Weird problem with Samsung 2493HM, please help!!


Sep 8, 2004
I have it connected via DVI and I have installed the driver that it was inside the CD. Many times suddently it loses the signal from the PC and it appears 3 different weird pictures (with many colors) and even I here things (the media player playing music) it doesn't appears again the signal from the PC and I have to restart the system so it can see the signal from my system. I have tried with different dispaly and I didn't have problems so the system its ok. Any idea?
Do I understand it right, that with the same equipment (gfx card, DVI cable) the second monitor does not make such problems?
Than it seems the Samsung monitor is faulty :-/
im having the same problem

it happens when the computer turns the monitor off

disable that setting, and it wont happen anymore