGA card that was factory overclocked. On some games, it would get pushed to hard and I would end up with something similar. The fix was to install the Nvidia driver and declock it to standard speeds instead of the EVGA overclocked speed. It was flakey and would only happen in certain games that pushed the GPU hard.

My card isn't overclocked. Stock
try raising the NB voltage(not the chipset voltage) just a tad and put the ram back to stock.. see what happens..
You may be running too high on the NB clock and your video card is freaking out. I agree that this doesn't seem to be a CPU problem. Your video card might be stock but it could also be faulty.
You may be running too high on the NB clock and your video card is freaking out. I agree that this doesn't seem to be a CPU problem. Your video card might be stock but it could also be faulty.

NB and chipset are separate on AMD chips so that's not a possibility..
try raising the NB voltage(not the chipset voltage) just a tad and put the ram back to stock.. see what happens..

It runs fine just at stock NB V, and ram at 670MHz...When I run my RAM at 800MHz(@ 1.8v I think) problems happen >.<