Well I added a box over here !


Aug 30, 2007
Since you all put up with me the past few days, I added a box for team #33 its not much but every lil bit helps!
Thanks OG! Getcha badge son... Welcome to the [P]arty.


are you folding for another team as well?
Awesome, I was wondering how long it would take before we would rub off on you. ;) :) :cool:

Yup you did ! I have a few boxes over here ! Im presently trying to MOW down my old team, Oh I do Bleed AMD Green, so please dont hold that against me !
Yup you did ! I have a few boxes over here ! Im presently trying to MOW down my old team, Oh I do Bleed AMD Green, so please dont hold that against me !

Most of us don't care what chip we run for the name on the box. It's PPD/$$

Welcome aboard I think you will find we are a very friendly and helpful bunch with a good sense of humor, albeit a bit dry at times :)

ehhh Kendrak...

It PpDpW that most of us care about as the initial cost is nothing versus the LONG LONG LONG term effectives of electricity.

Welcome aboard I think you will find we are a very friendly and helpful bunch with a good sense of humor, albeit a bit dry at times :)

ehhh Kendrak...

It PpDpW that most of us care about as the initial cost is nothing versus the LONG LONG LONG term effectives of electricity.

That kinda what I was saying. The $$ of the power and the $$ of the equipment. You could run laptop CPUs in your folding rigs with special mobo's, and be uber power smart but it cost a fair bit more.

Well this box got it all it cost under $900, Has 2 55watt Quads, and on the A2 core beats any posted PPD, for its power use,so it wins PPW.It runs on a 300watt PS:p

I ran a Quad Fx .2FX60's and an Opteron 180, My old team mate ran intel, C2D's and his power bill was twice mine and he didnt put up twice the points. Ofcourse his PC's didnt read the reviews posted on the web LMFAO
TY OMG team rank 6,446 LMAO I was #2 where I just left, guess i better do something with the 2 8800Gt's in da basement:p
Since you all put up with me the past few days, I added a box for team #33 its not much but every lil bit helps!


Good analogy OldGuru, "every lil bit helps" ought to be the [H]orde team 33 motto, we fold on toasters, microwave ovens and even "stressed on cat nip" cats :rolleyes: so someone briggin' a new boxen to the fold is mighty appreciated. (believe me nobody cares what your CPU's are, we're kinda' out of "fanbois" and "fangals" around this joint :p

Thanks for adding a boxen to the [H]orde :)


Since you all put up with me the past few days, I added a box for team #33 its not much but every lil bit helps!

If we put up with you some more, will you add another boxen or GPU? Or two?

Thanks for folding with us.

For every 100 posts you have to add a client :D

whewww - I got a few more posts before I have to make that boxen sitting in the corner, work.

Honey... Can I get another video card?? Please???? All the guys have new ones.....
LMAO Alan, Well some of you should be happying I'm posting and not mowing LMAO