What 9 series is equal or better than the 8800GTS 512MB?


Limp Gawd
Apr 18, 2006
Looking to upgrade from my glitchy 7900GT. Running a 19" monitor, gaming at 1280x1024 I believe.
Also, do the G92 cards require certain mobo's to run or is it plug-n-play for any board?
any modern board with a 16x PCI-E slot will work

9800GTX is faster than an 8800GTS 512MB, don't think its worth the extra cost, so not a good buy unless you get it cheap.
Looking to upgrade from my glitchy 7900GT. Running a 19" monitor, gaming at 1280x1024 I believe.
Also, do the G92 cards require certain mobo's to run or is it plug-n-play for any board?

Equal or better = 9800 GTX
Better = 9800 GX2

As long as your motherboard has at least a PCI-e slot, you'll be ok. The only things you need to be sure of, are the power connectors on your PSU.
Like lucky said, the 9800GTX is faster then the 8800GTS (92) but only slightly and not worth the extra coin, unless you have the coin to spare.
at 1280x1024

The 9800GX2 would be a big mistake. It's basically SLI on a card, you won't see any preformance increases at those resolutions.

a single 8800GTS would max you out on todays games. Alternatively you could wait till late june/early july to get on board the GT200 bandwagon. (Time frame, like allways, is based on unconfirmed rumors) That card is expected to get you about double the preformance for about doubel the price. Of course at that resolution you won't see any improvement because you'll be running at max at 60+FPS with lots of AA on anything that is out today.
Actually the tigerdirect deal on the 9800GTX is only a little bit more than the 8800GTS.
Coming from someone who actually had an 8800 and now has a 9800 gtx (Unlike most everyone who runs their mouth about this subject) the 9800 GTX is a better and faster card than the 8800's. Better OC ability. Better stock speeds across the boards. Better heat sink and thermal transfer ability. Better voltage circuitry...Ignorance breeds complacency. Dont listen to people who just repeat something without experiencing what they are talking about. The 9800GTX is a great card and despite what alot of people say, it is worth the money. Just look around and you will find it for less than 300 with MIR.
8800GT is more than enough, I play with mine at 1920x1080 with lil to no AA on some games. 1280x1024 should be a breeze with everything on max.

Seriously save some money for GT200 or the new Atis later this year.
8800GT is more than enough, I play with mine at 1920x1080 with lil to no AA on some games. 1280x1024 should be a breeze with everything on max.

Seriously save some money for GT200 or the new Atis later this year.

+1 to that.
Bad time to buy the 88xx or 98xx right now as ati and NV are about to roll out their next cards in 2 months time. These cards will be even cheaper.
Coming from someone who actually had an 8800 and now has a 9800 gtx (Unlike most everyone who runs their mouth about this subject) the 9800 GTX is a better and faster card than the 8800's. Better OC ability. Better stock speeds across the boards. Better heat sink and thermal transfer ability. Better voltage circuitry...Ignorance breeds complacency. Dont listen to people who just repeat something without experiencing what they are talking about. The 9800GTX is a great card and despite what alot of people say, it is worth the money. Just look around and you will find it for less than 300 with MIR.
Regardless of how ignorant you think people are they can can look at a cards specs and read a benchmark. Ignorance is also wasting money for such a tiny upgrade over an 8800gts. :rolleyes:
Regardless of how ignorant you think people are they can can look at a cards specs and read a benchmark. Ignorance is also wasting money for such a tiny upgrade over an 8800gts. :rolleyes:

Read his sig: He had to for tri-SLI, which the 8800 GTS 512MB doesn't support. Which is even more of a waste as the [H] review shows, but that's a whole 'nuther ball of wax.
I'll have a 9800gtx later today. Upgrading from a 6600gt I know it will be worlds better, even when I had them in sli. And $269 is a damn good price; only ~$15 more than a 8800gts512 (before $30 mir) and ~$100 less than a 8800gtx.

I went with evga so if the 9900 comes out before Aug 8 and doesn't cost me my last nut I can always step up.

Either way; don't wait. Buy now, enjoy, trade up later. There's alot of good deals out there right now.
Bad time to buy the 88xx or 98xx right now as ati and NV are about to roll out their next cards in 2 months time. These cards will be even cheaper.

There is always something "new and improved" coming out...The OP should buy somthing now that fits his needs and be happy about it.
True, new cards are coming out. However, you can resell your 8800xxx and 9800xxx cards with only a 20%-30% reduction. That's pretty good for computer components.
There is always something "new and improved" coming out...The OP should buy somthing now that fits his needs and be happy about it.

Depends. If one wants the latest-and-greatest, now really is a terrible time to buy, with the GT200 coming soon. If one wants bang-for-buck though, now is a great time. I doubt the little-sibling of GT200 will be here anytime soon.
Equal or better = 9800 GTX
Better = 9800 GX2

Yep, those 2 are your best bet. Now as far as price/performance is concerned, I wouldn't call it a huge upgrade...if you have a good 88xx series card you aren't going to see a major performance gain. For the time being I'm sticking with my eVGA 8800GT Superclocked until prices come down because I already have DX10 support and the 98xx series isn't that big of a jump for me...especially for the price.
I'll have a 9800gtx later today. Upgrading from a 6600gt I know it will be worlds better, even when I had them in sli. And $269 is a damn good price; only ~$15 more than a 8800gts512 (before $30 mir) and ~$100 less than a 8800gtx.

I went with evga so if the 9900 comes out before Aug 8 and doesn't cost me my last nut I can always step up.

Either way; don't wait. Buy now, enjoy, trade up later. There's alot of good deals out there right now.

This is exactly what i did. I bought 2 8800GTS's when they came out in december, stepped them up to GX2. Now that i have sold my GX2's, i'm actually coming out of the deal with 2 9800GTX's for only a few bucks out of pocket over and above what i originally paid for my 8800GTS's. Not a bad deal considering its been 6 months since i started the whole switcheroo, and i even get the option to step up if 9900's are the "second coming of jesus" like everyone seems to think.
I got a factory overclocked 8800 GTS 512MB for about $250. So far I'm pretty happy with it, probably get another one to see what this SLI business is all about (I might have been better off with the GX2 maybe). Theres no point in waiting. Get what you want now, you can always step up to the new series if you buy EVGA.
Read his sig: He had to for tri-SLI, which the 8800 GTS 512MB doesn't support. Which is even more of a waste as the [H] review shows, but that's a whole 'nuther ball of wax.

Hehe, yeah, there is nothing that really scales with it, but its nice to be able to say I have it :p

But the 9800 is an improvement over the 88 series. I have seen first hand the difference. From how I understood the op's opening post, he wants to know which would be a better buy. To me that says he has neither. Me personally if I didnt have either and I was going to buy one it would be the 9800 simply because you can get them for about 300 bucks now and they do offer more umph than the typical 88 series. Now if the op already has an 8800 card (which he never stated) Then of course, dont buy one. Thats just common sense to most of us.