What $10 at home depot and a couple hours get you.


[H]F Junkie
Jan 16, 2005
I have a monowall setup and I was tired of the big case (in terms of only being a router). So I decided to make a new one. Being the cheap person I am I made it out of mdf.

Here is what it looked like before (700mhz celeron, 512mb of ram, 2x 3com 10/100mb nics):


Here is what it looked like after:

Left side (right side is exactly the same, as you can see the fan isn't in the center of the hole:p):




Back topish (the bolt in the center of the top is holding up the power supply, and the pci cards are bolted into a piece of wood that also holds up the power supply):


Back (the pci card on the far left converts compact flash to ide so thats my hard drive, all 8mb of it):


Inside shots so you can see how close together stuff is:



Top view with lid open (the bolt on the power supply is held up by duct tape so it doesn't fall when the nut is taken off):


Turned out ok I think :p.
lol, that is really ghetto, might want to shield it with some aluminum foil or something though, you know for emf and all that.
lol, that is really ghetto, might want to shield it with some aluminum foil or something though, you know for emf and all that.

Didn't even think about that, but it certainly would make it more ghetto to have aluminum foil glued to the outside. I might just do that! :p
Nicely cut blowhole, albeit off center, but good work!

lol, I used a hole saw they tend to cut a pretty good circle. It was a little scary using it though since the shaft is to big for my cordless drill and I didn't want to get out my huge drill. So what I did was find a socket that would fit in my drill and then put the shaft into the socket.
lol, I used a hole saw they tend to cut a pretty good circle. It was a little scary using it though since the shaft is to big for my cordless drill and I didn't want to get out my huge drill. So what I did was find a socket that would fit in my drill and then put the shaft into the socket.

My favorite part is by far the Power button. Classy.
My favorite part is by far the Power button. Classy.

If you look at the view of the inside you can see I used like 2" bolts to hold it on. Took like 2 min just to screw the power switch on.
Damn, now I'm really tempted to do the same to mine. Even the mATX it's in atm is far too big for a PSU, mobo & 2x low-profile NICs!
now you have to paint it black, with flames and lightning bolts, put a window on it, and a couple of uv tubes. oh yea, and stealth the psu bolt and power switch.
I don't want to threadjack, but I actually did the exact same thing about a month ago. I took an older uATX setup and built a case for it out of MDF. I did a few things differently--I used only MDF, no bracing or anything, just glued together. I also painted it, and routed the edges. At the moment, it's serving as a print server, and will soon take the role of file server as well. Here are a few pics:


I used little supports because the mdf I had is alot thinner. Looks ghetto fabulous just like mine. :p