What ancient pc game do you want remade?

Carmageddon. Man id love to mow down pedestrians with gore in HD. Watch out gRAMMMA!!!!!

For ancient tho, maybe a new Jumpman, karateka, Space Quest 3.
A proper space empire game the likes of MOO2, just not sucky like MOO3 turned out to be. Also a proper 3D turn-based Fallout like Van Buren was supposed to be. I wish there was a way to mod Fallout 3 so it was completely turn based combat instead of needing to use VATS to be unstoppable.
ROTT ftw, I would love to see a remake or sequel

I would also like to see any classic sierra game remade (phantasmagoria, kings quest, etc). Not necessarily PC games, but I also want to eventually see a new ToeJam and Earl and RoadRash
Tribes 1 no changes just a graphic update with the EXACT same unchanged gameplay.
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This would definitely be my first choice.
Dungeon Keeper would be next.

There are a lot of good choices in this thread though.
Independence War 2
Deus Ex if they didnt touch one damn thing other than graphics
Tie Fighter

Definitely not ancient but if KOTOR had like Gears graphics or something along those lines...OMG drool
Master of Magic
Fallen Haven

FTW! Especially STAR CONTROL 2!!!

Add to that some other Bullfrom titles like Dungeon Keeper, Populous, and Magic Carpet, and i think we have a win win situation.

After you list the tiles that Bullfrog came out with, you start to realize that they had some of the most interesting game concepts ever developed.
Grim Fandango updated with higher resolutions and 16:9 would be great.
I still want a Baldur's Gate 3.
ROTT is a shooter I'd revisit in a heartbeat.
I was always a fan of old-school adventure games. Stuff like Shadowgate, Deja Vu, etc. I'd really like to see one of those or something along the lines of Phantasmagoria or Gabriel Knight again. Alan Wake seemed like it was going to be one of those games, but the final product was just a bad shooter.
I'm with the OP on MAGIC CARPET! that game was ahead of its time.

And Dungeon Keeper was the shiznit!
mech warrior 2 and interstate 76 would rule

I will add that for me a remake would be best as same damn game, better graphics.

Terra nova as said above by someone would be great!, maybe get some better actors for the FMVs
X-com would be nice, I know about the UFO afterlight etc games, they're alright but its not the same
Descent has already mentioned
Shadow Warrior.....

Who want some of Wang..!

Hell yes. Games need a bit more humor these days. So I'm adding the "No one lives for ever" series also.

Wing Commander I-IV (Just graphics updates, they can even keep the Mark Hamil cut scenes.)
Freespace 2.
No one Lives forever (graphics only)
Thief series.
Janes series (pretty much all of them)
Shadow Warrior!
X-Wing VS Tie.
Dark Forces series, to include jedi academy.
Eye of the Beholder series.
Max Payne I and II
I want a modern Commander Keen.. but that would be better for XBLA. Even if they redid the old games in HD that would make me happy. My childhood demands this.

Also, a new Kings Quest for PC :)
Shogo Mobile Armored Division...enough said.

And wife says Giant Citizen Kabuto :D
Shogo Mobile Armored Division...enough said.

Yup needs an overhaul:



A dark, edgy, and gritty Secret of Monkey Island (that doesn't look looney tunes)

Sword combat ends with removal of limbs.


god that was a great game...

Darkseed... another classic


and last but not least, the dark half (based on the stephen king novel)... one of my good friends and I used to play the hell out of it when we were kids. it's a horror themed point and click adventure game
Steel Panthers
Imperialism 2
Side Meirer's Gettysburg

Not terribly old but, another homeworld game.
Second for SimAnt
Anyone said SimCity yet? We haven't seen a new simcity in a while