Welcome to Folders Anonymous


[H]ard|DCer of the Year 2009
Aug 29, 2001
This is a support group for folders that can't stop their ramps.

I just added a 2nd 9800GX2

This will be my last upgrade.... this week.... maybe.

Whut?!? I saw the pics. You got a man sanctuary there for sure. Short of a mini fridge and tamale stand what else you have in mind?

The plans are to put drywall up, install a tile floor, install a mini bar (with running water) and install big ass TV with 7.1 surround sound. With how much I've spend on folding, I could have done it by now. (minus a new TV, I'd just move the one we have)

And there is no monitor/keyboard/mouse on any of those boxen down there. (yet)

The plans are to put drywall up, install a tile floor, install a mini bar (with running water) and install big ass TV with 7.1 surround sound.

Ok.. that qualifies for man cave status.


My name is Pocatello

and I am an addict!

It is 45 days since I last built a boxen! WOOT!

But I have something to confess.

In today's mail the UPS man deliver 3 new computer cases. All of them are Antex P-180s.

I am thinking that I should put something inside these cases.

It is so [H]ard! What should I do?

My name is Pocatello

and I am an addict!

It is 45 days since I last built a boxen! WOOT!

But I have something to confess.

In today's mail the UPS man deliver 3 new computer cases. All of them are Antex P-180s.

I am thinking that I should put something inside these cases.

It is so [H]ard! What should I do?

Well since you already have the cases, it be a crime to let them sit empty :D

Hello. My name is oraldlight.

I have been folding.... uhhhh wait...a sale on 8800gts cards........

I'll be back later....
Well I just picked up a Phenom 9950BE and another pair of 9800GT's (along with some other stuff from the Egg...12months interest free with prefered account FTW!!!) for some more upgrades. I'm loosing the 5000+BE and the 8800GTX folding box and building a 9950 + 4 9800GT's folding box. I'm even going to take the plunge and play with a linux VM on it so I can run the SMP client...My wife very well might kill me, but I couldn't pass up the 9800's for $110 after rebate.

I may have a problem....

I don't have a problem because I don't have any money :(

I've been trying to go back to independent consulting, but I've been saying that since March. I'm closer now and am just waiting for an old client to make a decision. When they do, I've got quite a few plans to ramp up and quickly.

My wife says no more upgrades this year and she has put a strict limit on 4 dedicated folding boxes. I can live with that as long as I get to make a few quad PCI-e upgrades next year. I did convince her to let me build a Q6600 powered HTPC (you need a quad to decode HD right?).
My wife says no more upgrades this year and she has put a strict limit on 4 dedicated folding boxes. I can live with that as long as I get to make a few quad PCI-e upgrades next year. I did convince her to let me build a Q6600 powered HTPC (you need a quad to decode HD right?).

You need a fast quad, 8 gigs of ram and at least a 280GTX or 4870x2 for HD :D

HD decoding can be offloaded to the gpu now. Imagine how much offloading you could do with 4 gpus! Sounds like its time for you to upgrade the htpc ;)
I'm here for the meeting :D
I have nine boxes in the basement folding, my relatives always give me a strange
look when they see all the boxen at work. I do try to explain folding@home to them
by the majority get a glazed look in their eyes. I haven't added to the farm now
for about 20 days...I am getting that itch again....:p
When you get the itch, Just close your eyes, breath deeply and shout repeatedly
"KELLY CLARKSON" until the urge passes.

What are you talking about :eek:

We are here to help each other with these urges, not stifle them ;)

Now Air Cooled 420, Are we looking at an upgrade or a new boxen........

I do ?

The 12-steps program is overrated...

Step 1: Buy boxen parts
Step 2: Assemble boxen parts
Step 3: Fold with Boxen.

What are the other 9 steps? Can I just repeat 4 times?
HD decoding can be offloaded to the gpu now. Imagine how much offloading you could do with 4 gpus! Sounds like its time for you to upgrade the htpc ;)

I like the direction this thread is going. :)

More "D" There is no other answer.

Well, I wouldn't say I'm THAT addicted yet. I'm mainly giving up certain technology I want for folding boxen...

Rather than picking up a nice Velociraptor, I bought 3 8800GS's... :)
I'm really taking the cure , I shut down two boxes this evening. Grew tired to the whine of the 8800GT and the heat. I may fire up them when it cools of but i doubt it..........
Resisting the urge to just buy another GPU because this one BSOD's at stock settings on the latest WU. Note: just shut down 3 gpu's until Stanford works things out
Resisting the urge to just buy another GPU because this one BSOD's at stock settings on the latest WU. Note: just shut down 3 gpu's until Stanford works things out

I'm very confused with this.

I have 8 GPU cores going and none of them are EUE-ing.

Am I lucky or is this a heat issue with cards that need a bit more cooling with the new WUs?

I'm very confused with this.

I have 8 GPU cores going and none of them are EUE-ing.

Am I lucky or is this a heat issue with cards that need a bit more cooling with the new WUs?

I don't think it is only a heat issue. My main rig has a GTX260 that is not to hot (normally the card runs around 50-55C at load and it had an EUE last night (I had even dropped the shaders under 1500 in anticipation of potential trouble). Of the 4 GPUsI have, I've seen about 3 or 4 EUEs now.

The new GPU WU are EUEing, just not as often as the SMP WU.

I'm still running the GPU client on 4 boxen, all my SMPs are shut down.
The GPUs aren't overheating, it just seems to be bad WU.
(or a bad core - see Xil's post below)
THE EUE issue seems random. My 8800GT and 8600GT have yet to EUE. I backed down the OC on my 8800GT because I could hear the whine from it on my craptastic onboard sound, but it didn't go away so I turned it back up, and its yet to EUE with the new stuff.
The WU itself is ok, it's the checks they implement which is too strict. A new core will be available soon after it get true QA.

Welp, the only thing I can say is that ole' crap shootin' sayin about the "baby needin' new choose' (shoes)" would result in a "bare foot baby" around my joint (home) and definitely put a crimp in the baby shoe makers profit margins (only kiddin', only kiddin' :eek:)

I like Mr relic's 3 step program. "we don't needs no stinkin' 12 step programs" (or something like that) :D

Crunchin' to Inffinity
(Inffinity......?, that's near Chicago ain't it :rolleyes:)

Twelve Steps

These are the original Twelve Steps as published by Alcoholics Anonymous. (modified :D)

1. We admitted we were powerless over your folding habbit—that our lives had become unmanageable.
2. Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore electrical power after we have blown the main fuse.
3. Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the boxen.
4. Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of your folding boxen.
5. Admitted to God, to ourselves, and to another human being the exact nature of our lack of "D".
6. Were entirely ready to have God remove all these restrictions to folding.
7. Humbly asked Him to remove our baked boxen bits.
8. Made a list of all persons we had helped, and become willing to make more boxen.
9. Made direct purchases wherever possible, except when to do so would injure yourself or others.
10. Continued to take boxen inventory and when we were wrong on our ppd promptly admitted it.
11. Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God as we understood Him, praying only for knowledge of the uber WU for us and the power to fold it.
12. Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps, we tried to carry this message to folders, and to practice these principles in all our affairs.

I swear if I ever become rich, I'll have a folding setup that will make Assman's setup look like a toy! :)