What 26" - 28" LCDs are Coming Out this Year?


Sep 10, 2004
I'm curious as to what 26" to 28" LCDs are coming out during this year. If anyone has any info, please post.

So far I've heard about Dell's 2707, NEC 2690, and the Viewsonic VX2835WM. Does anyone know of any others? I'm still looking for the date when the Viewsonic will be shipped.

The Viewsonic should already have been shipped. Wonder why the delay.
I've read pricing for the Viewsonic will be in the sub 900.00 range - nice if true.

But I've never liked Viewsonic's large LCD monitors. Side by side, they are
off in just so many aspects (color balance, clarity, even design).

The Dell is just awesome, especially after the less than stellar reviews turned
in by the Samsung 275T. Its the monitor to beat. PERIOD !
Thanks for the info Mindoculus. I'm hoping to post more here as I have time (like specs, links, reviews, etc.).

I hope others will post here as well.