What 21" CRT do you recommend?


[H]F Junkie
Dec 24, 2001
A highend with excellent image quality that is. That also is priceworthy :).

It has to be better then my Dell 1626HT 21" Trinitron monitor with aperture grill (manufactured by Sony).

Now Trinitron is replaced by Diamondtron but except being 100 % flat are diamondtron really better then Trinitron? Colours, sharpness, geometry?
Yeah but that seem to have a less good tube. No Trinitron or Diamondtron. Now I have found this nec multisync FP2141sb that looks pretty awesome really. What refreshrates do it do at 1280x960? I am hoping for 120 but haven´t found any info yet.

Any other equivalents to this? Diamondtron with Aperture grill since Trinitron seem nonexistant?
Yeah trinitron screens seem to be going the way of the dinosaur. If you really like that type of screen you'll have to search hard for a good one, and be prepared to spend some $$$.

I used to have a Trinitron 21". Loved it till it died. I'm very happy with my current shadow mask screen though. As long as the monitor itself is quality, they can be very nice, and no stabilizing lines through the screen. It's all preference though.
And you got that 1100df now. How do you like it? Sharpness, colours? Does it have as good colours as your trinitron?

Diamondtron seem to have replaced it all together and from what I have heard is the way you should go for really high quality. At least the pricing seem to indicate so since those who don´t have it is a lot cheaper.

But I think I will just hold on to my dinosaur until it die. I am not so sure Diamondtron is really any better than Trinitron. Can live with my screen not being 100 % flat just almost :)
Well, since Sony is moving mainly towards LCDs, and it discontinued the F520 Trinitron monitor, all they really have to compete with Diamondtrons is the CPD C520, which is $1600 and is not even on the same level with the F520.

If you want a replacement 21 inch monitor for when your faithful Trinitron lights its last screen, you'll really just want to look at the Diamondtron tubes; I own one (the FP912SB from NEC) and it is quite a beauty.

Monitors you should consider are: NEC FP2141 or Mitubishi DP2070. These are the same monitor, and the bigger brother of my FP912. I've seen this thing and it is great, excellent color reproduction, clear text, and also high resolutions and refresh rates. It can handle 1280x960 at 120+ Hz, and tops out at 2048x1536@85 (though I don't know who runs such a resolution on a 22 inch monitor).

Maximum PC has picked the NEC FE2111 as their best monitor now that the F520 has been discontinued, and the FE2111 uses a tube one step below the one in the DP2070, if that tells you anything.

And for some reason, Maximum PC didn't review the FP2141/DP2070.

The FP2141 / FP912's are simply the best. Too bad they are becoming less and less available. I own the 912SB and it's beautiful. Highest quality tube of any CRT.

6800 Ultra & FP912SB with just the right amount of digital vibrance = sex.

If your looking for a 22" (21" actual) moniter, I suggest you exhaust all options in finding a NEC FP2141SB.
Yes, for some reason the NECs are getting phased out.

Not to worry though, since Mitsubishi makes monitors that are equivalent, yet more expensive.

NEC FP2141 = Mitsubishi DP2070
NEC FE2111 = actually, I have no clue what the equivalent of the FE2111 is.
NEC FP912SB = Mitsubishi DP930 - these are 19 inch monitors though, so probably not as important.
I would take a MItsubishi Dimondtron or sony trinitron over any other monitor. I have the Musubishi 930sv and it is the best monitor I have ever used by far, Check out AZAtek.com they sell grade a used Sony trinitrons and they are very good, a friends of mine boght 2 of them and they were perfect and got both for $400

Check out these, Mitsubisi makes some dahm good crtsand they kill any shadow mask monitor on the market


Thos cornerstone is also very good

It uses a Musubishi tube

And appature grille may be dying and thats even more reason to buy one now, I love thema nd will forever use them as long as they are available

! tip dont but Viewsonics Appaturegrill/shadow mask combos screens The P serries They kinda dont even compare
The difference between the Trinitron and Diomondtron is that the trinitron used 3 electron guns and the diomond tron only uses 1 for all 3 colors. I like the mitsubishi better actually
I prefer my Nokia 445Pro. I can game at 1280x1024 using a refresh of 160hz. 1024x768 @ 180hz. .21 aperture grill too....but the sad thing is...I don't think they're made any more.

We have a TON of those NEC 21" FP series at work and they all SUCK ASS. Maybe we got a bad batch or something...but if that's the case we've been getting bad batches for the past 2 years now. They only seem to last about 3-4 years (if you're lucky) before the flyback transformer goes bad in them. It's about $80-$100 for the part if you replace it yourself (which the company I work for just tosses them and buys a new monitor. For whatever reason they keep buying the same thing that they're replacing and then replace it also a few years later...go figure...must be corporate common sense at work there)

But the ones we have DO HAVE AN AWSOME PICTURE..until that flyback transformer goes bad...

:EDIT: The office I work as has NEC FE1250+'s, NECFP1250's, and NECFE2111SB's. But they all thave the flyback transformer problem here.

as far as Nokia being owned by Viewsonic now, you're correct. For the screen , I'm thinking it was trinitron (has the two ground lines on the screen, 1/4 the way down from the top and 1/4 the way up from the bottom)...but don't quote me on it.
i didn't realize my sony f5xx's were so expensive
i got 3 of em on ebay 12 months ago for $75 each

there are lots of them floating around ebay
and especialy local computer markets
Okay so they are very nice until they break or? What other monitors are there of similar quality yet not above 650$? Nokia is Viewsonic now right?

Was that 445 PRO Trinitron and Diamondtron? Shadowmask don´t cut it to me.
I have a pair of dual Sony CPDG520P 21" FlatScreen monitors.
They work great, but I dont know how easy they are to find anymore.
I bought mine from newegg about 2 years ago

For me it stands between the NEC/Mitsubishi or Philips equivalent. Philips have it´s own diamondtron technology though.
What is this refurbished stuff newegg sells? There was a FP2141 "refurbished". Is that used monitors they have repaired or?
I don't think Newegg repairs anything. Their refurbs are usually just products people returned and have only used a few times and can't be sold "as new" anymore.
Well I went with the Philips 202p40.

It´s refresh rates demolishes the Nec Fe2111 which is the only one NEC Multisync diamondtron available to Sweden and it got really nice reviews and was recommended from a guy that has one :).

Also it being almost 200$ cheaper here in Sweden don´t hurt. It went 776$ instead of 960$ för the little brother to FP4121. That also had a BNC connection and place for an USB hub.

And 1600x1200 at 105 hertz is quite impressive and 2000 something at 80... Stereo3d gaming at 1600x1200 must be awesome.

Now the only question mark is the tube. The review says it has a diamondtron tube manufactured by mitsubishi with aperture grill whereas the specs in stores only say real flat with aperture grill. But real flat is also used on Philips tv so I guess that is their own diamondtron technology or something not sure. It´s not that shadow mask crap that´s for sure from what I have heard some kind of diamondtron.

Also can you see CRTrepairman in this thread? He´s like invisible to me :( Would like to see his opinions as well :) Before entering this thread it said crtrepairman was the last to reply yet I can´t see him?
My Viewsonic p225fb was an awesome monitor. Until it died.
And then I sent it in for warranty work, and UPS dropped it off of the forklift and it shattered.

Which brings me to my question:
I'm looking for a replacement (When I get the check from UPS), and I'm either going to get another p225fb, or the NEC2141/Mitsubish2070.

I've searched for hours and I can't find a single difference in the monitors (2141/2070) other than the price, and then I read here that they're the same. Are they really the -same- monitor? If so, that saves me a few $$.

Anyone able to compare the 2141 to the p225fb?
I am quite sure they are the same. NEC and Mitsubishi merged I think that´s why they have two models.

You may also want to look out the Philips 202p40 at least if it´s a bit cheaper. Handles as high if not higher refresh rates than the FP2141 and 2070 and Philips is known to make good monitors too :).

I went with that primarily because it was cheaper and I would have to get the little brother to the FP2141 and that I am sure would not be worth spending any extra if any than the 202p40 :)

202P40, FP2141 and D2070 is the three choices I have found interesting during my chase.
I think if it uses a Diamondtron tube, then the tube is from Mitsubishi since they hold the licenses, copyrights, patents, and stuff.

I think Sony and Mitsu make 99% of the aperture grille CRTs used in the industry, so it sounds to me that the Philips monitor you're buying has the same tube as the Mitsubishi DP2070 and NEC FP2141, but at a lower price.

Similarly, Cornerstone also has a monitor that uses the tube found in Mitsubishi's DP2070.

Oh, and NEC and Mitsubishi are sleeping together.

That or they started with that tube then they got their own technology which they sell as "real flat"? Which they aren´t allowed to call Diamondtron. I think there must be something like that since just about every other monitor it says if it has diamondtron or not. And Philips is quite large of a company too it wouldn´t be strange if they went that route.

I have heard somewhere that mitsubishi, Sony, Philips and one other company have the technology to produce these kind of monitors though I am not all sure.

But either it has to have the mitsubishi diamondtron or philips own tech that copies it.

There is a USB hubb to by separately for it which is really nice now I just hope that the company I ordered the monitor from can order that as well as the same time for not to large price. Costs 37$ something in the US.