Westy 42W2 $999/37W3SE $799 free shipping at the egg


Aug 28, 2007
May not be hot, but it's pretty warm for those in the market...
Newegg has the 42W2 on clearance with free shipping as well. It's $999 at $500 off. I remember seeing these for ~$1100-1200 so it's not a huge discount, but it adds up when combined with the free shipping. Free shipping alone is going to save you around $60.


The 37W3SE also has free shipping on it, making the $799 new price tag a good steal.


Happy holidays!
That's a great price on the 37", i wonder where they got the stock from, i thought all the new 37" were gone.
The egg has had them for a while.. the price has been fluctuating from $899-$799 recently, but the deal is just that much sweeter with the free shipping. Better than the paypal $50 cash back price I got it back in November.

I don't think you can find new ones any cheaper than this, though make sure to look at neweggs bulk item return policy!
ah cool i got mine for ~$900 from costco like 6 months ago, love it, awesome monitor. Only thing that kinda sux about it is the power management is screwy, only works 1/3 of the time.
That 37 inch is the the older (sought after) model or the newer one that doesnt perform as well.

I have one of the newer ones and as intoxicated said, there's nothing wrong with them. He's already stated the primary difference. They're pretty much the same otherwise.
Thanks for the info guys....not sure where I read it but it was said that there was difference in the two that wasnt desirable to many.....I should bite I need a new monitor from this 24 inch
I'm with the 37W3, though I might have gotten the 42 had this been going on when I was in the buying mood.

Either way, the way I look at it is that when one is using their computer they're spending 99.999....% of the time looking at their monitor, so why not do everything you can to get the most out of the experience?

Absolutely love my 37W3. It's a month old and I still haven't removed the glossy cover on the screen just to prevent it from getting dusty. Still has bezel tags and all. It is an eye-catcher and everyone is amazed about how nice it looks.

Some say it's too big, I say they're jealous. :p

You can't go wrong with either of these models. :D
I dont see this moving well, Bestbuy has been selling the TX42 on specials on and off at the same price point, and the TX42 is definitely superior to the 42W2.

Come on Egg.... drop it to $699 and clear out the old stock.
I dont see this moving well, Bestbuy has been selling the TX42 on specials on and off at the same price point, and the TX42 is definitely superior to the 42W2.

Come on Egg.... drop it to $699 and clear out the old stock.

Yes and no. Superior feature set, but people have been having more problems with the TX series from what I've read.
Picture quality on the TX-42 is not so hot for computer usage, from what I've gathered at AVSForum.
Picture quality on the TX-42 is not so hot for computer usage, from what I've gathered at AVSForum.

I remember reading/hearing about people having problems with the 42" Westys'
hooked to their computers and going to a 37" Westy instead for a compatibility issue or something?
Anyone have input ?
I picked up the 37W3 over the 42TX exactly for the reasons that people have been having more problems with the TX's and that the colors aren't as deep and rich. My folks may be picking up a 42TX this weekend (they have lower standards ;) ) and I will be able to take a look side by side.

As far as the 42W2's go, I haven't heard them having any more problems than the 37W3's. They have their own set of problems I guess, but if you get a good sample of the lineup, the 37's and the 42's have superior image quality to the TX especially for computer usage. That's what's been floating around anyway... I did quite a bit of research on it when I was shopping for 37W3 alternatives.
yeah, i was quite happy about the deal, my old tv just died and looked at a few lcds in my price range,(under $1000), look over at the egg and see the 37W3SE for $799, place the order to find out that hours later checking the status i see the 42W2 for the same price as the 37W3SE, so i was in shock, so i canceled the 37W3SE and go for the 42W2, but then the next day the price jumped back up on the 42W2 to $999, so i was happy i got it for $799.
So from a Comp monitor standpoint, teh 37 would be better then the 42 color/clearity/issues wise?

BestBuys got the TX42 for 989 but if the 37" would be better id pick that up instead
The 10% coupon still works on that TV. I picked up one for 890 + tax.

Brought it home, Picture quality through HDMI from a PC was good, not as good as my LVM47-w1 that I have in teh living room.

Killer for me was the one I got had 15 stuck pixels. Some red, some green. It went back and I didn't get another.
The 10% coupon still works on that TV. I picked up one for 890 + tax.

Brought it home, Picture quality through HDMI from a PC was good, not as good as my LVM47-w1 that I have in teh living room.

Killer for me was the one I got had 15 stuck pixels. Some red, some green. It went back and I didn't get another.
what coupon ?
Except the 37" has $60 shipping again :mad:

But holy crap that 42" went down to $800 with free shipping!! When did it go out of stock?? :mad::mad::mad:
I have the 42W2 Westinghouse I got online for 820 refurbed + tax + 2nd day shipping brought it to $1000, so $800 shipped NEW is awesome, I have had it since September and no issues. I use it for general desktop use, gaming and tv/movie. So I only use the DVI and HDMI inputs. I did use the component for my HD cable till I got a HDMI cable, and the colors looked washed out, so I recommend HDMI. Only wish there were more HD channels, but that's not the monitors fault.

Gaming is awesome! 1920 x 1080 is good enough but not enough to kill your video card :) I played crysis on it on medium @ 1920 x 1080, but I mainly play BF series.

Movies look good, just sit further back, not 3 ft from it. Just wish I had HD DVD or Bluray, but for now I run movies through my PC thru PowerDVD or WMP.

Comcast HD looks good too, people complain about the deinterlacer on the 37" and maybe the 42" and recommend you set your cable box to 720p instead of 1080i but honestly, I can't tell a difference when I set it to 720p, so I left it at 1080i since higher resolution and looked the same.

Sometimes when the monitor first turns on to display the Windows Welcome Screen/Login it looks all messed up but I just turn it off/on and then it displays correctly. It does this maybe 1 out of 10 reboots, if not less, so very infrequently. I don't know why it does this, maybe because it just turned on and some weird reason, maybe it's the video card? It's no biggie @ all.

I'm glad I got this monitor/tv and I don't regret it! :)
Damn, that really sucks that those are OOS, I would have jumped on that in a heartbeat.
I bit on the 37", but after reading all of the reviews I opted to get the extended warranty (something I NEVER do). I'd rather be safe and spend a little extra and have peace of mind than get something shoddy and not be able to get a replacement on it.

Fortunately I live in the state next door, so 1 day shipping for me :D
I bit on the 37", but after reading all of the reviews I opted to get the extended warranty (something I NEVER do). I'd rather be safe and spend a little extra and have peace of mind than get something shoddy and not be able to get a replacement on it.

Fortunately I live in the state next door, so 1 day shipping for me :D

I'm sure your RTS skillz are going to get even better now using this monster monitor :D

does it come in black?

One color only I'm pretty sure....
Glad to see people hopping on bandwagon. I'm eager to see Diablo's when his arrives, he's a good friend of mine. :)