weird one...trying to help a friend


Oct 14, 2003
I got a buddy who called me out of the blue (havnt heard from him in a while) and he left me a message saying that he's trying to hook one of his remote user's laptops up to the domain at his office and the lappy is getting the right IP/SN/GW from DHCP and can't ping the server. The server however, can ping the lappy...

I didnt have anything come to me right away but Id like to call him back as he's sorta not the brightest tech wise and Id like to at least toss him a bone.

Any Ideas other [H]ard IT folk?
>>remote user's.....

Define the remote user's current connection.

The server is just not answering the ping, does it answer pings from other machines? If the server can ping the laptop, then they see each other. Tell him to proceed with joining the laptop to the domain to create the machine account and then try to logon with a domain account.
remote user is just xp pro....laptop cant ping server/cant join domain...adding machine in AD might help though.
If the laptop can't ping the server, I'd be thinking why not? Especialy since it works the other way round.

What type of remote connection are we talking about?
OK... I got it screwed up a bit, a guy who normally just works at home on his workgroup is now in my buddies office and has his laptop with him and needs to join the domain

the server can ping the workstation, but the laptop cant join the domain, other machines can join/ ping the server just not this laptop. It does have a valid IP address/SN mask as the laptop can browse the net in the office...just cant join the domain...can ping other machines in the office though...Im thinking it has to be the AD U&C where he needs to add the laptop ahead of time or something.
What OS is on the lappy? What error does he get when trying to connect?

The reason I ask about the OS is, as i'm sure your aware, that XP Home can't join domains.
XP pro I believe he said. Im going out to this office tommorow and seeing if I can figure it out with him....just wanted some stuff to look for.
you try using FQDN i.e. to join the domain. I be looking at DN Ssettings #1. if you ping by hostname does it reolve to the servers IP?
I'd be interested in finding out exactly whats happening in this case...

The only things I can think of about what could be causing this would be some sort of odd network connection where the lappys requests to AD are being dropped somewhere - Without the errors he's getting tho, pure, random guesswork is the best I can offer at the mo :)

Let us know what happens...