Well,, I thought I was getting DSL


Nov 3, 2001
Heh, this all started about a month ago 8-2-2006 to be exact.. I ordered isdn sense nothing else was available in my area. Well that was scheduled to be installed on 8-24-06. On the 22nd, I was trying to download my WoW patch and was heavily frustrated with my current analog dialup connection being slow as hell and well annoying as per usual.. So, outta habbit and spite I went to www.bellsouth.com and did the usual waste my time with enter my phone number to be laughed at by the India's best when I get service unavailable and that I can get their super number one ubber dialup access thats 5x times faster etc blah blah.. We...

It said I was prequalified.. Thinking "ah bullshit" I went ahead and did the what I called "pretend order" and well.. It went through, got my confirmation number and all that stuff. I checked the order status on the site and it claimed that the isdn was cancelled so I didn't worry about it.. I thought.. Well this is all good and done... Not exactly true.. Apparently I have to either get extremely lucky, or be god to get ahold of the isdn bastards and officially terminate the order request.. This "pending" isdn order was blocking my dsl from be activated on the evening of the 24th.. I called talked to someone, they said it was taken care of and my dsl would be activated withen 24 hours.. Well friday it wasn't activated, I called once again to dig for info and found that the isdn was still pending installation.. So I tried calling the isdn department just to find that the "only" chick that can cancel the order isn't there till monday. Even though her voice mail says that shes there mon-fri 2pm to 10pm..

This is all fine and dandy.. But now when I enter some of my neighbors numbers on the prequalification on bellsouths sites it says its unavailable.. This bothers me for theirs was gtg when mine theorectically was.. I have a feeling that I"m gonna get my isdn fully cancelled monday just to find out i'm gonna have to wait till next month to get isdn once again :mad:

Anyone know if being that I got all my dsl gear and already set it up and that they gave me an order number and all that if theres anything I can do to perhaps pursuade them into going through with my request? I really really really really want away from dialup as far as possible and this has been a MAJOR let down for me...
try this, just got cable, digital telephone, cable internet, and when install happens digital phone is not compatible with Lifeline, so that didnt get installed, but somehow a cancelled order on verizons side didnt happen, or something and they tried to switch us, and now Comcast is suppose to have phone service and Lifeline up n running Monday, jeez i thought ppl could be reached and switches flipped etc...
(cancelled verizon phone+dsl for comcast phone,internet, and cable tv.)
i was told that verizon has the number and its being released, wierdest thing is phone still works for making outgoing, but no calls can be recieved, not too bad right?
wrong! if lifeline calls for monthly check in, we dont respond bandaid buggy etc... arrive.
Huan said:
This is all fine and dandy.. But now when I enter some of my neighbors numbers on the prequalification on bellsouths sites it says its unavailable.. This bothers me for theirs was gtg when mine theorectically was.. I have a feeling that I"m gonna get my isdn fully cancelled monday just to find out i'm gonna have to wait till next month to get isdn once again :mad:

This would worry me too as it looks like a glitch in their system telling you DSL is available when it really isn't.

How much is the isdn connection running nowdays?
i had that happen to me, ordered DSL, got the self install kit, activation day came and it turns out i couldnt get it, then it happened to me with comcast, but that was like 4 years ago comcast is pretty much everywhere here now.
Met-AL said:
How much is the isdn connection running nowdays?

Where I live, cable internet is avalible (which I despise), but not DSL/ADSL... IDSN is avalible, and I was shocked to see over $100.00 a month for "IDSN B". Considering that starband is as low as 49.99/mo for 500/100k...

Maybe its just in my area, but IDSN isnt cheap.
Um isdn is roughly 43 a month just for having the line.. then cpu-net.net's 200 hour 128k isdn account cost about 24 a month... So you can do the math on that.. You can get an unlimited fully dedicated from cpu-net for 65 a month but I found I usually just came close to my 200 hours.. I'd do more on it but with it being slow... I tend to limit my time on the net due to download boredom.....
No there is nothing you can do to persuade them in the event that their pre-qual system said you could get it.

They're not trying to screw you, there is an honest mistake. Either your phone lines are too far out for DSL, or there are load coils in the way, etc etc. You just cant persuade them to re-engineer your whole neighborhood just for your DSL service.

Yeah it sucks, if you dont get the DSL looks like your ISDN is SOL until you get it re-ordered. You MIGHT be able to persuade them to get that rushed. Give them the "DSL was pre-qualed, I ordered it, due to a screwup in your system, it wasnt possible, etc etc etc. now I want my ISDN, etc etc etc."
Bullitt said:
No there is nothing you can do to persuade them in the event that their pre-qual system said you could get it.

They're not trying to screw you, there is an honest mistake. Either your phone lines are too far out for DSL, or there are load coils in the way, etc etc. You just cant persuade them to re-engineer your whole neighborhood just for your DSL service.

Yeah it sucks, if you dont get the DSL looks like your ISDN is SOL until you get it re-ordered. You MIGHT be able to persuade them to get that rushed. Give them the "DSL was pre-qualed, I ordered it, due to a screwup in your system, it wasnt possible, etc etc etc. now I want my ISDN, etc etc etc."

A tech told me my service line was roughly 4000 feet from the Co.. But anyways, its cancelled i'm stuck with dial suck. I'm getting isdn again, the engineer tech that was here said that me mentioning that the line was already pre engineered for isdn will help speed it up a bit.. So we will see.. I'm kinda curious to see how the cisco 804 isdn lan router works anyways as opposed to the older 3com usb TA I had... Still sucks though.. Royally sucks.. I thought that maybe I could play some of the more faster paced games out there for a change.. But its just gonna stay with WoW for me..

All Hail the lag Queen!!!
Badger said:
What makes you despise cable internet?

Lol.. Nothing!! It's just the fact that Comcast will not come to my area.. Other than that I'd get it in a heart beat and i'd quit bitchen!! :D
Oh it was bob that despised cable, I see now. Yeah I thought it was you saying cable was available but you didn't want to get it. Why does bob despise cable?
Badger said:
Oh it was bob that despised cable, I see now. Yeah I thought it was you saying cable was available but you didn't want to get it. Why does bob despise cable?

No clue here... Hell i'll take any real form of broadband (( meaning non isdn/satellite )) atm... Oh well enough bitching, i'm gonna look for my two soup cans and some string
Huan said:
Royally sucks.. I thought that maybe I could play some of the more faster paced games out there for a change.. But its just gonna stay with WoW for me..

All Hail the lag Queen!!!

ISDN is fast. Very fast. The catch is to keep the torrents and downloading to the absolute minimum and give as much bandwidth to the games as possible. Lag with IDSN is fantastic, as in as good if not better than most cable or dsl providers. In short, there is no reason you cannot play any game out there with IDSN.
BobSutan said:
ISDN is fast. Very fast. The catch is to keep the torrents and downloading to the absolute minimum and give as much bandwidth to the games as possible. Lag with IDSN is fantastic, as in as good if not better than most cable or dsl providers. In short, there is no reason you cannot play any game out there with IDSN.

This must be if a isdn router is used or something.. I've had isdn in the past and pings were usually 150ms there abouts.. I haven't had the oppurtunity to use it with my cisco 804 yet, but once this dsl order is cleared from my account, i'll be testing it soon enough.. Noone knows of any more isp's that support isdn besides cpu-net.net per chance?

Btw.. Isdn is too much like dialup for me to even dream of attempting torrents and downloading while playing a game.. No way in hell...
Nope, it was in internal TA (aka NIC). I got pings in the neighborhood of 40ms or so.
i suppose it all could be worse. I don't have any phone lines, just cell phones so when the cable goes out (once a year), I'm without internet. Now that my friend sucks balls. I remember saying....what'd I do for 56k right now :)
BobSutan said:
Nope, it was in internal TA (aka NIC). I got pings in the neighborhood of 40ms or so.

Hmm, was it an ISA card? I've searched for some that were pci, but mainly seem to find em from the UK,, granted I do tire of searching quickly though due to load times ;) 40ms is damn good latency.. Hell i could live with that... Btw, I replaced my order for isdn.. Its gonna be another month roughly scheduled date is 9-21-2006 /sigh bastards
Its PCI. Funny you mention the UK--that's where I was living at the time when I had ISDN.
Badger said:
Oh it was bob that despised cable, I see now. Yeah I thought it was you saying cable was available but you didn't want to get it. Why does bob despise cable?

My experience with cable internet hasnt been great. For how much it costs (~50 a month from comcast), your getting 384k upload. The download speeds were all over the place during the day. Sometimes it would be slow, sometimes at night, you would get the 8Mbps.

Maybe its just me with one or two bad connections, but DSL seemed to be a far better service than cable. 768-860k uploads, 1.5-5mb download speeds for less than comcasts cable. And then there is FiOS...

oh, and it turns out... DSL is avalible where I Live, it just takes 5 days of non-stop googling to find an isp :(.
Sounds like my experience going from Comcast to Verizon DSL. The maximum download speed may be less, but the overall experience is far, far, faaar better. Not only is latency, but in general responsiveness and consistency.