Weirdest problem i have EVER had.


Jun 20, 2003
on tuesday night my computer randomly shut down. tried to restart it and the fans spun, then just stopped. so i said "okay my PSU is prolly gone" replaced the PSU. system boots up and gets to the bios, hangs. "weird" so i replaced the memory, still hangs. replaced the video card, hangs some more. replaced the harddrives, still hangs. the one and ONLY constant has been my RAM.i thought "well it's got to be the RAM" so i got some different RAM.... STILL HANGS!

both motherboards recogize the CPU, then reads the full amount of my RAM (2gigs on my normal set up and a single gig on my test stick) then reads the USB and... just sits.

i essentially have a completely new system and still get the exact same problem on both systems. i'm throughly confused and completely out of ideas.
the thing is, if this is a completely different mother board why would i need to clear the CMOS?

also, an update. i have two sticks of RAM and pulled one out and booted and managed to get into windows. okay so stick A works. so i put in stick B, didn't boot up. hooray it work's!

...except i put back in Stick A... and the bios still hangs.:mad:
Wait, Im confused then.

You have 2pc's that have exactly the same problem?

Also, are there any beeps from your Mobo(s?) on booting?
The only thing i can say is check your voltage on the board. Check to see if whats coming out of the PS to teh board is even or is there is a spike in voltage, if it is constant, id say the mem is defective.
after some more trouble-shooting and a friend coming over, it's one of the memory sticks.

for example i'd put stick A (the working stick) in, it'd boot up. all is good right? so i'd try to put in B (the bad stick) or A and B and it wouldn't boot, so the system would say "okay this is messed up" so when i could take out B and leave A in, it still wouldn't boot. so after some trial and error, if we'd just leave A in, it would start to work again.

but frustratingly enough, b/c of windows "authentication" and some mobo/hardware swaps, XP is no longer activated and since i installed the new mobo drivers onto my XP install, my original mobo LAN drivers don't work so i can't activate my XP install. even though it's mine.

this has been a frustrating week. least it's just a memory stick that went bad and not a whole system.
As for XP activation, you can just call MS - takes all of a minute and you're good to go.

No problems as long as the copy really belongs to you :)