Weird fsb problems with e2160 and abit ip35-e


Sep 6, 2006
Right now I am running this chip at 355*9=3195 at stock voltage with 4 gigs of ocz plat ddr-800 ram at 852ddr(1:1.2). For some reason I can't get it to boot with a fsb of above around 385 or so, even at 1:1 memory ratio. I try 7*400 and it just powers off and doesn't come back on. Does this board need a lot of nb voltage or is there something that I missed?
It could just be a limit on your chip. Remember that you started with a 200FSB, so you're trying for a full 100% OC at 400.
It could just be a limit on your chip. Remember that you started with a 200FSB, so you're trying for a full 100% OC at 400.
Well, it is running at 3.2ghz now...
it won't boot at 7*400=2.8ghz.
I meant that as more of a potential FSB wall. Allendale is designed to start lower, so it may well top out first.
I meant that as more of a potential FSB wall. Allendale is designed to start lower, so it may well top out first.

Heh, I didn't realize that the cpu actually had a fsb wall. I've always had the motherboard/ram cut out first due to fsb. Although, I haven't had a chip that could oc more than 50% in a long time...